Beasts of Beyond
OPEN Winter in the Wind - Printable Version

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Winter in the Wind - Cain Carbondale - 10-11-2024

Cain came slow from the Northern Mountains, dust settling deep into his coat. The particles of dirt were practically everywhere on him when he moved, each crevice was not without it's dry dirt! When he shook out his coat, a plume of dust appeared on the wind. Not that he honestly minded, because in the end it was the dry dirt that helps to protect his skin.

 The cattle would low loudly as they came across the valley, the three black and red Angus moving slow under Cain's careful eye. The single red cow was the one hooked to the cart today. Cain hummed softly over the clatter of the wheels as they moved to keep the beasts calm. He still found himself in quite a place of shock. A whole three moon he has been on his own-- and now, he's stumbled into some new land-- that he was sure of- but where, what was here?

He lets the thought float around his head as the four move quietly through a tall field. Cain let the cattle graze idly as they walked- he had no where to be. His silver eyes turn to the sky, admiring the last flickers of reds and oranges in the sky as the sun started to set. Cain makes a soft chucking sound, making the cattle come to a slow halt, and Cain went over to the red- where at first he tries to use his Telekinesis powers, but finds them to be...not working? Cain growled softly to himself. How could this be!? He tries again and gets the same affect. Spitting mad the Cowboy tries to remain calm as he unhooks the wagon from the cow.

It took a lot more time than normal, doing thing the Manuel way-- but his tent was well..rough for ware, but it was up! Cain huffed as he pulled out an elk hide from the cart and placed it inside of his tent. It would would be a long night-- but, he had the stars at least.


roll success: his tent manages to stay up

roll fail: his tent falls down ontop of him when he crawls under it.

RE: Winter in the Wind - Montgomery - 10-11-2024

Montgomery rarely traveled outside of his own group unless he was looking for something. Today, unfortunately for him, was one of those days. A congregant was feeling under the weather and needed the herbs to heal. Rather than burdening the rest, he took the task onto himself and travelled out into the neutral territory with his sights set on his goal. 

Dark paws caressed the ground as he walked along the mountain's edge. His gaze surveyed the bushes as he walked, occasionally stopping to collect other herbs and place them into his satchel. The canine was visible pleased upon finding those small hidden gems, but his expression went back to it's neutral state upon continuing onto the main goal. He had to move on. Someone was relying on it.

His head dipped down to grab another herb, only to stop at the sound of something new. The leader paused. His downward ears perked up to listen. The clatter of the wagon being unhooked from a cow reached his ears. Perplexed, he dropped the task and moved towards the noise. 

Weary eyes peeked from around the corner and spotted the cowboy finishing up their tent. It was clear that there was struggling. Weighing his choices on whether to continue on away from Cain or to offer his paw, the canine ultimately decided to come out from the bushes. "The wind is going to blow your tent over by morning," he piped up. His head shifted and he gestured his paw towards the other's cart. "Why don't you cozy up in the cart?" All Cain would need is the elk pelt they already had. 

In his head, the Genesis leader noted that this individual may need a place to rest. With the lack of supplies and food currently, he was reluctant to offer, but he couldn't pass up on someone in need. Maybe they'd prove to be useful though... Montgomery canned the thought for now though.