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special friends // o - joining - Printable Version

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special friends // o - joining - georgie - 03-18-2018

Georgie was there. No water soaked her fur, no paw prints dotted the narrow land strip behind her. She simply was, where moments before she was not. And oh, she was ecstatic. Ecstatic in the prancing sense of the word, the skipping and the head-thrown-back laughing sense, with a sort of tangible relief and giddiness that would've rolled off her in shimmering waves, were it possible. Every now and then in her dance she would stagger over her own legs, as if unused to them, and her fuzzy radar dish ears flicked and twitched erratically, paired with ever-vigilant rubbernecking. Attentive in spite of her glee. Watchful. So much like a newborn fawn, but she was obviously eager to find someone. Her searching couldn't have been for nothing, could it?

Unable to stop smiling, and giving her short tail a quick flick, Georgie continued her little waltz over sand and through water when it pleased her to splash in the tide, looking and waiting and wandering and then, "Hello? Hel-lo?" like she hadn't spoken in ages, the loudness seemed to stem more from not knowing volume control than her high spirits. She licked her lips and laughed like she couldn't help herself. "[b]Helllloooo? Wwwoah? Hewwo?" Georgie skipped from the froth of the water to up higher into the sand, where it was warmest, felt best on her pads despite sticking. The sensation didn't seem to bother her, wet grit wedged between her toes. All sensation, in fact, delighted her right now. She stamped her feet and marveled at the dips her paws left. That is me!

"[b]How beautiful!
" She didn't seem to be praising anything in general - her eyes wouldn't linger long enough on one spot for that. It was an exclamation sent out to everything around her, as if she couldn't believe her eyes, as if it would all be taken from her if she didn't properly appreciate it.

Re: special friends // o - joining - Verdigris - 03-19-2018

  It had been several months since he had last felt palpable, giddy excitement. On occasions such as his arrival in the Typhoon that first night, anticipation filled his very being, but he couldn't say that that was the same as the sort of genuine euphoria that led a person to prance around on the beach, screeching like a vulture.

  The loudness of the stranger's voice allowed it to reach him on the beach where he was standing, though he couldn't quite make out what it was saying, only detecting a cheerful tone. Thankfully, his left ear had been facing the source of the sound, rather than his right ear- unfortunately, the sound still echoed off of the ship's exterior and into his injured ear, causing a burst of pain within the eardrum. It seemed that even though he couldn't actually hear anything on that side, he wasn't spared from the other effects of soundwaves.

  Wincing, the jackal shook his head, then traipsed in the direction of the voice. Approaching the serval, he fixed his mismatched eyes on her. Ergh, she reeked of over-enthusiasm and excitement. On any other day, he wouldn't have minded it that much, but this was not a particularly good day to listen to someone yelling at the top of their lungs. "Could you please quiet down?" he growled, flattening both ears back and pressing lightly on his right ear with one paw. After a moment, he added, "This is the Typhoon's territory. I'm guessing you're here to join." He couldn't have seen her fitting in here, but then he also could've said the same for either of the Daphnes, or even himself, if he wanted to be truthful.

  One way or another, unless he wanted to be yelled at by one of the other members (which was not the case today), he'd have to keep that to himself and at least try to appear polite.

  /ic opinions, he's a jerk
  /welcome to the Typhoon ^^

Re: special friends // o - joining - georgie - 03-19-2018

She grinned at him, wide and sharp and overjoyed. Georgie staggered forward, not at all thinking about things like personal space or social etiquette as she moved to be in this new thing's space. "[color=#d4af37]Oh my goodness! You are beautiful! You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." She gushed, staring at Papercutter like he was something worthy of worship. She stretched her head forward to sniff him, eyes saucer-wide and thoughtful.

"[color=#d4af37]Quiet?" She didn't speak for a moment, as if just then realizing that she had been shouting. Georgie swallowed, thinking about the level he was talking at. "[color=#d4af37]Like this?" Georgie asked in earnest, speaking in a loud whisper and cocking her head to one side observantly. She licked her lips and chewed her tongue for a moment. "[color=#d4af37]Oh but, yes, I am here to join. I would love to join."

