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I BET MY LIFE ON YOU / private - Printable Version

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I BET MY LIFE ON YOU / private - bubblegum - 06-07-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

the kitten hadn't slept very well the night before. she was very restless and kept wanting to move around, so she hadn't fallen asleep very well, and then she just kept waking up. so, when it was morning time, she decided she would take a nap later. she had spent the morning interacting with others. then, she went into papa's submarine, eating a little snack in the afternoon, and then tried to relax by doodling a dolphin wearing an eye-patch. how's the eye-patch stay on its face? why does it even have an eye-patch? beats her! but, by the time she had done all that, she was feeling sleepy enough to nap.

she settled into her bed, curling up in a little ball by herself, enjoying the quiet as she slowly fell asleep. she honestly got pretty tired after interacting with others for a while, so having a nice, silent break was refreshing. but, that quiet would soon disappear. at first, she was somewhere on the island, inside the rain forest. the birds all around were singing their songs and squawking back and forth as she stood in an unfamiliar part of the jungle, taking in her lush surroundings. but, looking around, she could tell it was definitely the island she called home. she didn't think she'd ever been on this part of the island before. she couldn't see the camp from here, though. the trees must be blocking it. but, she could make out the presence of the lighthouse far away, and smell what was mostly familiar scents that were unique to her home. but, it was still different. something was foreign.

but, perhaps it was different because she was so far back in the island, it seemed. how did she get here? she couldn't exactly remember. maybe she had walked here by accident after her nap, or even, during her nap! she didn't think she was a sleep-walker, but she supposed that it might be possible. she felt like she should probably walk back towards where she saw the lighthouse, especially since the sun was about to start setting, but a curiosity rose in her. this place was so different and she wondered if there would be anyone here. "hello?" she called loudly, causing some of the birds to fly away and squawk in return. but, no one answered. the silence, besides the jungle animals, felt kind of unwelcoming to her. so, she started to turn around to go back home.

as she started to walk towards the lighthouse, things got a lot more quiet. too quiet, really. but, she continued walking, keeping her focus on the lighthouse. it was actually quite a while away, and it would probably be dark by the time she got there, so she picked up her pace a little bit. she wished someone was around; she was starting to feel pretty lonely. maybe somebody would show up soon, since she was walking towards where everybody hung out. she picked up her pace some more.

after some time, she had covered some good ground, and it wasn't sunset just yet either, so she felt a little more confident that she'd make it back in time. she decided to call out again. "hello? is anyone there?" but no one answered again. she went back to being quiet, the air around her silent, besides the sound of her large paws hitting the ground. but, a few moments did pass by and she did hear something. she couldn't quite make out what it said, but it was a voice. it called out to her from very far away, and it was behind her - where she'd come from. the kitten turned around, her ears perked. "hello? who's there?"

it called out to her again, and she still couldn't figure out what it was saying, but it definitely was from where she was. maybe it would be better for her to go that way instead, after all. so, the kitten ran that way now, eager to meet a face. she ran and ran, and ended up tripping over her paws once, but kept running, trying to find the source of the voice. "where are you?" she called, to which it cried out from farther in front of her. she kept moving forward, and by now it was sunset. the birds had started to squawk again. they didn't sing anymore.

some more time began to pass as she continued moving towards the voice, and the rain forest began to slowly open up onto another beach. there was something singing to her in the distance. it had the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard. it was louder than all of the squawking birds and it drew her onto the beach. was this the voice calling out to her earlier? not bothering to think, she moved towards the unfamiliar shore. but then, the singing paused, causing her to realize that the sand was very...odd. it was black. and the air smelled...awful. it was like, a bunch of dead fish, but worse. the sky was also getting much darker much faster than she thought. the ocean in front of her seemed to be filled with something, too. there were lots of creatures she did not recognize, besides sharks, and there was...a boat? the squawking birds got louder, too. but, the singing began again.

the voice caused her to lose sense of her surroundings and it was so entrancing that she began to step towards the infested waters. the salty waters splashed at her paws lightly as she stepped forward. with each step, it got deeper, and just before she reached the point she'd need to start swimming, she stepped on something. the singing stopped. the birds began to scream. the monsters that lurked in the waters roared and splashed all about. the sky became a pale black and the boat became invisible. she looked below her, to see what it was she had stepped on. she froze.

"papa?" he was unconscious and still altogether. a chill shot through her, confusion and worry trickling in. "why are you asleep? wake up. we should go back to the submarine," she spoke gently, poking at the body before her. "i'll carry you out of the water, but, i can't carry you all the way back." and that's exactly what she would do - pick up the body and drag it onto the shore. "okay, now wake up. you'll get a cold if we stay out here." she'd say next, her voice a bit stronger now as she shook the male. "this isn't a good place for a nap." she urged. he wouldn't wake up. he wouldn't even move. why'd he look like that? "wake up! she demanded now, forcefully shoving at the body. he wouldn't. she didn't understand why.

"please wake up! i don't like this place." she couldn't figure out what he was doing. why did he look like that? "why won't you wake up?" she felt exhausted. she'd walked around back and forth all day. she didn't want to stay here, though. it was scary and loud. she had to scream just to hear herself. everything screeched at her. the air was so gross. nothing made sense. she didn't understand why papa wouldn't wake up. she didn't understand what was happening. she couldn't understand. "please! she screamed. the birds screamed back. the waters swarmed around her and roared. "please help me!" no one was here. no one was here to help. she couldn't get any help. she was all alone.

but, all this time, she was just dreaming. she still is. she still laid unconscious in her bed in the submarine. her sleeping body cried and mumbled incoherent, frantic words as her legs kicked back and forth, almost as if she was actually awake. but if you were to really listen and look at her, you'd see that the cries were held back and words struggled and that her eyes were tightly closed.

the waters crashed into her and swallowed her up whole.

Re: I BET MY LIFE ON YOU / private - PINCHER - 06-15-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher was all too familiar with how twisted and terrifying nightmares could become. They were constant old friends to the former hitman, his memories chiming in to remember everything he tried so hard to move past from. The deaths of beloved friends or of his first sons. The murder that he committed when he sunk his claws into the neck of his father, the bewildered shocked expression mirroring in the same odd blue eyes that father and son carried. How could he have done it? Why had he? A tale that was buried so deep within his consciousness that Pincher didn't really know the answer nor did he desire to remember that level of hatred he had felt when ending the life of the former captain. The memory would fold itself like origami to become something different, something darker than he expected. Yet, Pincher knew he needed his sleep and rest especially with how rowdy the Typhoon was becoming. More members meant a bigger group than he was used to but knew that this was the pathway to success..whatever that was.

Unlike many “villains” that inhabited Mother Earth, Pincher didn't desire world domination. He didn't have that sort of acquired hunger that some creatures developed. What Pincher was certain was that if there was ever world domination in some ridiculous way, that his group and himself would be safe from being destroyed. That they would instead rise from the ashes and become legendary. But his ambition? He wasn't entirely sure what that was nor what direction it was pointing towards. The male was certain that it wasn't to become the hero of the century, all the sins, and wrongdoings he had done tainting the pure heart that he once had. As months had passed, the rotting of his heart had increased and there was hardly anything Pincher had not done since some crimes were too gut-wrenching for him to do. So when he had children with Guru, there was a sudden revival of a spark of hope for the future. Coldblue and Goldenluxury. Two colors that defined who they were and Pincher wanted only the best for them even if he lacked fatherly qualities that had died alongside his firstborn sons.

