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COURTESY CALL | joining - Printable Version

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COURTESY CALL | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-18-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — apprentice — tags
Bastille wasn't big on the whole "group living" concept. Sure, he had been born into this lifestyle, knew deep down that under normal circumstances, he might have been a normal apprentice living a normal Clan life with normal Clan interactions. He knew that. But that wasn't his life, and it never had been -- he lost that opportunity the second his mother died in labor. He could have gone back to her home, maybe, found a pathetic little fake family with all of them... but no. That had never felt right to him, and so he had turned his back on that group and set off on his own. He had acknowledged long ago that "friends" and "family" weren't something that he could have. Bastille liked to think that it was for the better.

It was more of an accident than anything else that he ended up on foreign territory. At first glance, it didn't seem like an established group of any sort -- everything was too fresh, too new. The scent markers were weak, weak enough that it took Bastille a few moments to realize that he had crossed into presumably claimed lands. With a scowl, the bengal stopped, and glanced about with an icy stare. He didn't see anyone around, but then again, with boundaries that faint it was likely that this group was small. There was a brief moment where he considered, and then he forged on, determined to cross through without running into anyone.

It wasn't like he was looking for a new home, any way.

Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - Starrynight ! - 03-19-2018


Starrynight loved to take walks across the sloping plains. The grass was renewing itself in time for spring, and in one spot, hundreds of flower buds had sprouted from the ground. Was it a flower field? Oh, he sure hoped so.

There was a bounce in the Seraph’s step, excitement and joy sending sparks dancing between his forepaws. It was a beautiful day outside! The smell of dirt and the fresh breeze would never get old to him.

When an unfamiliar, strange scent came to his nose, the feline stopped, nose twitching and jaws parting as he took it in. It was a stranger! A newcomer? Maybe they were answering to his invite!

Starrynight bounded forward, eager to see the stranger. As a form came into view he picked up his pace, rapidly closing the gap between them. Once close enough, the leader called out in greeting. ”Hello! Are you here because of the invitation? Welcome to the Ascendants!”

Slowing to a halt, he panted softly, but his smile was wide. ”My name is Starrynight! What about you?”


Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-19-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — apprentice — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Interestingly enough, "overly excitable and happy" had a very particular smell to it. Or perhaps it was just the sheer force of this stranger's aura, leaking around the edges and polluting the air around him with his happiness. Regardless of what it was, Bastille could swear that every time someone impossibly to giddy approached him, he could sense them coming from miles away. Maybe it was just a very advanced survival system of his, warning him to the presence of those too toxic for his own good. (Was kindness toxic? To Bast, anyone bubbly was indeed a poisonous threat.)

Bastille drew up to halt at this stranger appeared, and for a moment he just stared at the guy as he tried to figure out where to go from here. Here because of the invitation? God, no. Had he somehow wandered into a new group joining fest? On one hand, that sounded awful. On the other, maybe there weren't too many creatures here yet if they were, apparently, new. He supposed if he had to stop somewhere and pretend to be a real member of society, the less people the better.

"Uh, no, but if that's an invite I guess I'll take it," the bengal said gruffly, his scowl relaxing into something more neutral. Not exactly happy, not exactly unfriendly. Just... neutral. "I'm Bastille. Uh, I guess I'd be a 'paw by your standards, if you guys are like the others."

Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - Starrynight ! - 03-19-2018


While he caught his breath, he friendly smile remained unwavering as he eyed the stranger curiously. The young cat seemed to be going through conflicted emotions before finally settling on something inexpressive. Well, that was fine. Maybe he was just nervous! In that case, the Seraph would try his best to make sure this young boy - Bastillle - was comfortable.

Starrynight nodded joyfully at the response. ”Fantastic! Welcome to the Ascendants, Bastille!” Wait... what was a ‘paw? His odd-colored gaze drifted to his paws as he thought about it. Bastille was young, so...

“Oh! Do you mean Fireballs?” he exclaimed, looking back up at the newcomer again. “A young member training to be an Observer! Is that what you mean?”


Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-19-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
Nothing seemed to slow this guy down. He was still undeniably cheerful, in the face of Bastille's relative lack of excitement. Hey, maybe the silver bengal was better at acting casual that he initially thought; he could certainly be a great actor when he wanted to be, after all. Perhaps this Starrynight just didn't realize the extent to which Bast was still deciding whether or not to creep away in the middle of the night.

At the leader's (he assumed) confusion, he paused and arched a brow. Did they not use the same lingo that he was familiar with? He seemed to have a warrior name, but then again, he knew groups to be diverse and strange. (Echo had certainly wandered through many in his life, and knew a range of different traditions.) "Yeah, sure. An apprentice, yeah? Trainee? You know, Bastillepaw... Do you not change your names with age?" A pause, as he looked a bit skeptical. "Do your, uh, Observers learn to fight?" "Warrior" didn't seem to be a term they used, but hopefully they weren't all fuckin' pacifists.

Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - Starrynight ! - 03-19-2018

//so weak i’m so sorry

He’d never heard of the terms Bastille was using. Or was he Bastillepaw? He had just called himself that. Magenta eyes blinked in confusion. “No, why would we change our names?” Maybe it was a tradition thing where he came from. Starrynight tipped his head to the side, emphasizing his question.

For a moment, a frown crossed his face at the mention of fighting. Why would he want to fight anybody? He had no enemies. Not everything had to be solved with violence- often, words were better than actions! But...
”Well, if you want to learn to fight I won’t stop you. I personally prefer not to fight when I can help it. Hatred only breeds more hatred- and hating isn’t very enjoyable. To me, anywa. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same as I do.” A soft sigh escaped his jaws, the excitement dying from his eyes. Starrynight shook his head, peeking himself up again. “But nevermind that! The observatory is just up north of here. Would you like me to lead you to it? Night is coming, and you’ll need a place to rest!”


Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-20-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille looked at him for a moment, trying to come up with a reasoning behind his homeland's weird customs. After a moment he just said dryly, "I don't know, dude. It's symbolic or some shit like that... You know, I'm not a, uh, Fireball until I get my Fireball name, and everyone knows I'm a Fireball because of my name. And once I'm a... what'd you say? Observer, I'd get my final name and it'd be all... representative of my soul or something."

Bastille scowled, and then huffed, "What, you've just always been Starrynight? That's the type of full name an Observer gets where I'm from." Kind of. Bastille wouldn't really consider himself from those groups, really, but he supposed birth meant something if they influenced his naming. He found it odd that someone would take a compound name like Starrynight without following a similar tradition, but once again, he knew there were other traditions out there. Idly, he wondered who was going to designate his "Observer" name to him if this leader didn't even practice the same principles. Did they even have Stars?

Shaken from his rambling thoughts, Bast blinked. Oh, God. He seemed to have found the pacifists. He supposed he couldn't be surprised, based on Starrynight's general happiness and bubbly energy, but still... "What do your Observers learn, if not to fight?" he questioned out loud, baffled. Hadn't this guy just said that Fireballs trained? What did they train in, medicine or some shit? "What do you do when enemies would attack?" Didn't they have any self-preservation? Bast tended to have spitfire tendencies, so it was hard for him to accept that they just didn't... practice, even. Avoiding war was one thing, but they didn't even teach the necessary defenses? That seemed bizarre.

At the mention of the time, Bast glanced up at the sky and then gave an idle shrug. "Uh, sure. Yeah, I'll come with you." Hopefully these guys didn't have too much drama, because Bastille wasn't sure he could survive without fighting out his problems.

Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - Starrynight ! - 03-20-2018


Starrynight’s paws shifted uncertainly, feeling a growing sense of discomfort at Bastille’s inquiries. Was he doing this wrong? Maybe he wasn’t fit for this role after all. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just... thought it would be nice if everyone lived together and cared for each other. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His paws shifted again. “And no, I uh, chose my own name. I didn’t really um, have one before.” His previous name had simply been a serial number. A-13C.

As if momentarily lost in an unpleasant thought, he stared into the distance before shaking himself. “I think that the name we’re given is precious! Whether or not it should be changed is up to the one who bears it, not anyone else.” The male turned away, starting forward before glancing over his shoulder. “The night chill will be setting in soon. I’ll lead you home. Follow me!” Breaking into a trot, he began to lead the way to the observatory.


Re: COURTESY CALL | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-20-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille was not the best with conversation, typically carrying that blunt nature and a potty mouth that could suggest aggression when really that was just his mode of normal speech. He was, however, great at reading people; for someone so anti-social to an extent, he had a high emotional IQ. His ice blue stare flickered briefly down to Starry's paws as they started shifting about, and he noticed the slight shift in the leader's aura almost immediately. There was discomfort there, but also the tinge of something else. For a moment, Bast was reminded of those who came to him looking to have their memories removed: uncomfortable, vaguely bothered, cringing at the memories.

He forced himself to swallow his confusion with this strange place, and said gruffly, "Uh, yeah. I mean, I guess that's all that matters." He supposed the issue of political involvements and potential drama with foreigners down the road wasn't quite on Starrynight's mind at the moment, so Bast just... brushed past it. He was a bit of a dick, but not so much so that he was going to keep pressing just to press.

"Well, the first portion of your name is yours, but the warr-- Observe name you get is supposed to reflect who you are, you know, according to the Stars. You really only change the suffix," he said after a moment, baffled by the thought that letting his leader and the Stars choose his warrior name was somehow a violation of his name. Then again, from an outside perspective, Bast guessed it was a bit weird. Whatever. Shaking it off, Bastille followed him as he set off, deciding to busy himself with investigating the territory they were covering instead.