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RP Riza Hawkeye from FMAB! (Closed) - Printable Version

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RP Riza Hawkeye from FMAB! (Closed) - vvintersoldier - 06-08-2018

So for the past month, I've been rping Roy Mustang themed character, who was formerly human and from Amestris! He accidentally got in some mess with a weird transmutation circle(now to his knowledge was a human transmutation circle, it cost him his life in Amestris, meaning he's stuck as an animal) that changed his species and landed him up in Ascendants territory! Plus he wasn't the only one that got caught in it, Riza did too and ends up in Ascendants as well! Riza was actually rped by Una for a bit before she had to drop her, and I decided to look for a new Riza rper!

There are just a few requests I have if you decide to make my Mustang's Hawkeye:
- Please stay active in the Ascendants!
Also, if you want to have Riza in Snowbound, that's okay too! Roy will just dual alliance to be with her!
- Please try your best to stick to Riza's personality(if you need to look at anything for reference, her wiki page helps a lot: I use Mustang's for his personality lol )
- I would prefer it if you considered yourself advanced!! I consider myself to be advanced. c:
- Have fun rping Riza!
Also if you're interested, I'm 100% open for royai :0 - As Roy assumes that Riza had a similar fate as he did, they can date without worrying about them stopping if they ever got back to Amestris as it isn't possible anymore. (and they could have kids or something in the future for a plot? XD)

Also if you adopt Riza, I just wanted to let you know that Roy ran across her in Ascendants, but she didn't join. You can have her come back(as a different animal if you prefer, she was a lioness with a mane), Roy will be super happy to see her again!!

If anyone is interested, please post below!

Re: RP Riza Hawkeye from FMAB! (open) - Roy Mustang - 06-09-2018
