Beasts of Beyond
MY WORDS CAN COME OUT AS A PISTOL / weekly task, open - Printable Version

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MY WORDS CAN COME OUT AS A PISTOL / weekly task, open - Amren - 06-07-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
[b][color=#414a4c]"Alright children, I'm taking three people with me and we're going to go steal from Griffingate. Who's in?"

Amren appeared particularly lovely in the soft twilight that had encased the world, her tanned skin almost golden as she hoisted herself up on some crates to better see her fellow Blackfallen. She'd look almost delicate had it not been for the wicked smirk that so typically danced upon her crimson-colored lips, her pale eyes gleaming with a scheme as they so often did. It was frighteningly obvious that Cain knew a bit too much about her, but he was exploiting that knowledge in a way that was beneficial. Where normally she would feel vulnerable and weak, she only felt as eager as ever to journey to Griffingate and betray everything there to her flames.

[color=#414a4c]"And hurry up!" She added quickly, brushing a stray piece of black hair out of her face, [color=#414a4c]"I'd like to leave before night truly falls." Darkness would give them the advantage- Griffingate wouldn't see the little band of rebels until the orange glow of her fire lit up the things they held dear. She couldn't wait to inflict upon them the literal heat of her wrath; it had been far too long a time since she had tormented anyone.

But she supposed that this was indeed a well deserved wait.

Re: MY WORDS CAN COME OUT AS A PISTOL / weekly task, open - Thomas - 06-08-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Thomas, for all his kindly princely ways, was not any better than those he lived with. He was not someone who held himself above others simply because he once carried the title of 'prince,' and he could not do that now; he committed the same atrocities everyone in Blackfall did. Hm. The lionhearted man was not even sure he could refer to them as 'atrocities,' for were they not simply trying to get back at Griffingate for all the pain and suffering that kingdom had caused?

An eye for an eye. Thomas did not believe that made the whole world go blind - not when he knew he and his band of outcasts were in the right.

The sun was beginning its slow crawl to the grave as he heard the ancient girl's call. A raid to steal? Interesting. The young man wandered forward. He was already clad in his darkest clothes which was perfect for a night-time excursion. His sword hung at his side, and his hand instinctively gripped the pommel. Oh, he might enjoy this.

"I suppose I will tag along, Amren," he replied, stepping up. "Is there anything we are taking in specific, or is this a type of free-for-all? As I know you, I will assume the latter," he mused, a comical tone taking hold of his words easily.