Beasts of Beyond
once upon a dream / open - Printable Version

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once upon a dream / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

OUR LOVE IS SIX FEET UNDER ✧ Sola — Citizen — Blackfall
It had been a week or so since Sola had been taken from Griffingate. Blackfall was a nicer place then the enemy group and she actually felt welcome here. The young girl was walking around the old castle, noticing a few NPC mutants training with weapons, such as swords, daggers and bows & arrows. Sola wasn't a big fan of fighting, but she didn't care if she had to be trained too.

The young girl would allow her large wings to unfurl and spread outward. Her wings were taller then she was, but in the future- she'd grow to the point where her wings would be up to her neck. She loved her wings. They were strong-built and light-weight, so flying with them was not very hard. The girl would climb to one of the crumbling towers and she would jump off. After she started to fall, she stretched her wings even further and began to fly, towards the Command Center.
© madi

Re: once upon a dream / open - Amren - 06-07-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
It was by some strand of chance that Amren was lurking outside of the Command Center, her silver eyes trained upon the blue sky above. In a previous dimension (and, in a way, a previous life), her friends had commanded the skies, flying and fighting within them as easily as they breathed. Sometimes, she caught herself missing them, missing that strange companionship they provided her, missing the elaborate gifts they used to bestow upon her each Winter's Solstice. But they were gone, consumed when their dimension collapsed upon itself. She had almost stayed with them, loyal to the very end, but they had told her to leave, sent her away so that she could continue living for all of them. It was tragic, really, but Amren wasn't one for sad stories. And so, she dismissed her thoughts as soon as she felt a wave of melancholy crash over her, focusing instead on the winged figure that now occupied the air above her.

Had she still been transfixed by the past, she might have assumed that Cassian or Azriel or even Rhysand himself had finally found her but her logical brain was once more dominant and easily informed her that that was nothing more than a child. [b][color=#414a4c]"Hey, up there! You, girl!" She shouted loudly, a huff preceding her words, [color=#414a4c]"Get down here and introduce yourself!" Lest you remind me of my dead friends any longer.