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don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Printable Version

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don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Character Graveyard. - 06-06-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Like normally, Luna was out-and-about, on patrol near Tanglewood's border. Her blue-eyes were scanning the area outside of the border, noticing a pair of unusual auburn-eyes. "Hello?" She would call out before she froze in place.

A black-feline had lunged itself at Luna, fangs barred and claws stretched outward. She felt claws grip her sides and pull her downward. Then she felt two small fangs sink a little in her neck before coming out. In the place where the fangs had gone in, there were one bloody holes. Luna's vision had become blurry before darkening and she had passed out cold.

In her dreams, she found herself sitting up straight, a trident between her fore-paws as she eyed a giant beast in the eye as it towered over her- speaking in ancient tongue that she could understand, somehow. The beast had growled and leaned closer to the female, near the platform she sat on. The beast had neared her even more and she would thrust the trident forward, stabbing the beast in the eye with her trident.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Suiteheart - 06-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had watched, in complete and utter horror, as the dark feline padded out from the shadows of the day. She was helpless, frozen to the spot. She could only watch as the attacker sank its fangs into her friend's neck. Upon bearing witness to this scene, something... shifted inside of her.

A low growl erupted from her throat, and she stalked forward, claws unsheathed. She felt a primal rage burning deep within her, but she could not understand its roots. She saw flashes of fangs and stakes and blue eyes that rivaled hurricanes. The attacking creature simply lifted its head, blinked slowly, and sped away. Every fiber of Suiteheart's being told her to hunt that monster down and drive a stake into its heart, but she remained grounded. Lunafreya was unconscious. She needed help.

'Marg? Marg, where are you? Why the fuck are there other vampires here? Get here. Now.'

The message she sent her wife was full of panic. Despite the fury she was experiencing outwardly, she was inwardly frightened. It felt like she was reliving something so incredibly horrible. She shuddered as she sank down to gently shake Luna. [color=#99182C][b]"Wake up... Wake up!"

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Margaery - 06-07-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Vampires were territorial creatures. Once one vampire (or even a family of them) situated in a single place and began to hunt and feed accordingly, they effectively sent a message to all others in the area. It was your typical 'back off or pay the price' type of deal and one that Margaery dutifully enforced. The Ascendants territory and what laid just beyond it had been claimed by her. The former done in an attempt to keep her clanmates safe from stray (and hungry) vampires that could turn or potentially kill them. Thus far, she had encountered no issues.

That was, until Suiteheart woke her up.

She would blink a few times as she jolted from her sleep, wondering if her wife's message had been a dream and nothing more. No, Suite's words were still fresh in her mind and she could sense the panic exhibited by the other femme as she abandoned her room and quickly began hunting them down. A wave of nausea told her that the leeches were not too pleased with this development but she ignored them as she usually did, not stopping until she came across Suite and a wounded Luna.

The vampire's scent was still fresh in the air and a part of her contemplated pursuing it without even offering advice for how to deal with this situation. She knew that that was wrong though and that the killing could wait. But oh, how she would ensure that the guilty party would do much suffering for this little transgression as soon as she was done here. Mark her words, she would throw the rogue vampire back to the pits of hell from which is originated.

[color=#b14767]"Definitely a vampire," Margaery offered first, dismissing her thoughts to get closer to Luna. Surprisingly, the blood that came from the puncture wound on her neck did nothing for her. That had to mean that her friend was likely in transition and would awake dependent on blood. [color=#b14767]"I don't know what else to say except that Luna will probably carry the affliction now. I'm surprised why she was targeted and not drained though. I'm going to do some looking around after this," She continued quietly, a bit too calm in the wake of this tragedy. She was more concerned with the immediate knowledge that someone had broken territory rules to come and injure a friend. That was more than enough for Margaery to issue a death warrant and not stop until the criminal had his or her head removed and placed on a spike. She wasn't playing around.

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Warringkingdoms - 06-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]To think, today had been going so well, too.

  Rin had only realized something was wrong once she detected the ever-familiar reek of blood coming from the direction of the border. Luckily, this time, she already had her bag on her person, saving her the trouble of grabbing it on her way out of camp. As she rushed towards the scene, she morbidly wondered whether or not it was another newcomer that had gotten themselves in an accident of some form.

  Upon arriving and seeing Luna lying unconscious with a neck wound, however, she gritted her teeth. The wound didn't seem especially deep, but it still could have punctured an artery, and could easily get infected. "Did either of you see who attacked her?" she asked, going over to Luna and taking out bandages and marigold. Chewing the marigold quickly, then applying it to the neck wound, she would then wrap bandages around Luna's neck.

