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fendi prints on // o - introduction - Printable Version

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fendi prints on // o - introduction - rainier - 06-05-2018

They tore their nail free and spat it out into the water, gnawing in silence on the ragged stump that remained. It was a bad habit. Nasty. Dirty. Whatever. Rainier - not their name, but one the original owner wouldn't mind loaning them, they were sure - leaned back, legs dangling over water, palms braced back to hold their weight as they peered out, dark eyes wandering the bodies of the ancient ships that lived there, waiting to be restored to their former glory.

Rainier brought their knees up to their chest, head lolling back in extreme disinterest, eyes closing. They could be gone from here, finding somewhere else to lurk, offering warmth and comfort to some lonely militia member in exchange for a house and a meal. Or they could just take it, but the game beforehand was so much fun. Maybe I'm just sick. They chewed another nail down. Dirty. Rainier was standing in an instant, footsteps away, teleporting there with ease. They were turned, back facing the decrepit ships and arms crossed over their thin chest. There had to be something to do around here that was more engaging than nail-chewing and boat-watching. Flirting and haggling were their usual go-tos when the other stuff failed to hold their interest.

Let's do it.

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - purgatory - 06-05-2018

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - rainier - 06-05-2018

Rainier responded with a tight-lipped smile that grew more mischievous the closer that Jeong got. They pulled at the heavy scarf that sat upon their shoulders idly, fingers tugging and pinching handfuls of ratty blue patterned fabric. It had been curtains an eternity ago, but Rainier had been cold. Now it was a square of fabric large enough to be considered a blanket, folded and creased and wrestled into an acceptable scarf shape from which that quiet, knowing face peered out into the world. On colder days, they could wrap their head and it did wonders for their chilly ears. On slow ones, it became the swishiest possible cape, rendering them instantly dashing.

[color=#77BFC7]Not lost, just sightseeing.” As if there was anything around here that they hadn’t seen before. “[color=#77BFC7]I appreciate the concern though, stranger.” Rainier chimed happily, offering a hand to shake (fortunately, their right hand had not yet suffered their bored gnawing). They bowed their head forward just slightly, pale hair brushing against their cheekbones as it fell forward. It was short, but they still felt it needed a trim. Hard to find someone to do that for them around here. Annoyingly even harder to find scissors.

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - purgatory - 06-05-2018

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - Amren - 06-05-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
[b][color=#414a4c]"Ah, you two both appear to be frightfully new. I'm Amren Archeron."

A smile danced upon her crimson-stained lips as she sauntered towards the pair, silver eyes gleaming with her typical dose of wickedness. She had always been a standoffish figure, one who relished in intimidating others, but she would confess, being in Blackfall had softened her once more. She was almost as bad as she had been in the dimension before this, even exercising care as she spoke to the idiots she had considered friends. Amren wasn't sure if she had a single friend here, but still, she liked this place, liked its environment, and most importantly, liked all the treasures and jewels that were practically at her disposal.

[color=#414a4c]"Jeong," She began, looking towards the man, [color=#414a4c]"I quite prefer to call you boy." Another typical trait of Amren's. Names were tedious to the woman and she greatly enjoyed referring to her fellow Blackfallen as vaguely as possible. Glancing towards Rainer, she'd purse her lips. This one was interesting. [color=#414a4c]"And what's your name? Better question, do you have any gemstones hidden beneath that scarf of yours?" Always in a bargaining mood, it seemed. She'd bounce on her heels at that statement, staring at them in a way reminiscent of how a predator looked at its prey. So much for being 'soft'.

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - rainier - 06-05-2018

Rainier squeezed his hand tight. Firm grip, just like they were told, even if that lesson meant nothing now. They withdrew their hand and stuffed it into the pocket of their tattered jeans, rocking back on their heels. “[color=#77BFC7]Not a stranger anymore.” Rainier hummed in agreement, looking rather pleased with themself. “[color=#77BFC7]And the pleasure is all mine, Jeong.” They added with a laugh.

[color=#77BFC7]Amren Archeron.” Rainier repeated the name like they were evaluating it. They watched this new woman closely, as if waiting for an excuse to disappear, but she didn’t give them one. Rainer scratched their neck under that big, gaudy scarf. “[color=#77BFC7]Oh! My name. Right now, it’s Rainier. You’re both welcome to call me whatever makes you comfortable, though.” It wouldn’t be anything new to them. Rainier winked at Amren. “[color=#77BFC7]You’re welcome to look, but be careful. Who knows what I’m hiding.” They invited playfully, decidedly not intimidated emough to refrain from beckoning her hand near. Rainier trusted their ability to be quicker than any danger.

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - purgatory - 06-06-2018

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

OUR LOVE IS SIX FEET UNDER ✧ Sola — Citizen — Blackfall
A person she hadn't seen around Blackfall. She had seen Amren and Jeong walking around Blackfall for some time now, but she hadn't really interacted with either of them. The mutant-girl had been flying overhead of the small group, before she slowly landed on the ground.

"Hi." Sola said, offering a nod of greeting to the other three as her large wings folded, mentally hoping that they wouldn't point anyone with the sharp edges. "I'm Sola."
© madi

Re: fendi prints on // o - introduction - CAIN - 06-07-2018

[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Cain was quick to identify strangers, to a degree that was almost eerie -- one could be on his docks for five minutes and he'd be there in the next two, that intent sea-green stare locked on the foreign face. He didn't need to know every last detail of his people to be content, but he made it a point to know names and try to compile as much information as possible. It was... useful. And besides, what was the point in calling himself their Commander if he couldn't even bother to know who they were? Cain had always lived in the thick of things, forging relationships with people in the Market, and he didn't intent to stop now.

"Amren, darling," he drawled, that crooked, boyish grin shifting upwards as he was suddenly beside her, shadows swirling at his feet as stepped forward out of the air and stopped next to the girl, "Don't you think it's a little rude to go rooting around in someone's clothing?" His gaze was on her for a moment, before it was taking in the other two. Jeong he recognized, though he only knew his name through others; this stranger, however, was interesting. "Cain Pendragon," he supplied, again with that easy smile, "Nice to meet you -- Rainier, yeah?"

His stare was thorough, analytic, shifting over them with no effort to hide that he was taking mental notes. Cain didn't care if others noticed what he was doing, frankly -- and besides, there was little he couldn't talk himself through. They didn't call him Silvertongue for nothing. His gaze broke off its mission briefly as he considered Sola, and he greeted, "Hey, kiddo. How're you holding up?"
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]