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DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Printable Version

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DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

Admittedly, Caesar did not have much knowledge about weapons or self-defense, but he did recall a few things his brother taught him before being forced away to the Guard. "Aight, Crewmates, we're gonna learn some self-defense." The Privateer stated as he made his way towards the center of camp, holding his head high as if he had some authority here. "So get your asses over here."

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
Wade was unfamiliar with the whole "defense" thing if he was going to be completely honest. His only switch was offense and it was permanently flipped. In other words, he was more the type to leap right into the fray without a second thought and if he got filled with holes or beaten to a pulp, well then it was just another day for him. The canine had been reluctant to participate, but here he was, trotting over on long legs and stopping near Caesar. This should be interesting.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
A self-defense class? Vanessa knew she was capable of defending herself, but she could possibly learn something new, perhaps. The female would take a seat next to Wade, who she nodded her head to in a brief greeting before she turned her attention to Caesar, wondering when he would start.
© madi

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Verdigris - 06-10-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper liked to think he was capable of defending himself, but he supposed there was no harm in learning new techniques, or determining how much his crewmates knew on the matter. Padding over, the jackal glanced between the other three individuals that were already in attendance- while he had met all three of them before, he didn't know any of them particularly well, something that he probably ought to change sooner or later. With a shrug, he sat down a few feet away and watched Caesar, waiting for the lesson to begin.

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-10-2018

Three of them... This should be fine for now. Caesar thought with a satisfied flick of his tail. It was Wade, Vanessa (whom didn't seem to able to defend herself in the Tavern, now that he recalled that), and Papercutter. Vanessa and Papercutter might need some practice, mostly because of the aformentioned problem with the Tavern for Vanessa (like she didn't have control over that), and Papercutter just got his Beta Ceremony. Wade seemed perfectly capable of being able to handle himself. Of course, this was just the demon being judgemental and not really knowing how his groupmates truly preformed.

That didn't mean he was going to try and embarrass them, though. "Papercutter." Caesar's gaze went towards the Beta, giving the wolf an 'encouraging' smile. "You're going to be my example person today. Sound good?"

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Verdigris - 06-12-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Alright, three people for a lesson worked well enough- with the host, that made four, which divided into two pairs of sparring partners. No one would be left out.

  As Caesar looked at him, though, the jackal felt a sudden feeling of uneasiness. "Example person" sounded a lot like "punching bag" in this context. He had no idea how strong Caesar was in combat, or whether or not he had any powers at his disposal. Still, he suspected that Caesar wouldn't let the issue drop, regardless of what he said; and now that he thought about it, just because he was being volunteered to be the probable victim of a demonstration (he couldn't imagine any other reason for needing an "example person") didn't mean he had to sit down and take whatever blows came his way.

  "You know what, sure. I'll bite," Paper answered, flicking his good ear. "What are we doing first?"

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-12-2018

Although Caesar wouldn't admit it, he was terrible in combat. And technically speaking, he did have powers, although they weren't quite with him at this moment. The only power that had finally come back was the ability to possess others, which was alright, but he still wanted his fire elementals. And telepathy, too. Couldn't be a dream demon without being able to manipulate the mind, now could you?

As Papercutter accepted his role, Caesar grinned and stood up. He couldn't be too hard on Papercutter right now, which was a shame, but perhaps once the beta got used to things, then he'd actually bite. "Just simple things." The demon responded, walking closer towards Papercutter. "I'm going to start off with a couple scenerios, and you tell me how you should approach it. Then we'll demonstrate. Sound good?" The Privateer wouldn't wait for him to answer before he continued, "Do you know where the most vulnerable places to attack are?" Not a scenerio per say, but it would at least show what Papercutter knew.

//can you tell i don't know what i'm doing lmfao

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - bubblegum - 06-12-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she had showed up fashionably late to this by accident. she had been very interested to hear caesar call out from the distance that he was teaching self-defense, but then she'd gotten distracted by a butterfly. it was a big, colorful one! she couldn't help herself. but then she tripped and overheard their talking and then remembered what she was doing. oh yea. oopsie! the girl trotted over as paper accepted being the "example person".

goldie was interested in this lesson because she didn't know a whole lot about fighting, but she knew it'd be important knowledge soon. she was getting big and it was time she started to learn how to take care of herself, too! she sat near wade and vanessa, her ears pointed towards caesar as he began to talk again. her tail bounced up and down slowly as she listened to him, curiosity in her gaze.

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - arcy - 06-12-2018

Ash wasn't typically prone to showing up on time to things, honestly. He'd heard mutters about a self defense class over here and who was Ash to decline? He was here to get stronger, wasn't he?? Of course he was! So it's with a bounce in his step that Ash arrives at the little gathering, stubbed tail wagging. Of course, he arrives a minute after Goldenluxury does, seconds after Caesar starts explaining what was going on. Scenarios? Demonstrations? Sure something!
Ash finds himself a little disappointed that this is just sorta something they ... gather and watch. At least as far as he's aware, at least. He likes to be involved, you know! But, he'd take what he could get. So it's with this that Ash seats himself, ears pricked and eyes wide, attentive. He could probably learn something here, you know!! That wasn't too hard to do, though -- Ash only knew basics, after all, since everyone in his little town had refused to show him how to fight. That was fair, honestly. Ash was only a kid, after all. Right, anyways though.
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: DON'T BE SO QUICK TO JUDGE // open, self-defense class *Weekly Task 6/9 - Verdigris - 06-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Oh, okay, they were starting with simple questions. He had thought he was going to be involved in the demonstration of a piledriver, or something along those lines- and maybe he would, just not yet. As for the most vulnerable places to attack, that was easy enough. "Neck, eyes, and underbelly and Achilles' tendons if you can reach them," Paper answered, with a nod. The neck was obvious, being the main area you wanted to aim for if you intended to assassinate someone quickly- while the eyes were easy to gouge out, and robbed an opponent of one of their senses if you took them out. The underbelly held most of the vital organs, and was easy to puncture, while the Achilles' tendon would render a leg unusable if damaged.

  Once he recalled the demonstration part, however, he tensed his muscles. Caesar obviously wasn't going to try and kill him, but he might go for a cheap shot to one of the aforementioned areas, just to see if Paper was paying attention. "And how would you have me demonstrate?" he asked, watching Caesar carefully.

  /I don't know what I'm doing either lol