  It was at that moment that Margaery's words registered in Rin's mind, and she froze mid-wrapping. The wound was a vampire bite? What was she supposed to do about a vampire bite? With a sigh, she finally finished the wrapping and muttered, "I should've known I'd have to learn about this someday." If vampirism could be easily cured, then Margaery would already have cured herself, so that was probably right out. All that could be done now was ensuring that Luna survived, and taking steps to help her manage whatever symptoms she suffered through.

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Upon hearing the sound of voices all around her, Luna had began to twitch slightly. She wasn't in pain, but she was slowly waking up. Thankfully, the two bites on her neck weren't deep enough to do much damage, though she would be left with the scars.

Luna had awoken a few moments after Rin had covered her neck with bandages. Tiny fangs had poked out from both sides of the female's mouth and her sky blue-eyes had darkened & narrowed to slits. "What happened?" She questioned Rin, a confused look on her facial features.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Margaery - 06-07-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
It always intrigued Margaery to see the creation of another vampire. Those who had been turned and not made differed vastly from someone like, say, herself. Her fangs were present but not nearly as prominent and her eyes looked rather typical until they phased into their dark-copper counterparts. There was no scar upon her neck either, a trait that Luna certainly would exhibit for the rest of her life. Had she not felt the sudden need to rifle off all of her vampire knowledge in some attempt to explain to the Starstruck Guardian what had happened, she could have made comparisons between them all day.

[color=#b14767]"You're a vampire now, love. I suggest finding some blood and quickly, new vampires tend to be a bit ravenous and we have two very mortal individuals in our company," She extended casually, though a subconscious step was taken forward as she positioned herself slightly in front of Suiteheart. Margaery had lost her wife once, she would not have her slip out of her reach again- much less to a newly turned vampire. [color=#b14767]"You're probably feeling a bit peckish, which is completely normal. You may feel emotional and even unstable as well, those are also pretty typical traits of vampires. The biggest one is blood though, it'll become something that you'll want to focus all your energy on acquiring. Don't let your blood lust take over. Lucky for you, I've been doing this for quite a long time and I can help you anyway you need. And... if you want, I could even make you an honorary Mikaelson of sorts, if you'd feel more at home with your affliction that way. The decision is yours."

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - BASTILLEPAW - 06-07-2018

The whispers of Luna's name passed through the Observatory as Rin headed off to meet the injured female, and it didn't take long for Bastille to get wind of the fact that his mentor was out there somewhere, injured, again. He was jittery and a bit shaky, his blood stream pumping a little too quickly that morning, but there was little that would keep him from tracking down his mentor immediately. He arrived in a flicker, eyes a bit over bright as they passed briefly over the others before locking of Luna and narrowing.

"What the hell happened?" he demanded, taking a step towards her as his gaze raked over her, a familiar sense of protective anger uncurling in his chest -- a sudden shock of sensation, when he'd felt so numb for so many days. He stilled as his stare landed on her throat, the twin puncture wounds, the strange change to her eyes, and -- and the assumption was nasty and vicious and wrong, but it was there before he could slow himself down.

He whipped around, keeping himself angled between Luna and Margaery, and fixed her with a livid glare. "What the fuck did you do to her, Margaery?" he hissed, voice low, unable to stop the way the ground started to splinter and crack beneath his paws, a hideous anger boiling in his gut. Logically, he should know that she wouldn't do this, but Luna was here, changed, and Margaery was the only vampire in sight, and she would take someone else away from him, wouldn't she? She was greedy and awful and liked to steal everything, and perhaps she would do it to spite him -- to make Luna hers, like Hazel and Pele and everything else. His irises flickered, mismatched green and blue emerging as that fury surged, but he held his ground, intent on making her say it before he ripped her throat out.

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
"I see." Luna said, listening to Margaery as she spoke, a small frown on her maw as the female protectively put herself in front of Suite. She was slightly offended by the fact that the fellow Vampire would think she would ever attempt to attack another Clanmate. "Alright. I suppose I'll join the Mikaelson family, if you allow it." Luna would say to Margy.

Then Bastille came along. He had been showing hostile emotions toward Hazel, Suite and Margy for too long now. If he had directed his fierce emotions to Pele if her child grew closer to Margy, Luna would have a big problem with that. "Bastilleprisoner." She said, her voice turning somewhat harsh. "I don't know the reason why you've been mad with Hazel, Suite or Margy for some time now, but you need to learn to forget and forgive. Everyone in our group just needs to get along. And Margaery didn't do anything to me. A feral Vampire attacked me."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Margaery - 06-07-2018

[align=center][color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁[div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]
[COLOR=#b14767]"Then welcome to the family, darling, we're happy to have you," Margaery lightly responded, the faintest of smiles appearing upon her lips. Family. This was her family. Not her father's. Not Caroline's. Not even her grandparents' who had been its original founders. No, she got to decide who could and couldn't carry the Mikaelson name. Who was worthy and who was not. After being controlled by her 'loved ones' for centuries, she was not shy in admitting how liberated she felt with that newfound ability. Luna would make a fine addition to the Mikaelsons anyways, as would her children if they, too, took the name.

