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DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Printable Version

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DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Cakie ! - 06-05-2018

i. tags
ii. relationships
iii. pixel references
iv. art gallery + other links

tags layout shamelessly stolen from tricky (with permission of course)

Re: DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Cakie ! - 06-05-2018

» gameover / no nicknames
» ascendants observer
» no actual gender, designed to be male - he/him
- no sexuality, unsure if he can fall in love
» ages real time but does not get older
» age unknown
» actions, [thoughts], [“speech”]

important facts
» is completely made of pixels, but in a three-dimensional matter (think of the movie “pixels”)
» gameover has no idea how he came to the real world - everything is new to him
» came from a game called “dark corridors,” (made up by me) which is a 32-bit RPG game
» gameover has never seen the world above ground until now
» was the player’s guide/pet in his game, as well as a character in the game - acted as a defense pet of sorts, helping the player track quests and fight enemies, and stays with them throughout the entire game
» attacks with fireballs and lightning zaps (which are pixelated until they come in contact with real-world objects)
» initially designed to be curious and interactive (often talking about the player’s surroundings, explaining things, giving hints, etc.), but he is a learning AI and can easily change based on his surroundings
» all programming is currently at its default
» interpreting his facial emotions can be a little difficult, but he has a tendency to express using emotes, which appear above his head
» has 3 lives - when he dies he’ll collapse into a pile of pixels and an old-school death sound will play. the words “YOU DIED!” will float above it, and he will remain stuck this way until someone presses the “continue?” button below it. when he runs out of lives, it will change to “GAME OVER.” and “new game?” instead.
»anything he touches will be turned into pixels until he moves away from it - only exception is living animals. turns ground in a small area around him into pixels. pixels will simply melt back into its original form when no longer touched.

» carries the appearance of a cat [art gallery wip]
» has no voice of his own- speaks using speech bubbles that appear over his head, which makes a clicking sound remnscent of old RPGs when characters speak
» composed entirely of pixels from head to toe, but is still three-dimensional
» dark blue in color- somewhat glow-y
» paws and tail-tip fade into a brighter blue, and emits light in the dark
» back and flanks are speckled with light blue dots that glow, reminiscent of the night sky
» all flesh is a bright blue, the color of his paws/tail tip
» has unusual and vibrant orange eyes that also glow/emit light
» wears a brown pack on his back that’s strapped around his belly, which is his access to the Menu

» a learning AI- somewhat easily influenced
» default programming has him set to curious and a little chatty. will often talk about surroundings
» fiercely defensive of those he cares about, to the point of dying for them without hesitation
» will not hesitate to be hostile to those he dislikes - will attack those he hates on sight, with intent to kill in extreme situations
» usually fairly cheery and open
- fire manipulation (only in the form of fireballs) - N/A (not yet bought)
- electricity manipulation (mastered)
- extremely resilient in battle- seldom gives up
- learns most things easily
- fairly intelligent, and can analyze situations quickly
- built for battle, and skilled in ranged combat
- often misses social cues
- easily manipulated
- vulnerable to status conditions
- heals slower than normal
- practically helpless in melee combat

» considers Pele his “hero,” aka player of the game
» no biological family or siblings
» no ships

» weak physically||medium magically||medium-low mentally
» reactions will vary
» nonviolent powerplay allowed
» attack in bold #5376d8
» roleplayer by cakie !

Re: DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Cakie ! - 06-05-2018

relationship stats - 5/5/18

important notes
» gameover’s relationship with your character is important, and will determine the way he acts when your character is nearby. relationships will be tracked with a stat bar.
» negative numbers mean gameover does not like your character. naturally, the lower the number is in the negatives, the more likely he is to react to your character in a hostile manner, regardless of their intentions or words. the closer your character is to the negative cap, (-2000/2000) the more likely he will be to attack your character, or attempt to kill them on sight.
» a positive number means gameover likes your character. the higher the number, the more friendly and open he will be to your character. those with a higher number can attract his attention more easily, and he will be more likely to interact with them over anyone else. (please do not be offended if gameover seems like he is ignoring your character! it’s part of his programming!) if your character reaches the positive relationship cap (+2000/2000), he will not hesitate to die for your character.
» any number within +500/2000 and -500/2000 is considered neutral. beyond that, gameover’s stance towards your character will become more and more noticeable.

(this list will include anyone he has met ICly, including those from other groups. even if he has no formed opinion on your character, they will be listed here. groups will be separated, and names will be organized alphabetically.)

» Pele || +2000/2000

Re: DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Cakie ! - 06-05-2018

pixel refs

all references i have drawn for gameover’s mechanics. i’m by no means a pixel artist, so don’t mind any crappy sprites.


stat changes

status conditions


Re: DOG DAYS // gameover’s tags - Cakie ! - 09-11-2018

wip/temporary art storage

by 3ww: