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kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - Printable Version

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kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - valo-kas - 06-10-2018

there was some kind of political tension that had been popping off between this place and home sweet swamp long enough for even valo-kas to be catching on. that wasn’t anything that really concerned them, though. what are they going to do, kill me? they wouldn’t. and even if they would, that hadn’t kept valo-kas down for long in the past. the thought made their stomach churn sickly, a feeling they elected to ignore in favor of sticking to their plan.

the mutant stood oozing and brazen at the border, three eyes half-lidded and lips peeled back in a garish smile. “[color=salmon]hey bastardos come talk to me.” they croaked in a voice that made them sound impatient, but really, they didn’t care if it took ages to get an audience. valo-kas had time.

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had been patrolling the borders when the smell of someone from Tanglewood had hit her nostrils. She had flown up and headed in the direction of the smell, blue-eyes narrowed as she heard Valo-kas speak.

"Name and buisness." She said, flying over the Tanglewood member, in case they tried attacking her or attempting to try anything.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - valo-kas - 06-10-2018

"[color=salmon]shokrakar, i'm here on a very important quest. i want to join." they didn't. well, maybe for a hot minute - wasn't like anyone back home would know so long as they washed the smell of, right? -but in the long term, valo-kas just wanted to poke around and have fun. "[color=salmon]it's very important. i said important, but it is, though." they insisted with a roll of their shoulders.

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
They were on a very important quest? That sounded kind of odd, but she had decided to take a seat on the ground, folding her wings. Blue eyes would run over the "newcomer" and she spoke. "Er, alright. Would you like a tour, Shokrakar?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - charrie graveyard - 06-10-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]The wolf would approach soon after Luna, brows furrowed as he internally repeated the stranger’s name to himself. Shokrakar? That sounded... weird. Dumb almost. Were they trying to say saltine cracker? That would make a lot more sense but... maybe he shouldn’t judge. "Shokrakar, huh? Interesting name... I’m Joel. I suppose it’s ok if you join, so uh, welcome to The Ascendants." He said, giving a nod towards the other male before falling silent again.

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - BASTILLEPAW - 06-10-2018

There wasn't too much that seemed to phase Bastille these days. He barely batted an eye at the scent of Tanglewood, his cold stare shifting over the stranger (well, he recognized their face vaguely from a visit) with something akin to boredom. "What, you get sick of fucking about with Becky in that god awful swamp? Fine by me if you wanna stay. We'll get you a room."

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - valo-kas - 06-11-2018

haha wow. they were winging it so hard that it was in danger of just flying away on them. valo-kas, or, shokrakar, wherever that bullshit came from, giggled wetly.

[color=salmon]yeah i hate that damn swamp. smells like booty. too muddy. angry gators everywhere.” lies, valo loved the gators and their voluptuous reptile bodies and leathery, dirty, wonderful hides. but shit, looked like shokrakar didn’t care. “[color=salmon]hm. joel. inch-resting name.” they parroted obnoxiously. “[color=salmon]you sound like your mom hated you. anyway, ya’ll got uh, uuhh, wifi?” they gargled absently. “[color=salmon]and yeah tour me the fuck up, sweet thing. show me all the stuff.

Re: kokopelli face tattoo // o - visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Shokrakar was quite the interesting person, she'd have to say. She would eye Bastille as he had approached, though she had quickly focused on the joiner after he had spoken.

"Unless you have any other things to do right now, we can just go on this tour right now." The Kuiper Corporal said.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