Beasts of Beyond
OPEN tournament test fight; meteor vs kole - Printable Version

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tournament test fight; meteor vs kole - VALE - 07-24-2024

graphic gore ★ genderpunk ★ gyrfalcon
Standing outside in the sunlight, the summer sunlight warmed the gyrfalcon’s black and white feathers. Xe poked xyr head through an opening in the ceiling. “Aight, you two look ready to go to me. Begin!”

- Each fight has three rounds, where a round is each character posting once. So a fight has three posts per character. Six posts total.
- There is no limit to the amount of attacks, blocks, actions, ect that a character can take. However! There is a max word limit of 300 words.
- When a post is up, you have 72 hours to respond or it is assumed your character forfeit the match, thus we will have a dedicated discord channel on the DoTD server. When you respond, you also tag your opponent’s roleplayer in the dedicated discord channel. If someone forgets to tag, then the 72 hours starts AFTER the tag is posted to Discord. (ex — someone posts, forgets to tag, and I tag for the poster three hours later… the 72 hour clock starts after I tagged the opponent)
- Attacks CANNOT be attempts to be lethal or maim
- Spectators can watch (and can post) but only the combatants can be physically in the “fight pit cave” until the 3 rounds end.

TERRAIN: based off the Skylight Cave in Oregon
- 10+ meter high ceiling
- beams of light from the ceiling, where people can watch the fight in safety
- minimal cover
- rock floor full of ankle-breakers

Kole: coyote
Meteor: lion
First move goes to KOLE

RE: tournament test fight; meteor vs kole - kole. - 07-24-2024

Who better to test fight for the upcoming tournament than your immortal boyfriend, right? Kole had offered, mind—he was a Templar for a reason, and he may as well put his skills to good use. He liked being useful. He also liked not being bored, hence offering to fight Meteor—give himself something to do while also being productive.

His gaze flicked up to Vale as xe spoke. Then to Meteor. He grinned. "Come on snake, let's rattle!" Kole taunted. A bit arrogant, but then, when wasn't he? He'd been hyping himself up while they warmed up—stretching, surveying the landscape. Speed was going to be his strength when going up against Meteor, since he was smaller and leaner and thus more agile. He could use the landscape to his advantage, too—

But not yet. Meteor would likely be expecting him to dive at him. Kole, believe it or not, was not quite that stupid.

There were tell-tale signs when a fire-breather like Kole was going to, well, breathe fire. The deep intake of breath, the sudden glow from the depths of their chest—but Kole was hoping Meteor would be too distracted by his outdated slang to pay attention to it. Flame spewed forth from his lips, licking dangerously close to Meteor's face, but not quite touching—and then Kole would dive, using the momentary distraction to hopefully clamp his teeth down around Meteor's ankle and yank, hard, with the intent of knocking the lion off balance, or better, taking his paws right on out from under him.

RE: tournament test fight; meteor vs kole - METEOR - 07-25-2024


Meteor rolled his head clockwise to pop the seven neck vertebrae. Then counterclockwise. He liked his horns, but his neck didn’t. Not like he’d ever used the horns as stupidly as a true ram. Meteor thought headbutt attacks as the dumbest way to ruin his best asset: his brain.

He smirked at Kole. And was about to say some fighting words of his own, but Kole beat him to it. And then he squinted. Huh. He’d heard that expression in his travels. But only from old motherfuckers. Where the hell’d Kole learn—

And then fire hit him in the face. And then teeth on his fucking ankle!

“We agreed, no biting the paws!” Meteor hissed. His complaint didn’t stop him from hitting the rocky ground, however.

Meteor scowled. Upon his horns, Lightning sparked. He closed his eyes.

A bolt of lightning crashed from a skylight to Meteor’s horns. The momentary flash was blindingly bright. Thunder boomed!

As lightning sizzled upon his crown, Meteor swiped a paw Kole attempting to drag the coyote to the rocky ground with him. Meteor knew Kole had the dexterity and speed advantage; but, grappling? Meteor would have the advantage.

RE: tournament test fight; meteor vs kole - kole. - 07-26-2024

Oh, bastard. Sometimes Kole genuinely thought he bigged himself up too much, because as much as getting Meteor to the ground was all fine and dandy, he hadn't really thought about what he was going to do as soon as he actually had Meteor pinned. And pinned was a stretch. The lion was maybe double or triple his body weight, not to mention most of it being muscle mass.

His ears flattened against the crown of his head. Yeah, they agreed no biting paws, which is why he bit his ankle, not his paw! And yet before he could fire back his vaguely petulant remark there was lightning sparking on Meteor's horns and Kole's back was hitting the figurative dirt. Ouch.

"Y'know," Kole panted, grinning lazily, "this is not exactly how I imagined my first time being under you would go!"

This time, when Kole lunged, he aimed for Meteor's head. Or, more specifically, his horn. He attempted to get his teeth around the keratin appendage, and if he were successful, would attempt to yank Meteor's head forward—not so much trying to throw Meteor over his shoulder as attempting to swing his own body up and over the lion's.