Beasts of Beyond
LOVE ME / open - Printable Version

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LOVE ME / open - COSMIIX - 06-09-2018

Recovering from an attack physically was easy but emotionally or mentally, well, that would take a bit of time since that had been a lot to take in. She was covered in bandages and as much as she would've loved to carry around her sword, she wasn't able to since she felt quite weak and holding the weapon had given Victory a form of comfort. Victory knew she was safe now, she knew that Kaatachi wouldn't be coming after her for a good while nor would he see her anymore. He was permanently blind for all she cared. She was resting in camp with her head laying on top of her good arm, her thoughts soaring, quick and impulsive. She was thinking of how long she had been here, she had been in Tanglewood since the beginning of it all. She had became the warrioress, she had always dreamt of being when she was a small cub. She was no longer small and that was a lot to take in, she wasn't the little princess who'd tussle with her brothers. The thought of her family made her eyes suddenly sting as she remembered, he had killed them. Kaatachi had killed the last of her family, the only ones remaining were herself and Kunta.

She didn't even know the whereabouts of her own child and worried for his safety. What if Kaatachi found him? Kunta had been born "normal" like her, he had no God complex like Kaatachi but he was still immortal or so she hoped. She hoped to the Gods that Kaatachi wouldn't find her son, Justice. She didn't realize it but she was nervously picking at her cast with her eyes cast down "I can only hope." She murmured closing her eyes, she had barely managed to fight off Kaatachi if it hadn't been for her clanmates. Well, she would have been dead.
© madi

Re: LOVE ME / open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

Re: LOVE ME / open - Nayru - 06-09-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
It was Chad who first approached Amunet, waddling up to her and hissing contently as he usually did. He appeared oblivious to the wounds and bandages that littered her form, instead enjoying the sunlight that fell upon his scaly body and the presences of two of his clanmates. Nayru was not far behind him, a roll of bandages between her teeth that she promptly placed before her unofficial mother, lips pursing instinctively. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Do you need anything changed?" She inquired, craning her neck to once more take in the sight of her wrapped injuries.

Her ex-husband truly had done a number on her and Nayru would not lie- she was a bit worried for her. As strong as Victory was, she could have been dragged back to her old home or killed and the small sawbone could not even stand to live with that thought. She had been keeping an eye on the proxy since, halfway following her around just to ensure that no further pain came to her. [color=#6b7e99]"And does anything hurt? Um.. I.. I can get you something for the pain."

Re: LOVE ME / open - COSMIIX - 06-11-2018

She snapped out of her thoughts once she heard the voice of Vigenere, her ears flicked upwards as she lifted her cranium up to watch the other through gentle, golden pools feeling a smile appearing on her maw "Yes, everything is fine. I'm doing fine, it's still a lot to take in." She admitted with a soft sigh escaping her slightly parted jaws and her whiskers twitched for a moment before she made her own inquiry "How are you doing?" She wouldn't be angry that the other hadn't been there when she was in danger, she would have preferred for her smaller clanmates to be safe than in possible danger. She cared too much for them and wouldn't want any harm coming in their way, she would have been angry at Kaatachi if he even thought of harming Vigenere, Nayru, or anyone else that she considered a friend or loved one.

She perked up at the sound of her unofficial daughter's voice with her curved ears angled forward as she made a soft cooing sound at Chad as he waddles over. Her gaze eventually locked itself onto Nayru feeling her gaze soften and her voice was warm "No, I don't need anything changed yet, my darling. You take such good care of me," She said with a light shake of her cranium wanting to repay Nayru back in some way but she supposed that she wouldn't be able to do so until she was completely better. Hearing the other question, Amunet would take a moment to think if any part of her hurt or ached and well, she could feel small pains blossoming in bits of her body "Only small pains so far."
© madi

Re: LOVE ME / open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

Re: LOVE ME / open - Luciferr - 06-11-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenrisulfr's right eye was still in its changed state - something he worried boded an ill omen and would have taken efforts to conceal it but already they'd seen the strange change, at least here he could content himself in the knowledge that they didn't know what it meant or the stigma of the bloodline he carried.

Pushing away those thoughts, the candid beast slipped into the area, circling around them all to finally lie down next to Amunet with care not to jostle her injuries and nodding his assent to Vigenere's words "as am I and as are we all" he rumbled, claws crossed over each other looking for all the world like a large guard beast ever since the attack.

Yes he was maybe - maybe - being overly worried and overly protective but he wasn't leaving her alone like this.

Even sans an attack he could protect Amunet from boredom alone at least.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: LOVE ME / open - COSMIIX - 06-11-2018

She wouldn't blame any of them for being worried, she would be worried as well if one of them were suddenly attacked by someone and she would be very protective of them. She smiled at Vigenere's offer of talking about the stuff that had went down with her, she felt her smile widen a bit before she said with a small nod "Of course and thank you, Vigenere." She said with a grateful nod of her cranium only for the familiar scent of War had wafted into her nostrils, she watched as the draconic beast would circle around them before laying next to her. She would take the opportunity to shoot a bit closer and lean her head against his shoulder listening to what he rumbled, she had noticed that his other eye had changed whilst the other stayed the same. It made Victory curious but she knew better than to prod especially in public like this. Victory would breathe in the scent of War and enjoy the warmth that pulsated off of him, how her fur touched his scales "Thank you, mon cheri." She finally said in a hushed voice.
© madi