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NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - Printable Version

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NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - beck. - 03-18-2018

    From observation, the boy had learned that communities, whether they be uptight villages or newborn towns, functioned best when everyone did their role. That in itself was basic knowledge; the only issue was how to drag a community into working. Tasks seemed like the best idea, and they would have to be on a regular schedule -- and that left Beck scowling to himself in the ghost town's center, aimlessly raking flexed claws against lichen-coated pavement, brainstorming and mindlessly thinking. Why not? He already grouped together a sloppy excuse for a clan.

    Huffing quietly to himself odd whistles of waterlogged breaths, Beck circled around impatiently before leaning back onto bruised haunches, notched ear twitching erratically as per usual. The evacuated town was a disaster, to say the least, and a lone helper couldn't clean it up alone. And there was the problem of making sure everyone trusted each other and didn't kill people in their sleep -- god, why was leading so boring? He thought it would take his mind away from the discontent of the afterlife. Smearing away toxic drool that managed to drip down the burnt side of his snout, the poltergeist finally rasped out into the white noise of chatter and movement, "Y'all we're startin' somethin' new, somethin' called weekly tasks to make sure nobody's slackin'! Get over here so I can hand 'em out!" That would catch their attention, unless he calculated incorrectly and every rogue he gathered was in fact a dumbass.

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - Belladonna - 03-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna seemed to be the first to arrived to Beck's... beckoning. She gingerly padded forward, her paws becoming damp on the pavement, still wet and moist from the rains as of late. She walked gingerly towards the ghastly tom, only stopping when she was close to him; but not in close conversation distance.

Gingerly raising her head to look at Beck, she gingerly cleared her throat, before mewing gently, "I'll have one," although she had not a clue what she was going to get. She hoped it was something simple; if it was something odd, she'd try, but couldn't guarantee that she'd do a good job.

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - valiisi - 03-19-2018

[align=center]INFO | INFO | INFO

What a loser; Becks lungs are so shitty he can hardly breathe. Bel doesn’t know a lot about being a doctor, but he’d definitely refer to that as a health problem. Course , wasn’t his problem.

The glossy furred mutt casually strolled forward. One person there , Bella. Bel sat himself beside her and took a long drag of his cig. Bel of course , is a hippocritical asshole. If his lungs where planes , the poor passengers would be surviving constant turbulence - and smoke bombs.

He exhales the smoke and gives his clan mate a wry smile. He speaks in a voice he’s sure he’s got low enough to stay out of Becks earshot. Keeps eye contact though as he mumbles. Belial is a master at talking shit, and what’s observable here is an artisan going about his craft.

”Rat king seems aweful bossy, for a new guy.” he exhales more smoke, coughing once. Blue eyes shift to Bella, brow raised a bit as if to say it was something worth thinking about.

Belial is one petty son of a bitch, and he loves it. Gaze rises to Beck again. He looks calm, he’s giving off those strong ‘I bring the trouble’ vibes. He doesn’t bring it, he is the trouble. This is probably why his attempts to stay out of it have been unsuccessful.

”Beck Baby, give me some real work.  Fuckin...uh...I got room in my schedule.” he doesn’t say he’s a hard worker , but he’s ready to flip shit if they categorize him as a slacker.

Staying in trouble takes a lot of effort! He’s a busy guy.

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Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - vvintersoldier - 03-19-2018

Weekly tasks? This certainly grabbed the blind mountain lion's attention, ears pricking up at Beck's voice from across camp. While he lived a life in the dark, there were some nice advantages to being blind. Once he lost a sense, his brain heightened his other senses to make do at the loss. It was his hearing that mostly increased- it didn't increase to an extreme level, but he can hear much easier than others. He found himself getting up onto his paws, slowly making his way to where he heard Beck, and by following his and other clanmate's scents. He would come to a stop once he believed he was with the small crowd, though he was a few meters off. "I vill take task, Beck,"He said with his Russian accent, wondering what kind of task Beck would give to him. Hopefully something he can do, right?