Re: special friends // o - joining - Guru - 03-19-2018

//owo what's this?
//welcome!! i love georgie already oml

Another enthusiast of beauty, it seemed. Not in the same dimension though, as this one seemed vaguely loony upon first approach. As she came to a pause, her eyes narrowed slighty. She craned her head to the side, offering a silent snort at the male's actions towards Papercutter. Jesus, who stuffed LSD in his morning tea? Georgie was absolutely astounded about the world around him and every turn seemed to bright something new. Sadly, she could not judge. She aspired that trait. Guru just preferred to aspire in the beauty of the smaller things in life... not... this.

Finally, the broad female wandered closer. "Why hello there," she cooed loudly. "Welcome to the Typhoon then." Guru wasn't sure on their joining policies. For now, accepting this one into their territory was their best bet for new members and growing a larger army than other clans. Talk about competition. "My name is Guru," came her continued statement. "It's quite the pleasure to meet you..." Her paw rolled off to the side and gestured in his direction, signaling for Georgie to insert his name into the blank, as he did not state in the first place. Probably too busy in rainbow-sunshine land.

Re: special friends // o - joining - georgie - 03-19-2018

"[color=#d4af37]I'm Georgie! And you're lovely, ma'am. Could we..." She looked between the two of them, appearing flustered, or perhaps just overwhelmed. "[color=#d4af37]Perhaps, could we all be friends? I don't have any, and you both look so sweet, so I, you know, maybe...I mean if you both want another friend? I would do my very best - I'll do whatever you like, I'm very good at...well, at loads of things, actually. I would really like some friends, is all." She puffed her chest out and lifted her chin as if she had just pledged to take on a perilous mission, bristling all over with a kind of nervous energy.


Re: special friends // o - joining - Guru - 03-20-2018

Lovely? How nice of Georgie to admire her aesthetic. Wonderful. The caracal's face twisted into a delighted expression donned with a polite grin. "Well, Georgie," she enthused, "We're already off to a great start, my newest friend." Especially if Georgie would do whatever she pleased. If he really meant it, then they would have a fantastic friendship. After all, friendships were her way of taking advantage of others. "So," she led on, "What leads you to the Typhoon in specific, dear?" The pure beauty of the place led her here, but what about this child? Surely, it wasn't the people...

Re: special friends // o - joining - georgie - 03-20-2018

She sucked in a shocked breath as if Guru accepting her friendship was a surprise. “Thank you for calling me friend!” Georgie cried, voice heavy with emotion. It didn’t last long as she gained her previous composure in order to think of the reason she was here.

[color=#d4af37]I wanted friends.” she said. “[color=#d4af37]It has been so long since I had any and I’ve been very...upset. About that. Life is only worth living if you can live it with others.” Georgie explained, distracted by the sound of water over sand behind her. “[b][color=#d4af37]And I couldn’t find nicer people to spend it with. I looked.

Re: special friends // o - joining - Verdigris - 03-20-2018

  He might have expected her to get irritated at him, to pout, or even just to walk away. He certainly had not expected her to invade his personal space, sniffing him and gushing loudly about how beautiful he apparently was. Stumbling back and reaching a paw up to his right ear, the jackal stared at her incredulously, unsure of how to respond. How was one supposed to take being called "beautiful," anyway? It wasn't a word he heard often in the desert, and it was reserved almost exclusively for places, not for people.

  When she lowered her voice, Papercutter blinked, then nodded. "Better," he muttered, twitching his good ear. Before he could say anything else, another member- Guru, he vaguely recalled- approached and began speaking. He supposed he could interrupt her, but he saw no benefit to doing so, choosing instead to listen and take note of any important details that came up. Like, for instance, the fact that the newcomer's name was Georgie.

  When Georgie requested that they become friends, the jackal lowered his head, musing to himself. If he was going to start forming another squad soon, which he most likely would need to, then he ought to begin looking for potential squadmates. This one didn't look like much, but then he hadn't amounted to much before coming here, either. She claimed that she was unable to find "nicer" people to spend life with, as well; that didn't come as much of a surprise to him.

  "The world can be cruel," Paper spoke up finally, lifting his head and fixing his gaze on Georgie. "So I suppose I'll be your friend." That... hadn't come out nearly as poetic as he had hoped it would, but whatever. Hopefully he (or rather, his ears) would not come to regret befriending her.