Coldblue seemed to stick to himself with a chilly air that Pincher himself carried when he was focused and determined on conquering a challenge. His son even had the same brilliant arctic blue color that he had and his father as well as his father’s father. The ridiculous term of “snake eyes” due to the lack of dilation only reminded him of the dark potential that his son carried with him due to being a Roux. Then there was Goldenluxury or everyone liked to refer to as Goldie. She was what Pincher had hoped would become the product of the brief chemistry of Guru and himself. She carried an innocence that he wanted her to keep, the way gold glints in the sunlight. He had never had a daughter before nor had he much experience on how to raise a child but the way she seemed to show so much love for everyone was something that made Pincher feel the desire to be there for her. To be a good dad even if she had seen him in a horrid state of passing out in a meeting. He wanted to be better but how could he? How could he show that he cared? Pincher was a charmer and knew how to win hearts in romantic love, his charismatic behavior tending to attract many. But any other sort of love? He didn't excel in it. Nor did he particularly know how to start.

Then he heard her cries. Unlike the soft whimpers she had given when born, Goldie’s cries echoed with pain and calling for her father. He had just returned from a late night walk on the beach, a long trail of smoke dancing behind him as he no longer smoked in his home for he didn't want Goldie to catch anything from the nicotine, especially at such a young age. The smoking was a bad habit that he had been trying to limit ever since Jacob and children came to his life but the smoke puffs that he expertly exhaled relaxed the constant ache that burned his head. He had just halted in front of the door to enter his quarters when he heard her, his muscles tensing beneath his ink black pelt. ”Goldie? Goldie, are you alright?” He called out, his cigarette slipping from the corner of his lips as he quickly pushed open the door with his jaws now clamped around his switchblade, the obsidian blade glinting in the pale moonlight rays. Then he spotted her trembling figure, her small paws kicking out as if trying to push something away though he noticed no one was around except father and daughter. Relief washed over him when he realized she was just having a bad dream but knew that he should wake up for nightmares did have the deadly possibility of scarring one’s mind.

The broad-shouldered dark male returned his blade back into his armband and walked towards Goldie’s body, lowering his pepper black nose to gently press against her cheek and nudge her awake. His cool oceanic blue eyes glinted with a soft shade of worry as Pincher murmured ”Goldie...Goldie, wake up. Sweetheart, I need you to wake up.” His rumbling low voice did not hold the rugged tone he tended to bark out orders but instead a tone that he remembered he would use to his sons. It was surprising how Goldie was able to bring this side out of him since the pirate had long forgotten what it was like to take care of someone beside himself.
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Re: I BET MY LIFE ON YOU / private - bubblegum - 06-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
struggling against the waters, something touched gently against her side. something spoke to her. her papa. everything went away.

she woke up quickly, her head jumping upward and eyes flittering open. she gasped for air as she was pulled out of unconsciousness, her cries now clear and confused. her tail flicked back and forth frantically and her fur was bristled. she was clearly still in a state of panic for a few moments. but, she realized something. her papa was right there. right here in front of her. she attempted to steady herself between her cries, slowly aiming to reach for her papa, wanting to hug him. "th-there was a l-la-lady a-and she s-sang so pr-pretty...i f-followed her v-voice but," her voice was soft and shaky as she tried to explain what had happened. "sh-she lead me to a b-beach with bl-black san-sand and mon-monsters. a-and, you were th-there." her breathing slowed a little.

"but, you w-wouldn't wa-wake up. a-and everyth-thing was s-so loud. and i tr-tried to call f-for help, b-but nobody was th-there. and you wouldn't w-wake up." she looked downward as she described this, starting to feel a little embarrassed, even though she was still clearly upset. everything had been so loud. she had been all alone. she didn't want to be alone. "i di-didn't know what to d-do..." her voice trailed off now. she twitched her nose, going quiet for a second. "but it was just a bad dream."

she had no reason to be so worked up over it, she told herself. nobody should worry about it. she lowered her head quietly. "sorry." her voice was very quiet now as she stared downward. she still appeared quite shaky, though, despite her own efforts to calm herself down.