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - COSMIIX - 03-19-2018

Next to approach and taking a spot next to the mountain lion, the jaguaress would flick back one of her ears with a soft jingle coming from them due to her earrings making contact with one another "I'll take a task as well," Her eyes narrowed with a bit of caution, she wasn't even here for that long but she felt as if Beck had something quite tremendous up his sleeve planned for Vlad and well, if she was right then she'd have to help him with his task since he was visually impaired.


Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - beck. - 03-21-2018

    The select few of Tanglewood that happened to own a brain. Or he was too harsh on them -- hell if he knew how to run one of these clans. Grizzled snout wrinkling at the three creatures staring him down, excluding Belial seeing as he shortly left after arriving, Beck arched out a paw, flexing useless muscles and rotating his crooked wrist with clicks of bone sounding as he did so. "Well, lemme think..." the boy trailed off, rasping voice falling silent and he scanned over the three present. A wallflower, a crazy snake lady, and a blind man. Not capable of much, but he could work with this, maybe. "Bella, you get to do the social shit, all the 'getting to know ya' business. Maybe have some type of lame-ass game or uh, 'group therapy' whatever that is, or sparring, or anything, really. Just make sure everyone knows everyone's name at least." Seeing as the population was laughably small compared to other towns he had seen, the challenge of memorizing identities wasn't extremely difficult. Having to strain his neck in order to address Vladimir and Amunet combined, the poltergeist was keen to distinguish the early warning signs of attraction between the two, specifically the chimera-patterned leopardess inching her way to Vladimir. A crooked grin curved his bloodless lips as he undoubtedly paired them together with an unfit task for the mountain lion: "Vlad, ya can scout out some of the territory, do a l'il exploring. Amunet can help if ya want. 'Course, Amy, if ya want to be extra helpful to me, ya can also help get rid of all this junk 'round the camp by... burning it. Yeah, just have a big fire to get rid of the trash." In his opinion, everything demanded of the volunteers was idiotic and pointless, but aside from his cynical view on the world, there was a chance they would hardly care about the creativity behind the assignments.

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - valo-kas - 03-21-2018

[color=salmon]hey hook me up.” things? things to do? sign them the fuck up. valo-kas came close, tail rising to express their interest.

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - vellichor - 03-22-2018

Matty had no clue what 'weekly tasks' were or what they meant but they sounded fun! He assumed slacking was something bad, given that Beck was trying to stop people from doing it. Well, if this was a way to prove he wanted to stay in his new home and if it was a way to make new friends, he'd gladly partake in it. "I wanna' help!" the tiny arachnid called, trying to be as loud as possible as he scurried near the growing crowd. He tried to stay far enough away that no one would step on him. He would usually crawl up his bestest friend in the whole world but he didn't see Vlad yet.

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - beck. - 03-22-2018

    What would a freakish and quite frankly gross mutant be most entertained by? Valo-kas was a wild card, and a hyper one at that, so Beck slumped back into his haunches, eyes glazed in concentration as he tried to summon up a menial task for the creature. "A'ight, [member=147]valo-kas[/member] , do ya wanna round up some folks and go check out that old, uh, scrap heap up over by the edge of town? Clear it out a bit, find some cool things or whatever, and bring 'em back for everyone to pick what they like and keep. Just don't drool all over everything, ya hear?" A rattling wheeze of pointless breath was puffed out at Valo, and the poltergeist coldly waved them away with a dismissive paw. The squeaking voice of their resident arachnid was a surprise, and having to tuck his chin against a matted chest to stare down at Matty, Beck crinkled his disfigured muzzle in shock. Spiders weren't exactly the hardiest of workers but he skipped over this detail and offered, "Uh, [member=149]matty[/member] ya can make webs, right? Try fixin' up some of the l'il walls and stuff 'round here if ya can -- if not, just make somethin' with webs, I dunno."

Re: NAPALM SKIES / weekly tasks 3.18 - valo-kas - 03-23-2018

"got it dude." digging around in trash? hell yeah baby! valo-kas did a lively little jig before taking off with a prominent spring in their step, eager to round up some goons to go treasure hunting with.