Beasts of Beyond
I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - Printable Version

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I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-06-2018

Honestly, Gordon... didn't really want to do the task she had been given by Suiteheart, mostly because being around people made her nervous and she didn't want to look at anybody in fear of being judged. People were kind of forced to look down at her, considering her size, but she just couldn't help but feel a piercing, judging gaze whenever she looked up at somebody. She knew nobody was really judging her, but she couldn't help but feel that nagging feeling that they were.

But a Weekly Task was a Weekly Task and Gordon did need to come out of her shell. She didn't realize that's what Suiteheart was trying to do, she honestly thought the Ecliptic Admiral was targeting her almost. Especially considering the way she called everybody to gather for the Tasks in such a rough tone. "Ah, I-I've got ice cream!" Gordon called out, wincing a bit slightly at the sound of her own voice. She hated it, she hated how vulnerable she sounded. The little she-cat had a cart of ice cream with her, having received help from a kind NPC to carry it towards the center of camp, where she assumed it'd be easier to attract everybody's attention. "But, um, be-before you, um, get one, could you, um, s-state your name and three facts about you?" That would require some people to speak about themselves, right?

Gordon wrapped her tail around her paws, and used one of her forepaws to nervously stroke her tail to try and calm her beating heart. "Um, my-my name's Gordon Cipher and-and, um..." God, what could she say? "My-my brother is Billiam -" He recently joined, she knew that, but she wasn't sure if anybody had met him yet. "- and-and um... We have a mental bond, like... we can sense each others' feelings and emotions." That was two facts, so what could she do for a third? Gordon shuffled a bit, getting a little uncomfortable with the silence she caused by mistake. "Um... my-my favorite color is green." There, she was done for the most part... Now she just had to meet the others and listen to their facts and give them ice cream. Which, by the way, were both normal cones and a couple bars and sandwiches, in case nobody wanted a cone. Gordon went ahead and got a chocolate ice cream cone herself, giving it a lick as she waited.

i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - Character Graveyard. - 06-06-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
The sweet smell of ice cream had brought the female walking over. She had noticed that Gordon was nervous, so she would send an encouraging smile in the female's direction before she said. "Hi Gordon."

Three facts, huh? Alright. "Luna. Let's see. I had an older brother, I can sing and I like to read." Luna said, before asking. "Can I get a ice cream sandwich?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - ★ HAZEL - 06-06-2018

Hazel found that she liked the texture, temperature, and sugary sweetness of ice cream - the one other time that she'd had it. The chill of the summer treat might be unfavored by people with sensitive teeth, but the odd tickle it brought was part of the fun. The feline wasted little time in making her way over after Gordon's call, drawn in easily by the promise of something sweet. If Suite was doling out weekly tasks like these, Hazel would gladly nominate Suite as the weekly-task-announcer...person-thing every week.

Of course, this came with a catch, and the minute Gordon said "three facts," Hazel's heart sank. Some people were great at this sort of thing; they had no qualms with sharing facts about who they were, what they'd done, or where they'd been. Sometimes, things that were supposed to be sad or horrible were said with a shrug and a dry smile. Other times, it was an attribute that barely scraped the surface of the person - like their favorite food or favorite name. Hazel wasn't like those people; she automatically felt like she had to spit out the truth, lest she live in a lie for the rest of her time. Which...she wouldn't be lying, per se, if she didn't tell the others about her past or some part of it. She would just be beating around the bush.

Hazel had stalled, golden optics pulling up a guard at the prompt for ice cream. Fine, Hazel thought. She could skirt around this, quick and easy. The cocoa colored feline forced her paws forward, shaking her head to pull a smile onto her lips. "Bribing us with sweets? C'mon, Gordon. What's a girl have to do around here for some quick and easy free ice cream?" She teased, tossing the rhetorical question like a line. She paused, letting Luna say her three facts, and - oh, wow. That was interesting. "I didn't know you could sing, Luna." Hazel tilted her head at the winged feline, grinning. "You and Margy should sing a duet sometime."

"Anyway. Three things, you said? Um..." She trailed off as she turned back to Gordon. Deus, this shouldn't be hard. Three simple, easy things that did little to describe what she didn't want people to know. "I wish I had younger siblings," one. "I speak fluent Latin," everybody knew that, but two. "and my favorite fabric is saffron." Bam, three. And one that was totally out of the blue, too.

Hazel assumed that since Gordon had scooped hers out after she had finished her facts, they were free to get theirs as well. The girl reached for a strawberry ice cream cone, because strawberry was good, okay?
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - BASTILLEPAW - 06-06-2018

Bastille wasn't exactly opposed to these sorts of games, honestly. He found them more interesting and useful than meet and greets, seeing how it actually forced people to get to know one another a bit, and besides -- he actually liked random facts. He might not seem very sociable, but in reality he just hated small talk. Give him something of actual substance to discuss and he was perfectly interested in talking to others. It helped that Rad had given him something that carried a subtle hum, a faint buzz of contentment in his veins; it'd been a few days since one of her pills had been entirely positive, and it had him in a better mood than normal.

