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it's raining somewhere — open, competition - Printable Version

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it's raining somewhere — open, competition - guts - 06-06-2018

Aizawa had decided to stick back and help in camp with whatever he could, since the salty shores of the Typhoon just weren't his thing and totally not because his roleplayer already had a character there. He cringed just thinking about the sand sinking in between his toes. So, when Jacob had given him the task, he naturally held it here back at their home. Besides, they could hold all types of events themselves.

He takes a seat, glancing around to see who had stuck back. "Gather around everyone," he says loudly, trying to make sure everyone heard him. Once a few NPCs had approached him, he spoke again, explaining what they'd be doing. "We'll be having a competition. It's simple--whoever kills the highest amount of infected prey wins. To make it fair, no powers of any kind are allowed. Otherwise, everything is fair game," both a game and a way to help clear things out. A win-win, if you asked him. Hopefully none would get into a big scuffle fighting over some prey.

"You all have an hour. Try not to get bit," he says the last part pretty nonchalantly, considering their whole situation.


Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-06-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
To be honest, Atbash wasn't entirely sure she felt about this task when Jacob had given it to Aizawa. But it had to be done, of course; they couldn't have infected, feral prey running around the area. They posed a threat, to both Snowbound and the visiting Typhoon members. "What about teams?" Atbash asked as she came over. She honestly didn't want to do this by herself; what if she got bit?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - arcy - 06-08-2018

Honestly, Izuku was pretty terrible at hunting. Like -- okay, not awful, but not good, either. He got caught in a tree root one time when he was doing it. Kismetpaw hadn't even helped him. Rude. So, even after all this time, and having at least learned more since then, Izuku was ... kinda reluctant to participate. It doesn't help his vision is so flaky. But Izuku -- wants to be helpful. The prey needed to be killed, even if it was set up in a fun way. So it's with reluctance that Izuku approaches, ears pressed back warily. Hunting ... Hunting, hunting, hunting. How does he go about that again, then? Properly, he means. Not in the clumsy, flailing way he usually did it. Hunting crouch, quiet? Uh --
When Atbash suggests teams, Izuku pauses to blink at her. He'd like that -- teams. Backup, not being alone and all that. The whole situation reminded him a little too much of -- well, no, he wasn't gonna get into that. But still, Izuku spends a moment glancing between Aizawa and Atbash, trying to decide if he should go or wait for Aizawa's input. An hour -- they had an hour. Uh. Izuku would need all the time he could get. So, finally, still reluctantly, Izuku sighs and spins on his paws to dash off without a word. He's not in a conversational mood anyways. Oh -- but where does he start? Ah. Now that's the real question.
what was i worth

Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - guts - 06-08-2018

Aizawa perks a brow at Atbash's question. While going by themselves would probably help them hone their skills, going in teams would help to kill more prey. He pauses for a moment, glancing over at Izuku as he approaches. He isn't sure if he should allow him to participate or not, with his vision still as it was. But before he can say anything, of course the little runt runs off, his determination both admirable and concerning. He's glad to see that he's just the same as he was before--still trying to be the hero despite being in bad shape.

"You can either go in teams or by yourself, it's up to you," he finally says towards to Atbash, somewhat hoping she or someone else would make sure Izuku didn't get himself bit, or worse.


Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Oh, perfect! That was really reassuring. Atbash seemed to be more excited about the task now, and looked over at Izuku as he came over. However, before she could ask him anything, he dashed off out of camp. Atbash gave a thankful nod towards Aizawa for answering her question before she took off as well, trying to catch up with Izuku. "Izuku!" The demon called, slowing down every so often to catch her breath. "Hey, um... if you're around, maybe we could try and do this together?" She honestly didn't know where he disappeared to, and for all she knew, she could just be talking to a bunch of trees. But that was fine, she could do this on her own if she had to. Hopefully.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - jacob w.c. - 06-09-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't usually one for hunting, mostly because he wasn't very good at it. He set up traps on a regular basis but since the prey had been more erratic, they weren't quite catching as much as he'd come to expect. Admittedly, when he'd asked Aizawa to do something fun, he hadn't thought he'd host a competition but he supposed this was a good way to make light of their current situation. Anything was better than just sitting around, waiting for things to change. At least this way he could keep his mind occupied, even if it'd be for a little while. So, the husky made his way over and settled down. He'd have to rest his legs for a moment if he wanted to be of any use. "I'll go 'head n' participate," he informed the older male. It was then that he noticed Izuku sprinting off and called, "Izuku! Wait!" He wasn't sure if it was a good idea that the boy went off on his own and the husky quickly sprung to his paws before looking to Aizawa. "Don't worry, I'll look after 'im," he assured the lion before limping off after his apprentice. It, perhaps, wasn't the most comforting thing to say considering Jacob himself wasn't exactly ever in any sort of condition to fight or hunt for long periods of time but at least Izuku wouldn't be alone. Soon, the man arrived Atbash, though he wasn't sure exactly where the green feline had gone. He glanced to the woman beside him and spoke, "So, where do ya' think we should look first? Hope ya' don' mind if I join your team n' all."  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - arcy - 06-09-2018

Izuku, of course, hadn't gotten far at all before people were calling after him. Izuku stops, ears twitching as he hears his name being called. Oh. Was he gonna be banned from participating or something? He hoped not -- Izuku really wanted to help. He could go and just run off in hopes of avoiding it, but -- Izuku huffs and turns back around. Couldn't hurt to check -- and, luckily, his suspicions were proven wrong when Atbash calls that she'd like to team up. He squints at the blurry form of Atbash and -- Jacob, maybe? But the strain kind of hurts his head, so he just looks at his paws till he gets closer.
"I don't mind teaming up," Izuku chirps, tail wagging. The idea really did appeal to him, though he was surprised it was gonna be three of him. His enthusiasm about it was fairly clear. While Izuku hadn't quite recovered his seamless ability to cooperate, he supposes this would still be a fairly individual event even with teams, so it was definitely a good place to start! So, glancing between them, Izuku fumbles for a few moments. He didn't have a solid plan before he dashed off, really -- he was just gonna keep going till he found somewhere to start. Nobody ever said Izuku had good plans. "I, uh -- didn't exactly have a plan before running off. Does ... anybody else?" Izuku grins sheepishly. It was like hunting, and Izuku, again, wasn't any good at that. He's not sure Jacob is either, and they might just be a hindrance on Atbash, but hopefully they could make it work.
what was i worth

Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Oh, good, Izuku hadn't ran too far away. Atbash let out a sigh of relief as he approached her and Jacob - who had ran off after him as well. "I don't mind." She responded to Jacob's offer. The more the merrier, right? At least, that was her philosophy at least. She took a few seconds to consider Izuku's question, frowning in thought. "We're looking to catch as much infected animals as we can, right?" She started out. "We should probably look for signs that they've been around. Maybe... like fresh blood or something?" Maybe since they attacked members of Snowbound, they attacked each other.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: it's raining somewhere — open, competition - arcy - 06-10-2018

What a lovely trio. Had anybody else showed up to participate, Izuku wonders? Or was it just them. All of the participants working together. Izuku doesn't mind either way. His tail continues to swish somewhat cheerily, even as he appears to be somewhat restless, waiting. Izuku had never been especially patient about competitions. He generally just sorta ... charged ahead? And competitions were usually him against everybody else, with planning time before them. Basically -- Izuku really isn't used to this, but whatever.
"Fresh blood? Uh, okay!" Where would the blood have come from? Each other? People they've attacked? Either way, that particular one was kind of banking on previous violence. Well, they all have proven themselves to be pretty violent, so it'd probably work. Would the blood be noticeable enough, though? Hm. "Okay, do we have any ideas where exactly to start exactly, though? Or just start walking?" Izuku tilts his head. They could try and stay farther or closer to populated areas, depending on what was preferred. Well, either way, they had enough of a plan to just kinda ... start, he supposes. Which is good enough for Izuku -- his ability to make plans was kinda skewed, but he didn't have enough information to come up with a real one, anyways. He's not sure whether or not he's bothered by this. It's not like he comes up with a ton of plans before stuff like this, anyways.
what was i worth