Beasts of Beyond
NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - Printable Version

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NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - Luciferr - 06-09-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

it'd taken him the better part of half the day so far just to find and manipulate an area large enough and clear enough of any bog waters or shrubbery to create what would be perhaps a small siesta location or well, nice relaxation area - especially for such warm weather.

idly he wandered what his siblings would say, he, the vaunted war ascendant now making water pools in his idle time - possibly they might have thought it hilarious but pretty sweet for a nice gesture.

he snorted idly to himself - well, the basins for the water had been created and reinforced against the water simply soaking away, laced with a few crystalline veins to catch and sparkle idly in the light, as a small aesthetic choice - now, now for the roof,

providing shade and keeping the filled pools cooler than in the open air - fenris shifted back as the earth below him twisted and rose, hardening and shaping itself into solid rock left to overhang the pools, there - with thin rivulets to collect and let rain water trickle and refill the pools if need be.

War hummed and nodded to himself - job well done there.

the fire bound beast turned and called over to [member=155]Morgan[/member] with a smile "Alright, your turn if you'd be so obliging" he'd asked the samoyed earlier if he'd help with creating the 'clear' cool water pools - safe from the usual murk filled ponds that collected the warmth as much as it collected the germs in its still waters.

obviously if this worked long term, they'd have to routinely filter the pools but with the overhang and clear area, the usual leaf litter and the like would be clear of it at least hm.

satisfied, Fenris would sit back to watch Morgan work his brand of magic -  tag team fire and ice - or water in this case - was a go.

/nobody post till after morgan please c:

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - Morgan - 06-09-2018

Morgan had come prepared, though he was not wearing his usual mask or bracers. Instead, floating above him was a gigantic sphere of ice several times bigger than Fenrisulfr himself. The water had all come from the ocean, though the cream canine had purified it all back at his cave. The dog was clearly straining himself to keep it afloat, though since he was more used to controlling ice, it was at least easier than if he held up liquid water.

Although he was impressed with his comrade's handiwork, the samoyed had to remain focused on his water with a slight frown. At the fiery Tangler's words the dog nodded and took a deep breath in, levitating the ice ball near the pools. He howled out as he exhaled sharply, the ball splitting in half to fit below the overhang. He breathed in once more to put the halves in place, finally releasing his breath to let them fall as a liquid. He then took steady breaths to make sure it did not splash outside of the pools, as that would be wasteful. Once that was finished, the basins were filled completely with the calm, sparkling water.

Morgan stood up straight and approached his fellow Regent, finally free of the icy burden. His bare face nuzzled against Fenrisulfr's side, and he sighed in joyful relief at the cozy warmth. "That was good practice," he panted, stepping closer and letting himself rest against the beast with a smile. "Want to use them, then? The water is cold..."

Re: NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - Luciferr - 06-11-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenrisulfr had watched quietly as Morgan got to his own part - the icy Samoyed having brought the ice here through sheer force of will, admirable - and nodded in a job well done as finally the pools were done and set up.

Sitting back to watch the calm waters, his head turned as his fellow regent joined him with a slight bump of his shoulder in solidarity and a smile "indeed, always good to stretch the proverbial muscles" no use letting the elementals atrophy or simply stay at the same level of attainment if one could slowly work to gain a better understanding - even small exercises worked.

He hummed idly considering "I'd be glad to - though I worry I'll inadvertently heat the water" wouldn't want to turn what was meant to be a cool relaxation pool into a jacuzzi now would he? Would defeat the entire purpose - as it was he shifted to lie lightly on the edge of the lip of one, dangling his claws in idly for the moment .

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - Morgan - 06-12-2018

Morgan struggled to get off of the Fenrisulfr at first, too tired to move properly. The dog tried to give him a little push forward into the water, though he knew he had nowhere near the strength to really do so. Laughing a little, he responded, "As long as I can relax with you, I can take it!" He stepped up to the edge next, dipping a paw in to test the waters. "I can also freeze the water even if you make it too warm..." He gave the beast a wink before hopping right into the refreshing pool.

Morgan paddled to stay afloat for a moment before realizing he was right above a convenient shallow area to sit on. Once settled, he let his muscles relax a little in the cool water. "Ahhh..." he sighed, pleased not only with his work but with the situation. Rarely did he get the chance to do something genuinely peaceful with Fenrisulfr. Instead, they typically found themselves teamed up and roaming the borders, or ordering others around in town. The samoyed looked toward the larger male with a grin. "This time together is a treasure, Fenrisulfr."

Re: NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-16-2018

A cool pool? He was down. The polar bear approached quickly,looking at the two then dipping his nose in the pool. His eyes closed in a weird expression of satisfaction as he rose.
Ivan was still dirty and smelly, but he was oblivious to that. The bear waded into the pool and promptly laid down, his head surfacing the water.

Re: NOTHIN BETTER ON A WARM DAY - - Open, water pools - COSMIIX - 06-20-2018

Walking with a slight limp, Amunet made her way over finding a smile on her face as she spoke with a light nod "Hello boys," They had done quite the job with the pools, she wanted to take in a dip herself but that would only get her bandages wet and then Nayru would have to change them. She didn't want to possibly overwork Nayru or worry her about her frequently though it was nice and sweet of the little Goddess. Her molten honey gaze went over each pool before she walked over towards where Fenris and Morgan were at offering the two a warm smile "How are the both of you doing?" She decided to take a seat next to Fen only to glance over towards Zimavich, he seemed to be enjoying himself and luckily these waters were much cleaner. Too bad, the bear could never stay clean for that long.
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