He had both heard Luna singing and seen her posted up with books, so he supposed neither of those two were very shocking. The brother she had mentioned vaguely, and Bastille had never pressed her on it; he hated to admit it as he stopped beside his mentor, but he was desperately curious to know what Hazel said. He pretended he wasn't -- he glanced at her briefly but didn't linger -- but he noted what she said and felt a flicker of curiosity. Gods, he wanted to demand more facts from her, but he kept himself in check. Hazel barely even looked at him these days, and for good reason.

"Bastilleprisoner," he supplied with an arched brow, pausing. "Do I have to give you my last name, too, or some shit? Aurelius." He didn't actually want the ice cream -- drugs were a great appetite represent -- but he rattled off with a yawn, "Uhh, my mother's name would have been Frenchrevolution, all three of my souls are assholes, and... huh. I've never really lived in a group, before here, I guess." He didn't really count his mother's Clan, brief as that was and purely out of necessity.

Re: I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - Margaery - 06-07-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
As charming as an ice cream social sounded, Margaery was a tad bit disappointed that she wouldn't be able to indulge in the 'ice cream' aspect of it. Vampirism certainly had many pros but it seemed that its cons far outweighed such, succeeding in irritating the pregnant female as she joined the group. Oh, how she would love to once more delight her sweet tooth by consuming copious amounts of ice cream. She could halfway taste it already, perplexed as to how but chalking it up as some extension to she and Suiteheart's bond. Whatever it was, it certainly didn't help her cravings. At least she was experiencing some normal facet of pregnancy though, right?

Blinking a few times, she was immediately brought back to reality upon hearing Hazel mention her name and a duet with a Luna. [color=#b14767]"If you're looking for real talent, Suiteheart can out sing me any day of the week," She extended with a casual shrug. Margaery sang because it reminded her of her childhood and of a mother who once sang lullabies to her while her father watched on endearingly. Singing, to the corporal, was her last attachment to home. To her humanity. She certainly hadn't intended to get so good at it and only really did it for herself. As selfish as it was, she needed it to maintain even the littlest shreds of sanity that she had left.

[color=#b14767]"As for facts... hm. I suppose the biggest one is how old my family is. Apparently, the first Mikaelsons began to appear over a thousand years ago," Margaery supplied casually, leaving out the minor detail involving her being one of those original Mikaelsons. She wasn't sure if she was ready to let on her true age to everyone in the Ascendants. It wasn't like she was ashamed of her affliction - not as much as she had been - but rather, worried on their own reactions. How would they yet another lie spun by her? Not well, she presumed and so, secrecy was dire. [color=#b14767]"Contrary to popular belief, my favorite flowers are sunflowers and carnations, though I grow neither. Don't ask why. I'm not counting this as a third fact or anything because it's grouped in with plants but I'm allergic to verbena, it irritates my skin to the point of burning when I touch it," She continued before sitting back upon her haunches and pondering a third fact about herself, [color=#b14767]"And finally, my eyes change color based on how... hungry I am." She supposed that that fact was more of a warning than anything else and, to demonstrate, willed the stormy blues of her eyes to give way to hard coppers. [color=#b14767]"See? And oh, I don't need any ice cream. Vampirism kind of sucks like that, thank you for the offer though."

Re: I'LL FINALLY SEE A SUMMER BREEZE // open, Weekly Task 6/6 - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-07-2018

Oh, geez, people were already gathering around. Gordon tensed up a bit as Lunafreya came over and was followed by some others and shuffled a bit more with uncomfortableness. Luna's smile did help her a little; it was good to know that she was seemingly doing alright. Gordon smiled back as much as she could, snapping out of the little daze she had put herself in. "Oh right! Of course," The she-cat said quickly, upon realizing that Luna had asked for a sandwich. She reached into the tub filled with cooling ice and ice cream and searched for a sandwich for Lunafreya. "Ah, h-here you go." She chirped, holding out the ice cream for her.

The next one to come over was Hazel, and to be truthful, Gordon thought the other girl was scolding her. Gordon lowered her head at Hazel's words, shuffling around again. "I-I, um..." She stammered out. "Suiteheart gave it to me as a task..." She wouldn't usually bribe anybody with sweets, but how else was she supposed to get everybody to talk? But Hazel did assume right in guessing that you could just grab something after your facts, but Gordon didn't mind grabbing something herself like she did or Lunafreya.

Bastilleprisoner was the next to come over, and Gordon was honestly a bit surprised he had a surname. He never really used it, but then again... Gordon didn't really want to use her's a lot, considering her father was around. She didn't know where exactly, but she was afraid saying his surname would bring him around. So she tried to say her surname as rarely as possible, but today was an exception considering it was inside the camp and not outside in the territory, where Caesar could easily lurk. What concerned Gordon about Bastille's facts, though, was the mention of three souls. Did... he have three different souls possessing him? Was he alright? Gordon looked at her paws as the leader said that, unsure of how to respond to that.

Gordon didn't look up when she heard footsteps, but luckily the person who came over spoke almost immediately. Margaery started speaking, and Gordon eventually convinced herself mentally to look up at the she-cat, trying to avoid Bastille as much as possible (she'd get over this eventually, that fact just made her uneasy for right now). "What about, um, petunias?" Gordon asked Margaery after she finished speaking, her eyes lighting up a bit at the mention of flowers. She loved flowers! They gave her a sense of security and they made her happy.

i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━