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WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Printable Version

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WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Pele N. F. I. - 06-08-2018

Suite said that the group of stars, actually knew little about them. Pele had been astonished to know this fact, since she'd been consuming the knowledge from the many astronomy and astrology books laying around since she could first ask someone to read them to her. Though, she supposed that was her having free time, not needing to train, hunt, or complete tasks like these. As you grew, responsibilities took over room that might be used for an unknown hobby. She wondered if she'd lose her love of reading as her body and mind grew older.

She did imagine though, that she wouldn't be working on a blank slate like her young self when her clanmates came along. Surely they knew a bit, even if it was little it was a start. The demoness decided to stray from astrology and divination this first time around, focusing more on the scientific side of things in astronomy. Star charts, tables, chairs and even a chalkboard were pulled out and set in their place around the room. She'd take being a teacher very seriously, to the point of having a dunce chair and cap to mess around with her uncle when he arrived.

She hopped upon her own teacher's chair, putting a piece of chalk beside her on the table and a long stick she could use to point at the star charts. "GATHER 'ROUND EVERYONE WE'RE GONNA LEARN ABOUT STARS!" Pele was sure there was supposed to be an 'and shit' at the end due to her aunts and uncle, but decided to leave it out because it sounded weird.

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
How cute. Pele was doing her weekly task. Luna had found herself approaching the scene after hearing Pele's loud call and she had taken a seat down in front of her child- amusement in her blue-eyes.

"Very well, Miss Pele." Luna would say to the Fireball, clearly joking around.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - BASTILLEPAW - 06-08-2018

Alright, fair enough -- Bastille seemed to have a bad habit of tacking "and shit" onto the ends of things, a catch-all for anything he might have left out or forgotten. We can get you settled in and shit. There are herbs and shit in there. Yes, Beck, we will give you water and shit. It was a natural speech habit for him, but no one ever called him out of his foul mouth. Well, okay, his mother had scolded him plenty for his swearing as a child, but other than that? Few people even noticed how frequently he swore. He didn't even notice. He supposed he could probably pay better attention to that with two little nieces running around, but it had yet to cross his radar.

As he came to a stop beside Luna, he studied the young girl with a slight smirk of amusement. She was frighteningly into astrology, and seemed to have arranged quite the little room for her presentation of sorts. He was pretty sure that he didn't really have a heart, but he could have fooled himself with the flicker of affection warming his veins. "Oh, good, they picked someone qualified for this lesson," he teased lightly, settled down accordingly.

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Warringkingdoms - 06-08-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin knew a fair bit about stars, though how she had come by this knowledge, she wasn't entirely certain. All she knew was that when looking at star charts, she felt a sense of familiarity, and could fill in any gaps with relative ease. Perhaps it wasn't especially useful information, but considering that she lived in a group that was supposed to be themed entirely around the stars, it was nice to have said information handy.

  Pele's call reached her ears quickly enough, what with how loud it was- she was almost surprised at how much volume the kid could muster already. With a low chuckle, she approached the setup, examining the charts and the way the seats were arranged. She couldn't be entirely sure what the dunce cap was for, but suspected that this lesson was going to be entertaining at the very least. Climbing up onto a table and sitting down, Rin offered Pele a nod, then looked back up at the star charts.

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Margaery - 06-08-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
After living for centuries, one would almost expect Margaery to be old friends with astronomy and the stars. A thousand years later and they were her only constant after all, everything - and she meant everything - having changed over and over again. But truth be told, she merely appreciated them from her place on earth, never daring to delve into the knowledge surrounding them out of this child-like desire to preserve their mysticism. Their magic. Her father used to tell tales of the constellations when she was a true child - not a vampire or an immortal - and she still held onto them desperately today. Even if the image of her father had long since been stained by his own bloodshed and temper.

Margaery was still not well and yet, here she was, dull gray eyes briefly studying the board that Pele laid out. She moved sluggishly, deciding to settle down somewhere completely away from everyone else. Not a word spilled from her lips. She was vaguely away of the hunger that gnawed on her stomach but ignored it in favor of simply staring ahead. She felt sick, was sick, but nothing mattered to her. Had she not had appearances to maintain, she would have opted to remain locked within her room, not daring to come out because she was a beast. Someone who ruined lives.

A faint sigh, barely audible, would fall from her mouth and she would adjust her weight. Pele had quite the loud voice for a small child, she idly recognized, but preserved her silence.  She couldn't bother to speak, not when the lesson was about to begin anyways. A part of her supposed that it was finally time to learn about the heavens above- god knows she had waited long enough.

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Suiteheart - 06-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Stars had always interested her. It was as if she were drawn to them. She could read them as clearly as words on a piece of paper, and she knew how to navigate with their help. The white feline knew a great many of the constellations they made up as well. Her favorite was the Leo constellation - her stars. Born under the sign of the lion, she felt obligated to know about her zodiac as well as the stars it was made up of. Regardless, despite her knowledge of the stars, she was still eager to learn. And besides that, she wanted to support Pele.

The Ecliptic Admiral stepped closer, but she halted beside Margaery. Her wife was looking weaker and weaker as the days progressed, and if one studied closely, it was not hard to see Suiteheart was worrying herself sick. Her bright smiles and jokes did little to conceal the sideways glances and shuffling of her paws. She was a mess (not as much as poor Margaery but still a mess). However, sitting down beside the chocolate point, she smiled softly.

"What's on the agenda, Teach?" Suiteheart asked, turning her attention upon the small instructor.

Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - guts - 06-09-2018

It seemed like Pele was always up to something, but at least it wasn't going to result in injury or trouble this time. Sylva padded over and took a seat beside Luna, glancing around at everyone gathered, then up at the charts that had been arranged about the room. She herself was pretty intrigued by astrology, though the idea of space being so large was a bit intimidating. There were so many things out there that were larger than them, that much she knew already.

Focusing on her sibling, she flashed her an encouraging smile, interested in what she would have to say.


Re: WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST || o, weekly task - Pele N. F. I. - 06-10-2018

A good sized group had gathered, six of them would be good to start with, people could come in as they wished. She'd only be going over a few basics that would be useful the next time the telescope was out, and perhaps intrigue them to further study themselves if they wanted. The books to do so were scattered around on bookshelves around the observatory. Her mother opted for a humored greeting, Bast calling her 'qualified' which earned him a proud smile, Rin was quaint with her nod and Pele was happy to see her gazing at the charts, Margaery's appearance again concerned her and she tried to not let it show to the others, Auntie Suite was also one for a bit of humor it seemed and finally her sister seemed to actually think that things were okay. Maybe she didn't know how much her silent opinions hurt sometimes.

She quickly scrawled in bold, rounded letters the words "Celestial Poles". A circle was then drawn, then a smaller one inside it, lines connecting the two. The top was labelled NCP, the bottom SCP.

"Today we'll be going over some basic terms and stars, some of which you'll be able to find in the telescope the next time it's up and going. What I've drawn here is the earth, and the 'Celestial Sphere' the theoretical imaginary sphere in which the observer is the center and all celestial objects are considered to lie. It is the very thing that caused astronomers long ago to believe we were the center of the universe and not the Sun. The two lines I've drawn and labelled" She pointed with her stick at the both of them.

"Are the north and south celestial poles, they lie directly above our own north and south poles. The first can tell you the position of the star Polaris, or 'the North star', if someone were to be standing at our north pole, the NCP above their heads would point to Polaris. However there is no southern counterpart to Polaris. "