Beasts of Beyond
BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - Printable Version

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BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-07-2018

Usually when he was irritated or pissed off, Caesar would light himself on fire and release some of that energy out of him through that way. He enjoyed the feeling of the flames eating at his fur for those few seconds and the sound of the flames cackling relaxed him. It was hard to explain, but it was something about the way the flames sounded and the way the heat felt made him less stressed and angry. It was part of the reason why he enjoyed watching his Dimension rot from the inside for a few moments before he had to get himself and his two siblings out of there; he liked the sound the flames caused and the way the heat felt against his fur. He enjoyed the pained screams and pleas coming from the other demons of that Dimension.

But those powers didn't travel with him when he came here. Which meant Caesar was stuck having to deal with his stresses and anger head-on, and that in-of-itself was frustrating. Caesar didn't like facing his problems, he liked getting rid of them, and if he didn't have fire, everybody wanted to bother him and egg his irritation on. They may not mean to, but that's what happened. But he had gotten so used to being able to light himself on fire when things got rough, and having that ability stripped from him left him lost. He didn't know how to react. But that explained why you saw his body twitch and his tail lash in a certain way whenever he got mad; that was how he activated the flames to appear on him.

Right now, Caesar was dealing with a particularly annoying NPC, a young kit who kept pestering him with questions. The child kept talking and asking things in such an innocent voice that it agitated him. "Leave me alone." Caesar snarled at the kit, tail lashing in the way he usually did to activate his ability to control flames. But of course, as usual, the flames never came, and left him panicking on the inside. It meant the irritation he felt was bottled inside still, and although he wanted to throw the kit into the ocean, Caesar knew he couldn't. He didn't want to risk losing his position, and over what? Him not being able to control his emotions properly? That was an idiotic reason.

However, Caesar did lash at the child when they wouldn't stop, although purposely miscalculated his swing. His claws grazed near the kit, although he didn't touch them, but he clearly spooked them. The child ran off crying to their mother, which only left Caesar irritated more. The sound of the kit's crying was annoying, and he regretted scarring the kit, if only because of the noise the child was making. He regretted making them cry just because the sound of that was irritating, not because he actually almost hit them. Caesar stormed off towards his room on the ship, claws scraping the floor. He needed to release steam somehow, and if he couldn't light himself on fire, he had to do it another way.

Caesar entered his room and slammed the door, digging his claws into the wooden floor. The demon's lips were curled back in a snarl, and his tail lashing around. His body twitched like he had a cold chill, as if it was trying to activate the ability as well. And as per usual, to no avail. "Fuck this Dimension!" Caesar hissed to himself, marching over to the bookstand that had been placed in his room. The demon grabbed some books and launched them across the room, where they landed in random places, knocked against the door or walls, or even crashed through the window in some cases. Caesar continued doing this with multiple objects before he was able to relax himself, and the Privateer was now just sitting down in the middle of his room, breathing heavily. His claws were still digging into the floorboards, but at least his rage seemed to be somewhat contained for the most part.

//tl;dr: Caesar's being a pissbaby over a child asking him questions and tore apart his room because he's that overdramatic because he can't think of another way to get rid of anger.

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - purgatory - 06-08-2018

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-08-2018

Hearing footsteps come towards his room, Caesar raised his head and snarled at whomever was approached, at first unaware that it was Cronas. Once he did realize it was them, however, he just let out a sigh, deciding not to comment on their strange way of speaking anymore. He didn't have enough energy to get angry again, especially over something like that. Funny coming from him, sure, but he was tired after his little outbreak. Being able to light himself on fire was much more easier, although it, too, drained some energy from him.

"Kids should learn to leave me the fuck alone." Caesar responded to Cronas's question about why he was upset. That's all the explanation they needed, even if they were a child themselves. He would honestly be more relieved if Cronas didn't bother him. Caesar's ears flicked at their next question, as if he was unsure how to answer that. "I'm fine here." He finally replied, though his tone may say otherwise. He did want to leave, but he was stuck here. Having no powers meant no Dimension traveling, so he was just stuck here. If he'd known that his powers would be stripped away, he would have gone somewhere else.

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - purgatory - 06-09-2018

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had been walking by when she had seen Cronas enter Caesar's room. Curiosity could be seen on her delicate features as she walked behind her adopted-child into the usually-angry male's room. She would stand behind Cronas, her tail curling around his hind-legs in a somewhat protective-gesture and she stared at Caesar, mentally daring him to try and curse at her child once more.

"I'm sure Caesar would love to have some help cleaning his room." She said to Cronas, sending a glance in the Privateer's direction. Sure, he was a higher position then she was, but she wasn't afraid of him in any sort of way, even if he tried to be frightening.
© madi

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-10-2018

"Actually, no, I -" Caesar went to say to Cronas at first, tail fluffing up in anger as they walked into his room to fix the books that were scattered around his room. He caught Vanessa's eye, and although he couldn't read her mind to tell what the look was for, it was clear that she was upset at him over something. Almost like she was daring him to do something. Caesar stuck his tongue out at her (like that was mature) before he sighed and finished his response to Cronas, "Yeah, fine, whatever. Some help would be great." He grumbled.

Re: BOO FUCKING HOO // open, Weekly Prompt 6/7 - purgatory - 06-11-2018