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LOOKING FOR A STRANGER » private - Printable Version

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LOOKING FOR A STRANGER » private - tinsel - 06-09-2018

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when ginny was in college, she'd dated this boy named ben for a few months. it had failed because they were twenty and in college, because she always had too much homework and he'd wanted excitement or something like that. but the one thing ginny remembered from the relationship, brief as it was, was a dark night when she'd met him at the bar he worked at. she'd sat down, they'd chatted for a few minutes, and within that time, she'd ordered a drink, and he'd dissected what drinks said about a person.

people who ordered mai tai's saw the bright side, and their favorite color tended to be sparkes. people who ordered martini's listened to jazz, smoked to look cool, and didn't grin much. bloody mary's were people who would do anything, long island iced tea's were for people who couldn't handle their alcohol, and chardonnay were for women after break up's.

so, ginny had given him a sweet grin, the sort of smile that made the dimples in her cheeks stand out and her dark eyes squint a little. "and what does pinot grigio say about me?" she'd quipped playfully, a brow quirked as she raised the glass to her lips. he smiled back, a cheeky short of smile that flashed straight teeth and brightened the greens of his eyes. "you probably speak italian. visited italy once or twice, too." he seemed confident in this deduction, and the giggling fit that erupted from her made her nearly spit the liquid out, hardly managing to swallow. "au contraire, i speak french." she told him with a playful wink, setting the plate down and leaning forward on the counter a bit, the wine making her a little more brave, a little more flirtatious. "the name just looked fancy, and i wanted to impress you."

there was no pretty green-eyed boy's to impress tonight, though. as much as ginny loved her job, as much as she loved working with children, the blonde couldn't help how exhausted it could leave her. head pounding, bed calling her name, she knew she'd just lay there all night without a wink of sleep without some... help. help was the pet name that she'd given to tall glasses of wine these days.

she'd looked nice that morning. the brown-gray dress fitted to her frame in a very modest, church-appropriate way, a paired with the pale pink cardigan and heels. hair pulled up in a tasteful pony tail, makeup sparse and natural-looking. however, after eight hours of eight-year-old's, her clothes looked fine but her composure was tired. shoulders sagged a bit, eyes were low, and everything about the blonde made it clear that she could go for a nice, century long nap right about now. but it was thursday, and she'd have to do it all again the next night, too.

as she made her way to the bar, sitting down, she didn't hesitate to let the heels slip off her feet and onto the ground. it was five o'clock on a thursday, the bar wasn't packed, and she doubted anyone would try to tell her to put her feet away after dealing with twenty-four children all day. her feet were clean, hardly visible beneath the bar, and she doubted anyone would really care.

"can i get some-" she sighed, elbows resting on the bar, face burying in her hands. "some red wine? i don't really care what." she just needed to forget about the amount of spit balls and gum that had touched her that day.
