Beasts of Beyond
WHAT IF YOU STAYED? » open, moving in - Printable Version

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WHAT IF YOU STAYED? » open, moving in - tinsel - 06-08-2018

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upon deciding to make the big move to the capital, she hadn't thought it would be so hard. not leaving her old life, not the drive, not even going to a new place where she knew no one. no, it was the actual moving part that made the blonde second guess her decision.

virginia pope looked like she could be a number of things that morning. sun warm against fair skin, blonde curls in a sloppy attempt at a bun that she'd done in her car hours before. there was a warmth, a sort of brightness that seemed to glow from her, something about her that said she had a motherly nature. she was someone who could kiss a bruised knee and make the pain stop, someone who could wrap you into a hug and make the bad feel a little less. it made working as a teacher exceptionally more pleasant - children sensed whatever this was in the innate way children often did, and it was easier to attach to her.

however, there wasn't a whole lot about her in that moment that shouted school teacher. jaw clenched, a fierce look of determination in her eyes, she groaned just a bit as she lifted the box. it was duct tapped shut, dishes written in neat bubble letters on the side, weighing probably half her weight. she hadn't been able to put it into the backseat of the little white car, and it was her mistake to think she'd magically become strong enough to lift it.

so really, she shouldn't have been surprised when she toppled over, the box bursting at the seams, white glassware shattering as it splintered across the pavement in front of the apartment. she fell right beside it, forearm extending to block the fall, and gracefully cutting itself in the process, leaving a lovely blood stain on the pavement.

( tl;dr: so ginny just moved locally, and knows pretty much no one. she's outside of her apartment building, it's about ten-ish in the morning, and she's trying to transport boxes from her car to the apartment. in the process, she falls, lightly scrapes up her arm and breaks pretty much all of her dishes. )

Re: WHAT IF YOU STAYED? » open, moving in - Beatles. - 06-09-2018

Re: WHAT IF YOU STAYED? » open, moving in - Orion - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
As he was going on a morning run, the clatter of broken dishes infiltrated past his headphones. Frederick slowed to a halt. His gaze strayed to an unfamiliar female. Upon closer inspection, blood was gushing from her arm, to which he assumed was from the glass of a plate and not the ground just yet. The sovereign also spotted Elias. Seemed like he had it handled, but his conscious told him to wander over, so he simply did.

With a silent sigh and a mutter under his breath, he came to a halt at Elias' side. "What happened here?" the male offered with a side glance towards Elias and then back down at Virginia. He had already asked about her current state. Frederick figured that wondering what happened would be a nice addition to her already overwhelming pile of questions, but then again thought it would be rather annoying to pile her with more. Then again... did he care?