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Collapsing as it sees the pain // p, rin - Printable Version

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Collapsing as it sees the pain // p, rin - Roy Mustang - 06-08-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
How many days has it been now? 14 perhaps? 12? He wasn't sure what the exact number was, but it felt like he has been in mourning for at least two weeks. These days have been going by slowly for the Flame Alchemist, there are times during the day when he feels like the sun will never set. Today was certainly one of those days- the bobcat was padding through the Ascendants territory, padding along a trail and heading near the border. Roy decided that staying in his room all day was honestly a bad idea, and he knew Hughes wouldn't want him to be sulking around in there. So he believed taking a quiet, hopefully peaceful, walk can do his mind some good- maybe for a bit these harsh, horrible thoughts can leave his head. He knows that he won't be able to get rid of them for good right now, but at least he's putting an effort into it.

Eventually, Roy found himself padding through the Canopy. This was a good time to take a break, he has been padding around for awhile now. A sigh escaping his jaws, the bobcat padded up to one of the trees and sat himself down on the ground, back leaning against the bark.

Re: Collapsing as it sees the pain // p, rin - Warringkingdoms - 06-08-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Taking a walk to clear one’s mind had varying levels of effectiveness depending on the time and the person, Rin had found. That it varied from person to person was obvious enough, while she had observed the variance with respect to time directly, following Starrynight’s death. On the first day afterwards, the thoughts of her own failure wouldn’t leave her alone no matter what she did. As the weeks passed, however, going outside and letting herself be one with the environment were far more effective at distancing her from those memories.

  Perhaps, she thought upon noticing the bobcat in the canopy, that was the approach that Roy was taking.

  After checking to ensure that she had all of her materials in her bag- if there was an emergency, she didn’t want to be blindsided by a lack of herbs or bandages- Rin approached quietly and sat down against a tree a few yards away, her eyes looking towards (but not directly at) Roy. If he was lost in thought, provided that he wasn’t hurting himself in the process, she had no reason to interrupt him.

  Eventually, however, a burning question spawned at the forefront of her mind. ”How has your chest been healing?” she asked finally, glancing at Roy. The wound appeared to have healed, but if there were any signs of complications, she couldn’t just ignore them.