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fireflies / o, visitor - Printable Version

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fireflies / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

RED QUEEN ✧ Morrigan — High Queen — North End
Her people whispered about this place. Another monarchy, like her group. So she had gotten on a ship and decided to pay this group a quick visit. It had taken the ship a few days to reach Europe from her home island. Then they had hired a carriage to go to Griffingate's capital, which had taken a few hours or so.

As she exited the carriage, the NPCs had seemed to start staring at her, as her long red-dress dragged behind her and some eyes were focused on the red cowl she had over her head. She had been somewhat attempting to draw their attention before she had met the King or Queen of Griffingate.

Offering a smile to an NPC, Morrigan would ask. "Pardon me sir. Could you point me in the direction of your King or Queen?" After receiving where the King was, she would thank the NPC before heading off.
© madi

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Orion - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
The NPC had strayed his way, offering a mutter of a few words that signaled someone dramatic was here. Hopefully not another Blackfallen, but it seemed quite different this time. Upon arrival, the sovereign's eyes strayed the area and looked for this lady his colleagues whispered about. It didn't take long for him to find her. That red cowl of hers and that daunting look she held was indescribable. Truly a woman of power. Yet, Frederick held himself back reluctantly. He shouldn't get too comfortable with citizens around and a strange in the amidst.

The King offered a raise of an eyebrow. His presence by now seemed to be know by his citizens and hopefully by the woman, as all eyes were now on them. "I was asked for," he spoke deeply from the front of the crowd that had managed to gather. "Who are you and why are you within my domain?" Hopefully, they would make their statement quick. Frederick had little patience for foolishness.

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

RED QUEEN ✧ Morrigan — High Queen — North End
Morrigan would simply raise an invisible brow as Frederick approached, taking note of the rather casual clothes he wore. Perhaps he did not like drawing attention to himself in the public. She did not normally wear fancy clothes, but she had decided to wear the dress she had on.

"Yes, you were asked for." She said, removing the cowl she had on before she turned her attention to the man. "My name is Morrigan. I am the High Queen of North End, a monarchy that resides on an island not far from the coast of your group's home. I have come here to request an alliance, if you shall allow it and want to learn more about my group. If not, I will take my leave."
© madi

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Orion - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
A queen? The corners of his lip raised into a small smirk. "Oh?" he echoed curiously. Frederick had yet to hear about this North End, assuming that it was recently formed or it was from further away. Though, her inquiry about the island made him crane his head. They were close all along? How interesting. It seemed like new groups were taking their place every day. Though he wished to keep all the power in his grasp, he had to accept that they were bound to have competition soon enough. Even so, she was offering an alliance. As a bigger world power, he was reluctant to hand her the baton, but found himself in a hard position. If they were to grow large and overcome Griffingate, he would prefer to be allies than enemies. Plus, he should snag this one before Blackfall did.

Even so, it was protocol to ask about their arrangements. "Tell me about the North's End," Frederick finally implied. "Your export, war tactics, and anything that may seem important to Griffingate in a warbound time for us. We have plenty to offer, but what do you have?" One more thing though. "I'd also like to travel to your quarters." Making acquaintances was key.

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

RED QUEEN ✧ Morrigan — High Queen — North End
She had seemed to have caught his interest. That was good. The woman had silenced herself to let Frederick speak and so she could hear him. Morrigan knew she had put him in a difficult position. She had heard of the other group that resided nearby- though she was unsure if she should pay them a visit or not.

"My group resides on a island nearby, so we will be able to send your people exotic fruits and vegetables as well as seeds, there are many rare animals on our island that we've hunted so we could send those over, and we also can send building supplies such as wood, stone and other materials over." She would pause before continuing.

"We often use one-handed weapons during fights, though we use two-handed weapons too and we use bows and arrows. When my people kill an enemy, they mark their kills with tattoos." The woman would pull up both of her sleeves and show her arms, revealing many tattoos. "My deceased husband was a tyrant. To bring an end to his rule over my people, I started a rebellion. This tattoos are from his men that I ended with my blade."
© madi

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Orion - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Luckily, her words were chosen wisely and that peaked his attention. She did not mention any wants, but rather needs when it came to their exports. Once again, wise of her to say. Frederick had no interest in the rarity of her items, nor anything possessive, so what she said satisfied him greatly. Though, he kept a stone cold face, minus his smirk. A facade was best for now.

The sovereign could of cared less of what weaponry they used. Instead, he was more interested in the fact of weather they battled or not.... and they did. As she spoke, his hazel eyes grazed over her tattoos. 'What an interesting way to display their dominance.' He was impressed. So many slaughtered for her cause. Was there remorse? Were they willing to fight for his cause? Frederick was interested in a battle alliance, rather than someone with resources. Hopefully, they saw it the same way.

Even so, he didn't want to accept right away. "Anyone have any further questions for her?" he echoed to those around him that have yet to speak. (aka those who have yet to post)

Re: fireflies / o, visitor - Orion - 06-18-2018
