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MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - Printable Version

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MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - PIERCE - 03-19-2018

Something bad had happened. Something terrible. Pierce knew this, for tears stained his cheeks, and though his paws hurt like hell from the journey here, his heart hurt so much more. He had left, and his family would soon follow suit. But why was he crying? Why couldn’t he stop? Though he couldn’t recall, he’d witnessed something he’d never thought he’d have to - she had died. Right in front of him, she’d died. Died for him. His throat was raw from his screaming, the sobs that had been torn from it. Then, there’d been a voice beside him, and an apparition- her. She’d brought him here. Promised him his family would be safe here. So he had left. Written to the ones he loved and just prayed to whatever was up there that they came after him.

Pierce shook his head- it was killing him. The cold nipping his nose and crunch of snow beneath his paws was... familiar. But this wasn’t home. No, definitely not, for he couldn’t see any sign of his family or his studio or anything. He tightened his old red scarf around his throat, letting out a soft breath that created a small puff of vapor in the air. He looked disheveled, having clearly traveled a long distance to get here. His usual leather satchel was stuffed with supplies, and he carried another bag, one far bigger, that held his most prized belongings. He had some of his paints and sketchbooks and canvases, as well as all of his Harry Potter books and a few other ones he just couldn’t let go. He’d also grabbed his... whatever Riddlersgame was to him, now,’s favorite book, the It book with the frighteningly-cover he’d redesigned for him so long ago, just in case the tabby forgot it. There were a few other things, too, gifts from old friends he couldn’t quite recall, but things he knew mattered quite a bit to him. Pierce could remember packing all of this, quite clearly. He could even remember leaving his home, writing a heartfelt note to his daughter and Riddler, urging them to follow after him. But... why? Someone had told him he had to go. Someone he loved- but where was she? Shouldn’t they be together now?

he mumbled. That was her name. She had been with him, he was sure. Had something happened? Fresh tears slipped past his eyes, and a sob threatened to rise in his chest, but he forced it down. What was wrong with him? Wiping his cheeks, he swelt his worried amber visionaries over his surroundings, but he saw nothing - just mountains and trees and snow. Things that should comfort him, but only set him more on edge. What if  Rid couldn’t find his way and he never saw him or his little girl again? Pierce had left a trail, but... the dappled tom shook his head. He was being dumb. His family was smart. He had been careful about his trail. Besides, clearly, something bigger was going on; there were gaps in his memory. He didn’t know what that scar on his shoulder was, or why he loved this painting in his bag so much, but he knew he should. He’d seen people struggle with this before- amnesia, and it’d always terrified him, forgetting those he loved. The terrible part was, he hadn’t- he could hear their voices, see their faces, but there was no context, and hardly any names.

You’re Pierce, he told himself. You love Clem and Rid. You’re twenty-one months old. Yeah, that was right. Maybe he was okay? “And I’m from... uh...” Oh god, he needed help. He needed Riddler, but he wasn’t here yet. Hana had brought him here for a reason, though, hadn’t she? She said it was safe. Did that mean there was other people, too? It looked like home. There had been people at home; lots of people. It was probably his best chance to just go for it - of course he couldn’t ask any strangers for help with his memory, but he could ask them for food and shelter. They’d given that to people who needed it back home; he’d just never expected the tables to ever turn. Pierce took a few steps forward, raising his nose. It didn’t smell like any clan he’d ever known- or, he didn’t think so.

“Um, hello? the effeminate serval called, shifting his weight between frigid paws. “Is anyone there? I’m P-Pierce. Pierce Parker. I, uh, don’t know where I am.”


//lol this is kinda shitty but ya boi’s here & mobile

Re: MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - jacob w.c. - 03-19-2018

Jacob had strange dreams and visions. It wasn't something he talked about a lot, mostly because when he'd brought it up to anyone in the city they scoffed at the idea there was any weight in such things. Still, that didn't change the fact he knew what he saw. Some of it was from the fire. He smelled smoke constantly and sometimes he swore he saw flames flickering just out of the corner of his eye. When he slept, he could still hear his Pa yelling and could still see the fire consuming all that was around him. That night may have been over but his mind wouldn't let him forget it anytime soon, whether he was awake or asleep. Other times, though, there was... something else. Beings that came from a place he didn't know. Sometimes he swore it was like memories that no longer belonged to him or, when he was up in the early hours of the morning particularly, he swore he could hear voices that referred to him by another name. He didn't know what any of it was but he'd conditioned himself to ignore it all. Sometimes, though, there were voices he couldn't refuse. Voices that needed help. Sometimes he could help and other times he couldn't.

Currently, his mind was drifting to a voice that'd tried to call out to him just a few nights ago. His first night in Snowbound. It hadn't said his name but it knew it was meant for him. It was a strange sensation and he couldn't help but dwell on it and wonder what would have happened had he replied. Now, though, he heard a new voice that was certainly less mysterious in nature. Jacob made his way towards the voice as quickly as he could, his limp growing more pronounced as he tried to press onward. Finally, he arrived and allowed himself to sit and relax his bad legs. "Hello. M' name's Jacob. You're in Snowbound. Where'd ya' come from? Maybe someone 'ere could help ya' find your way back if you're lost. I can give ya' some food n' water before ya' head back out after ya' get some directions," the boy offered with a gentle smile.

Re: MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - JERSEYBOY - 03-21-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]Jerseyboy hadn't known what to expect once he and his brother had ventured into the wild. Leaving the suburbs and the streets behind was one of the dumbest decisions he had ever acted upon, admittedly. But, then again, perhaps it was better for them out here. There were no rabid dogs, no animal control, nobody trying to rip you apart. It was quiet out here. It certainly wasn't what he was used to, but he would have to make the best of everything.

The tuxedo tom wandered up next to Jacob as he addressed the lanky big cat standing in front of him. He towered over him, though he didn't feel a bit threatened by his art supplies and books. From what he had observed so far, there was little chance that this guy was some mean brute that could rip his limbs off. Jerseyboy was just as confused as the serval was, and he asked, "What, you lookin' for somewhere else?" Maybe he had taken a wrong turn... somewhere. It wasn't too smart to get lost out in these parts. He blinked as Jacob finished his spiel and he gestured to the husky, "Ah, what he said." A moment later, the tom added, "'n loosen up while you're at it, huh? We ain't gonna bite."

Re: MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - PIERCE - 03-22-2018

Pierce was scared. Scared of who might be the first to approach him, of what words might tumble past his lips, words he might be supposed to keep secret. He wss scared that Rid and Clem would get lost along the way, or maybe that his... friend would just decide not to come entirely. That he would leave Pierce in this strange new place all alone. Pierce knew what it was to be alone, and he didn’t intend on ever feeling that again, but without Hana leading him here and his family at his side, he felt so utterly helpless and lonely. The first person to approach him wasn’t big and scary, though, even if he wasn’t someone Pierce loved. He seemed nice, even before he spoke up.

Large amber eyes were raised to focus on Jacob, a somewhat anxious smile finding its way to Pierce’s maw as the other approached. He didn’t know what it was - he definitely didn’t know this kid -, but something about him felt familiar, and comfortable. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all? Snowbound. It was a pretty name, and it suited this territory. Perhaps some would call it uncreative or original, but he had to disagree. Not everything had to be complex and thought out. It was nice, and that was what mattered.

he echoed, licking his dry, now-cold nose. ”Is this a clan? If  you don’t mind me asking, who’s your leader?” Did he know them? Probably not, but maybe. He paused, realizing he was probably asking too many questions and overstepping his boundaries. Sitting back a bit - he realized he’d kind of been leaning forward -, he listened to Jacob’s inquiry, pausing.  Where was he... from? Home. It had a name, and he knew it did, but he couldn’t remember it for the life of him. ”I- uh... I don’t- don’t remember,” he managed, not stuttering as he once had out of reflex or fear, but just as he thought out his next words. He had to choose them carefully, so as to avoid further questioning. 

The dappled tom really had no idea what to say, though, only offering Jacob a tight smile as he ran through his options in his head, until Jersey showed up. Now, this guy was really familiar, but Pierce didn’t know any Jerseyboys, and he was pretty sure the man before him wasn’t one easily forgotten. 

