Beasts of Beyond
THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Printable Version

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THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-07-2018

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Luciferr - 06-09-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fen never went a day without missing home and his family but the ache had dulled in his term with the tanglers - especially now with Amunet - and not to mention his care for the others, he couldn't imagine leaving them on the off chance to wander into a way home.

and besides to a nigh immortal god, why wouldn't he stay? these lives were so fleeting, he'd be a fool not to enjoy his time with the more mortal of them, for as long as he could.

so the ache for the familiar sight of the deep views of the voids of space and the many planets traversed, even dimensions jumped that had so categorised he and his families lives in their near never ending fight for the brighter future could be pushed away, to the back of his mind.

though the ache of his missing siblings nagged much more - they'd always been four bound together on adventure after all.

distant sobbing caught his attention as his ears craned forwards to catch the noise, steps halting as he listened - Vigenere? it sounded similar to the dream demon and was certainly in his abode's direction - War frowned lightly before resuming his tread angling his route now to take him directly to said demon's door.

now he could hear it clearly - fenris foewned, rocking back and forth idly on his claws before rasiing them to scrape on the door - "Vigenere? are you alright?"

/when theres a sad one, war dad isn't far behind lmao.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Morgan - 06-09-2018

Morgan was on his way to some reading lessons with Fenrisulfr when he noticed the beast's unusually-placed presence. For whatever reason the beast was a ways away from his house, even nearing Vigenere's. The dog followed, picking up speed to get closer as they reached the yellow feline's residence. He said nothing, watching the larger male enter before stepping inside as well.

The samoyed let his comrade approach Vigenere first, staying behind so they would not overwhelm him. The cat's presence clearly showed a feeling of misery, so having a bunch of people enter all at once would not be the best idea. Upon hearing them exchange a few words, Morgan entered the room with his mask off. He wore a kindhearted smile, and replied, "We're here now, Vigenere." He looked first at the Chaser, and then up to Fenrisulfr. The dog had no past; by now, even his days in the cave were fading from his memory. All that he and many of the others had were the present and future - Tanglewood. "We will be here in the future. Tanglewood too."

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-10-2018

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - COSMIIX - 06-11-2018

She missed her family and her old friend, Vladimir, but the pain had dulled over time when she came to Tanglewood meeting all the people she knew now. Especially Fenris, he just made her feel comfortable and well, she didn't know where she would be without his friendship. The jaguaress had heard the sobbing and of course, it had raised a bit of concern within in as she rose from her basking spot. Victory's ears would angle forward until she came over brushing up against Fen with a twitch of her whiskers overhearing what Vigenere had said. The past. She recalled the past and well, her own was quite painful but not as much as the present. She offered a gentle smile only to say with a small nod "We're here for you, Vigenere. . . If you ever want to speak to let off the weight then feel free to talk to any of us, dear." The honey-scented Goddess would offer.
© madi

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Morgan - 06-11-2018

Morgan smiled at the cat and closed his eyes as he continued, "We are Tanglewood, a very happy future." His speech was still broken compared to that of most others, but he spoke as close to his heart as he could. Every soft breath he took gave him a feel for Vigenere's tears; to help him, the samoyed pulled the tears away from the yellow fur and toward himself. The sparkling droplets merged in the air, forming the shape of a small heart. The canine had seen the symbol once in a book - he recognized it as being a symbol of affection. He let the heart fall gently onto the floor as he crept around it to reach the Chaser.

The cream dog opened his eyes again to look into Vigenere's, stepping closer until he was right in front of him. He nuzzled the side of the feline's face in an attempt at further consolation, whispering, "We are here. You have us..." Although he was doing his best to appear calm as usual, the samoyed found his muted voice shaking with emotion.

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Luciferr - 06-11-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

ah, painful memories - he could relate.

'Don't be sorry - there's no shame in it' was the telepathic reply the wolf beast sent back - telepathy not being one of his more advertised abilities compared to throwing fire and Earth. War would have said exactly what his compatriots had but then Morgan and Amunet had joined them echoing his own unspoken words.

Leaning into victory slightly and watching the Samoyed speak his own words, War would offer a smile and a slight confirming nod "we're all here through thick and thin, you needn't worry about that" the huge beast shifting to sit, claws moving and scraping near silently as he settled with another nod to the dream demon.

"whether you want to talk or not, you know where we all are" he knew himself how little he would want or did talk depending on the mood - or how close the secret was kept to his chest, he wouldn't begrudge Vigenere his privacy on his affairs after all - especially those of the past, as oft painful as they could be.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

Re: THE MEMORY WON'T ESCAPE ME // open, oneshot - Morgan - 06-11-2018

Morgan's breathing returned to normal as he felt the feline's contact, letting himself fall into the hug. His fluffy fur appeared to engulf Vigenere for a brief moment, its warmth matching the dog's feelings. Worried, he shifted his head to the side so he wouldn't suffocate him with himself.

The samoyed's ears flitted about at the sound of the cat's voice. The canine formulated an answer from his rather simple understanding of cause and effect. More stable than before, he whispered, "Vigenere. Maybe things would have changed before, but you can be better now." He strained himself for a moment to come up with the right words. "Maybe you did wrong before; you can do the right thing now. We can help, as friends."