Beasts of Beyond
on the other side of the frozen pines // p - jacob - Printable Version

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on the other side of the frozen pines // p - jacob - georgie - 06-05-2018

This body was much better for the territory, she had noticed. The old one never seemed to settle into the humid air and damp peat, longing for dry, longing for long grass and open skies. The thing could kill off so many things, but instinct like that found a way of sticking. She was glad she was done with the old body and tucked safe and warm into this new one. Her mind hadn’t resisted too much and now it hardly echoed. An open, willing host.

[color=white]Ah!” Georgie jolted, recreationally startled by a colorful bird’s escape from one tree to another overhead. She exaggerated her surprise further, gasping and waiting for another bird to whizz through the sky overhead. I thought I killed you! She had taken care of several birds, but not all. The bay seemed to be infested. Georgie wasn’t so much annoyed as she was inspired. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were no more birds? And she was the cause?

The leopard squinted and huffed through her nose. Another time, maybe.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]

Re: oh the other side of the frozen pines // p - jacob - jacob w.c. - 06-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't sure how to feel about everything that'd happened. Obviously, the humans arriving in Snowbound and killing most of their food and taking a lot of their supplies was a bad things, though he was thankful for Typhoon's willingness to keep them in their territory while they worked things out. Not only that, but he was glad that Typhoon had so many more resources than Snowbound did naturally. It's colorful flora was a nice change from the plain whites and greys of Snowbound. Currently, he was just taking a walk with Rosie. The little shoulder glider was perched on his shoulder and he was just rambling about whatever popped into his mind. Pincher had given the tiny creature to him a few weeks ago and he was certainly happy for it. When he was feeling overwhelmed or there was something he wanted to tell Pincher but couldn't, he'd just talk to Rosie. She was an excellent listener, even if she couldn't speak up. "I dunno' what ta' do 'bout Pincher, Rosie. Maybe i should try talkin' ta' 'im 'bout everythin'," he stated as he continued walking.

He stopped a moment to pick up some flowers, letting his last words tumble in his mind for a moment. Should he tell him? They'd already kissed a few times and he was sure it was obvious to the doberman what feelings he held towards him but he hadn't even brought it up since his arrival here. Did he not share them? Had those moments between them just been a result of the situation and circumstance? Or had they been more? He knew he wouldn't know unless he actually worked up the courage to speak with Pincher about it but he didn't think that was possible. "Well, whatever I decide ta' do, 'm glad he seems ta' 'ave treated ya' well n' tha' ya' seem ta' like 'im. Tha's gotta mean somethin', doesn't it? Besides, I know my Babbo n' Jersey ain't gonna' like him so at least someone does. I mean, obviously I think tha' 'e's... well, ya' know, I think he's real nice," he continued to ramble on, not noticing there was anyone anywhere near him. He paused a moment and a wide smile spread across his maw as he began to speak once again, "How much do ya' think he works out? I mean, I ain't askin' 'cause I think an awful lot 'bout it but, uh, what'd ya' think, Rosie? I mean, 'e's real muscular n' strong n'... well, ya' know, 'e's real handso-" It was at this moment that Jacob came onto the other side of the path he'd been walking and saw Georgie. He immediately felt his face heat up but he decided to pretend none of it had happened. After all, what were the odds that she'd paid attention to anything he'd said? "Oh, uh, hi. Georgie, right?" —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: on the other side of the frozen pines // p - jacob - georgie - 06-07-2018

Georgie had paused the minute she heard a voice, instinctively compelled to stay quiet and listen for anything useful. If not useful, then at least interesting, if not interesting...well, it was a good habit to pay attention, anyway. What else could aptly fuel her skulduggery if not listening and learning? Aside from taking the information forcefully, which while effective, was a little more obvious than Georgie was willing to commit to. She was supposed to be nice, after all.

She rocked up onto her toes. I mean, 'e's real muscular n' strong n'... D’ exploitable. Feelings like this were still a mystery to Georgie. It was easy enough for her to wrap her brain around the basics, but that they - a term meaning anyone and anything at all that wasn’t Georgie -  let these kinds of emotions fester in the open like an oozing wound was —

I mean it can’t be good for them, right? She showed her teeth in a kind of movie star grin turned threat. “[color=white]Hiya! That’s me! Sorry I couldn’t have said hi earlier, so rude of me...but I’m saying hi now! I’m also saying, you’re so precious, all lovey for something like Pincher.” She chortled like a grown-up catching their child in the midst of some amusing hijinks. “[color=white]Oop, someone, ‘scuuuse me.” It wasn’t an accident. She sidled closer with no regard for respectful distances, practically jamming her velvety nose into Jacob’s business.

[color=white]You need help picking flowers?” Georgie plopped herself down, unmoving and staring very intently at Jacob. She hadn’t seemed to blink in quite some time.