"What, you lookin' for somewhere else?"

and Pierce was quick to shake his head, not too sure of the answer himself. HAna hadn’t told him the name of the place they were going to- or, if she had, he couldn’t remember. ”Oh, no, no, my- uh, my friend brought me here. I just... don’t know where she is. My- um, my daughter and my... uh, the rest of my family  are supposed to be here someday soon. Is it, ah, okay with you guys if we stick around? We can, like, totally carry our own weight, and stuff- the... other guy coming and I grew up in a place kinda like this.” Where the hell that was? He had no idea. But he knew they  had, that much was for sure. He paused for a moment, his claws sinking slightly into the sand as Jers spoke, though his smile did seem to brighten slightly at his words. ”Yeah, right- sorry.” What was he apologising for? No idea, really. ”Hey, uh, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you guys’  names?” He’d already introduced himself - he was curious to properly meet the other two.



Re: MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - jacob w.c. - 03-22-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Complexity was something Jacob could do without. He was used to thinking through every word and action (of course, unless Jersey convinced him to do otherwise) and he dreamed of having a life where he didn't think about how much information he told or who knew his full name. Something as simple as a name shouldn't be a thing that needed to be hidden but it was clear to him that was the case. Too much had happened to him because he wasn't careful enough. Too much had happened to the people he cared about because he wasn't careful enough. He hoped that here, in the middle of nowhere, his name wouldn't matter to anyone. However, with all the people arriving, it was hard to say if that was the case. For now, he'd keep as much information to himself as possible and then, once he knew he could trust everyone here, he'd share as much as they wanted to know. Besides, he could share in his own way. By making traditional Italian food and knitting the patterns Harrison had taught him. He could share himself in little ways and that would have to be enough.

He could tell the man before him was nervous so he tried to give his best comforting smile. He was a naturally friendly person so it was safe to assume he wasn't the cause of the anxiousness but he didn't care to pry about what the real reason was. "Um, well, sort of. Actually, 'm not sure what they- we call ourselves. Our leader's name 's Leigh," he answered, casting a glance to Jersey as he spoke, as though hoping he'd hold more clarity than Jacob. "'Course you n' your friends n' family are welcome. I can show ya' back ta' where our camp is, if ya' want, unless they're comin' jus' behind ya' or somethin' n' ya'd prefer ta' wait," he soon answered. "My name's Jacob. 'S nice ta' meet ya', Pierce."


Re: MADE A MESS AGAIN | open, joining - PIERCE - 03-23-2018

Though trying to keep his attention on Jacob, Pierce couldn't help it as his mind wandered, wondering what had happened to the rest of his friends, the ones whose names he couldn't remember but who he knew were people he loved. But the thought of them didn't fill him with warmth, like the rest of his family- it brought a certain ache to his chest, a lonely one, one that made him think these people might not have even been there when he left home. It was a painful thought, one that made his throat tight and his head droop slightly, but he tried his best to keep a smile on his lips, if only to not worry the two before him, to not make them feel bad, or anything. No one should have to worry about him, not ever. He was fine with that.

he uttered in response to Jacob's words. Not a clan? He was sure that was what all those places back home had been called. So, technically, right? If there was a group of people living together, and their group had a name, weren't they a clan? Or was he stupid? He was used to not knowing things, but not nearly on this scale, and it was incredibly troubling- borderline frightening. He didn't let it show, though. The serval had always been good at hiding those sorts of things, that much he knew; it wouldn't be so difficult to keep the facade, like he always had, right? "No, it's okay. They're... gonna be a while." Yeah, possibly a long while. What if Riddler got mad? Kept Clementine at home, away from him? God, would he even be able to live with that? Trying to force the thought away, he added quickly, "Thanks. That'd be great." Jacob. It was a familiar name, but he didn't know this boy. Jacob was a common name- he'd probably known a few people with it in the past. "Jacob," he echoed, cursing himself for how weird he must seem to these two "It's nice to meet you too!" He was fine. Everything was fine. Wasn't it?
