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hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Printable Version

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hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Wade Wilson - 06-08-2018

actions "speech"
Living in the Typhoon had been more relaxing than he had ever imagined. Vanessa had certainly outdone herself when she had offered up this place as possible residence. Even if Wade had been more inclined to go just for the pirate thing, he was genuinely enjoying himself. The maned wolf had been lounging in the sand, gazing out over the open ocean and mulling over current events and emotions and life and whatever else people looking wistfully out into the waves would do. Stuff like this always made him emotional because he was a sap like that. Eventually, he got to his paws and stretched, popping his shoulders with a small grunt. He wanted to visit Vanessa, see how she was faring with this whole thing. From what he had witnessed, she had been doing spectacularly, but as always, you never really knew unless you questioned them up front. Turning on his heels, he would head back towards the heart of Typhoon, taking his time and strolling along before reaching the front door of his friend's home. Lifting a paw, he would knock; the regular three times as is customary, before tapping out the beat to "Thriller" as he waited.

sorry this took like, 1000 years smh @ me//

[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Character Graveyard. - 06-09-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa, herself, had been wondering what Wade had been up to since the both of them had joined. She had been slightly concerned for her friend as he hadn't been showing up around until a few hours ago. Currently, Nessa had been dancing to a few classic tunes when she had heard the three knocks on her door.

She turned off the music and ran to her door, looking into the peephole before she opened it. She offered a small smile of greeting to Wade before she spoke. "Hey. What brings ya to my place?"
© madi

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
Exploring was his excuse and he was stickin' to it. Typhoon's territory was much wider than he had originally anticipated and Wade had been fully determined to check out everything he could, scout out the areas, see the sights, and whatever else he felt like doing. When Nessa answered, the male perked up a bit- having been previously enveloped in his door solo. "Nothing much besides wanting to visit my most favorite girl in the whole wide world." he grinned back. "Doing anything fun in there? I thought I heard music."
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa would nod her head to Wade's question about what she had been doing. "Eh, I was just listening to some classic tunes." She said, before she asked. "Wanna come in? I have a couple of drinks on the counter right now. And make sure to stay out of the room in the very back of the place. I got a kid sleeping in there right now."
© madi

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
"You got me at drinks." With a few long steps he brushed past the wolf and entered the home, but not before wiping his paws because Wade Wilson was a gentleman. And then the gears in his head finally went rolling. A kid? He turned to Vanessa with wide eyes. "YOU HAVE-" He cut off and put his paws to his mouth before dialing down to a whisper. "You have a kid? And I wasn't even invited to the baby shower? Ness I'm hurt." As much as he wanted to barrage Vanessa with all of the questions swimming in his mind, he held back and narrowed it down. "Boy or girl? What's their name? How old?" All of his attention was on Vanessa.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
The onyx-female would shake her head as Wade began to pester her about the kid she was taking care of. "No." She said before answering all of his sudden questions. "There wasn't a baby shower because I adopted them. Their name is Cronas and they are only a few months old."

Nessa would pause for a few seconds before she pointed Wade in the direction of her kitchen.
© madi

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
"Cronas, huh? Not too bad." he hummed, mostly to himself. Cronas wasn't a bad name at all. Kinda reminiscent of the Greek titan. Badass. He was quiet as he shuffled into the kitchen at Ness's command. Vanessa. A mother. Would that make him an unofficial uncle? God. Uncle Deadpool, the raddest fucking uncle around. Yeah, he was into it. "Can... can I meet them when they wake up?" he asked, trailing just a bit at the start.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
"Sure." Vanessa would say, kind of surprised to see that Wade had entered the kitchen when she had pointed in that direction. She hadn't meant to tell him to go into the kitchen, but to merely point him in the direction.

"It'll probably be sometime soon when you meet them." The black-lupine would say, following the male in her kitchen. "I got all kinds of drinks. Just tell me what you want to drink."
© madi

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
Wade was more in awe of the thought of Vanessa as a mother. Not like she couldn't handle such a task but like- wow that must be exciting. As far as the maned wolf knew, this was probably Vanessa's first child. And some tiny part of him wondered if she would ever want more? Would she adopt or would she settle down with someone? Vanessa was more than deserving of a sappy cliche home life, living comfortably and caring for a couple of rugrats and marrying some handsome man with a hot accent and a nice butt that could give her the entire world and more in a drop of a hat. And maybe some tiny part of him wished he could be that man. His crush on Vanessa was obvious. But his love for her was unyielding, yet tucked neatly away in his heart. He couldn't be a perfect man. He wasn't. Nobody was really perfect. But in his eyes, Nessa was his moon and stars.

Then he's back in the present, having been staring at the wolf for longer than he had been intending. Wade nodded eagerly. "I can wait. I'd love to meet the little rugrat." Back to the topic of drinks, he thought a moment before shrugging. "Surprise me?"
[glow=black,2,300]WHAT A SAP AMIRITE?[/glow]

Re: hidden in the sand ✘ private, vanessa - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa was aware of Wade's crush on her. She had seen the look in his eyes when he was around her. He had acted like that for a while now. She would wait to see if he would make the first move soon, otherwise she would probably make the first move.

Vanessa had grabbed a bottle of red wine and she poured some into a glass for Wade then she slid it over to him slowly- so it didn't fall onto the floor and break. "There's your surprise." She said with a grin.
© madi