But the brief joy she had found in Luna's agreement to join the family was short lived, interrupted by Bastilleprisoner's arrival and his pointed accusation. In that moment, as she gazed upon him and all of his anger, she felt as if he truly did want to kill her. A little bit of her broke at that realization. [color=#b14767]"You ignore me for days and then have the audacity to accuse me of something you know I wouldn't do? Bast... I've lived on this godforsaken earth for a thousand years and I have never sired another fucking vampire. So in short, I've done nothing to her but offer my guidance. If you have a problem with that wel-" A sudden wave of sadness cut her off, causing tears to collect in the corners of her eyes and eventually spill over her cheeks. She was done pretending like he wasn't hurting her with his treatment of her. [color=#b14767]"You're acting like my father... ready to kill anything that infringes upon what's 'yours'. I'm sorry..." She paused once more, breathing suddenly labored, nausea enveloping her form with little mercy.

She was appreciative of Luna's attempts to fix the situation but she doubted that Bast would be so easily swayed. It felt like he was going to hate her forever for the innocent 'crime' she had committed. [color=#b14767]"I'm s-sorry, Luna," She said quietly, voice breaking, [color=#b14767]"If you need anything, you k-know where to find... where to find me."

And with that, she left, breaking under the weight of this god awful situation.

Re: don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man / open, 300th post - Suiteheart - 06-08-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Margaery's presence was enough to calm her. The need for bloodshed settled within Suiteheart's mind as well, and she was more than grateful for both things.  She found herself pressing into the side of her wife, drawing comfort from her in the wake of this odd situation - this tragedy.

Upon hearing Warringkingdom's question, she shook her head. Who had attacked Lunafreya? Suite tried to recall everything about the attacker - their fur color, their scent, their eye color -, but she came up empty. In the instant that she had felt the need to kill, her mind went blank. It was as if all she had seen was red. "I don't know who it was, Rinny. A wanderer or something..." Luna would later confirm this.

The white feline fell silent as Margaery and Luna discussed what would soon fall upon the latter. Worry pricked at Suite's insides, but she tried to let these emotions die out. Margy didn't seem to be all too upset. In fact, she was calm as still water. Suiteheart needed to take notes. Her ears perked as Margaery asked Lunafreya to join the Mikaelson family, and a smile spread out across her lips. She would love for Luna to be a part of their ever-growing family. The Ecliptic Admiral opened her maw to speak when Bastilleprisoner arrived in a rage.

The venom he spit at her wife caused Suiteheart's ears to pin backwards. She stepped between her lover and the boy she might have once lovingly called son. Her eyes were narrowed to slits, and fury was read easily within their blue depths. How dare he? How dare he attack Margaery like this?! He had no fucking right to accuse her of things. She could not silence a growl that was growing within her throat, but Lunafreya's scolding at least covered most of it up.

It was Margaery's words that broke her heart though. As her wife spoke, all the sadness sprouted inside of Suite because of their bond. Margy's soul was old, and it carried an ancient heartbreak - and Bastille was making things so much worse than they needed to be because he was being selfish and petty and a fucking child. She felt her anger rising, rising, rising.

"I wish I could say I was disappointed in you," Suiteheart hissed, knowing she would only be adding to the reasons Bast loathed her, but she didn't give a fuck, "but I expected you'd say something like that. You're so fucking quick to judge, Basty. It makes me sick. Why don't you open your eyes for once? Or is that too much to ask?" 'Is it too much for the poor, poor little boy who's trying so hard to be a good leader?' Her mind finished, but she withheld the thought so that Bast wouldn't hear it.

She flicked her tail when she noticed his shifting eye color. Oh, someone was coming out to play. God, Suiteheart wanted nothing more than to rip that side out of him. She wanted to dance with the devil and then beat him to the fucking ground... She inhaled, feeling her inharmonious side push down her peaceful center. This wasn't going to be pretty.

"God, I'm so fucking sick of this. Aren't you tired, Bast?" Her words were freezing. She was weary in more ways than one, and his little outburst had made her fly off the handle. For the sake of Lunafreya and Warringkingdoms, she was reigning herself in. "I hope you're proud of yourself. I really do." She wasn't even paying attention to him now. Instead, her baby blues trailed Margaery, and she tried to reach her through their bond.

Once her wife was out of her line of sight, Suiteheart turned to Luna. "I am sorry this's happened to you, Lu. But Margy can and will help you, I know that. You're in good hands with her. And thanks for sticking up for us all." After she finished, her eyes raked over Bastille. Disappointment and something akin to disgust burned in her eyes like hot coals.

She was done.