Beasts of Beyond

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[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"Chad! Please! Stop hissing, I'm trying to pray over here!"

Nayru's voice was tight, exasperated, a look of desperation gleaming within cerulean eyes as she whirled around to stare at her gator companion. For a moment, the creature looked tempted to hiss just to spite her, not understanding the sudden severity the sawbone displayed until it saw the formation of fresh tears threatening to spill over her cheeks. Chad promptly grew quiet at that, dragging himself into the sunlight that fell through a window to bask silently. He might have been a predator but he had a strange amount of emotional intelligence- he knew better than to disturb her further.

Relieved that her pet had taken the hint, Nayru returned quickly to the journal open at her paws and the prayer that had been written neatly within it. [color=#6b7e99]"To the Goddesses, I beg for guidance. I have a sister now and while she is darling, I don't know how I truly feel about this situation. My father was a terrible and disillusioned individual who used his 'love' for his religion to destroy his daughter. To destroy me. Please help me. Please give me strength. I don't want to let down Freyja or my clanmates or myself... I don't know what to do." She spoke softly, as if her father himself could materialize in front of her at any moment and drag her back to Akala with him. She wouldn't go, not willingly, but still, that fear was there. That hesitation painstakingly obvious.

She inhaled a shaky breath then, trembling under the weight of the world. Freyja's presence changed everything. Nayru wasn't ungrateful for the being that claimed to be her sister but... well... part of her simply showing up and insisting that they were related struck her as a bit suspicious. She was far too logical and rational for her own good, picking apart was surely was a blessing in disguise because it was too convenient for her.

She was terrible.

[color=#6b7e99]"To the Goddess Nayru - my namesake - in particular... please.. I ask that you grant me wisdom. I don't know what I'm doing! I really am just a failure and I'm going to disappoint my sister and my clan and everyone once again and I know that... I know that. Why can't I be strong? Why can't you answer my prayers? Have they not been enough? Have I not been enough?"

It was the slightest of nudges against her front leg that brought her spiraling back to reality. She had been sobbing, borderline screaming at the goddess who had never thought to once give her a sign that she was there, and Chad couldn't have stood another minute to listen to her suffer. She blinked at him graciously, though still deeply unsettled by, well, everything. Oh, how she wished she could love Freyja as blindly as her sister loved her. Oh, how she wished she could simply pretend like an estranged sibling showing up on the border was completely normal and something to be celebrated. But those things weren't easy and would take time. So much time.

Chad motioned to the door and, knowing that fresh air would probably be best for her, she indulged his request and led them into the afternoon light. Her cheeks were still damp with still falling tears and she, herself, appeared rather shaken up as she took a seat on her decrepit porch. She'd force herself to love Freyja as much as she could until the feeling was natural. Her sister, in all her brilliance, deserved that much from her.

[color=#6b7e99]"I'm sorry, Chad," She extended in her reptile's direction.

He only hissed at her in response.


But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenris did not see much in prayers at least for himself, being what he was and from what family there was little point - they already knew themselves to be inheritors to the first and then the two, that had created what they'd known, they simply refined it in their eyes as everything progressed without a constant leash.

that did not mean he nor his family did not deign to answer prayers to them - just rarely in person -  a plea for help on behalf of another or others was seen to easy enough with a slight nudge at chances but by far and away War knew most the prayers for victory,

and for those far too numerous for his tastes - ones that wished to curry favour for darker means or a binding pact, very, very rarely did he deign to answer hem and only with good reason - greed and avarice being motives left a sour taste to his senses like a syrup tainted and left bitter after too long.

he almost grimaced reflectively in his striding stroll just from the bare remembrance of such ill formed pacts.

ears pricked forward as a familiar voice caught them and the wolf beast paused humming before padding into view and spotting a shaken Nayru sat on her porch, his head tilted and he moved towards her slowly, head sunk down to meet her eyes "Nayru" he rumbled in greeting "Everything alright?" the damp cheeks were visible still but he'd decline commenting unless she felt it worth it - his eyes strayed to her gator briefly before back to the sawbone.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]