Beasts of Beyond
OPEN going (coco)nuts - Printable Version

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going (coco)nuts - DEAD EYE - 07-21-2024

There was no end to the cannibalism on the Descendants' island. While the locals participated in eating their own, so did the fauna. While, yes, one could make the joke that the coconut crabs were cannibalizing themselves due to having 'coconut' in their name and eating the fallen fruits of their labor, it can also be taken literally. The crustaceans that wandered around the black sand beaches adored themselves a bit too much. It was an absolute that they would indulge on the corpses of their fallen friends. They would enjoy nothing less.

Dead Eye, due to his age, had observed this behavior many times. When the red tide came years ago, he watched as they picked apart their dead with glee. Many outside of their clan would judge the crabs, but the descendants understood. It was for survival. With the island's lack of resources, along with the year's harmful algae bloom, the crabs had no other choice but to take what was available to themselves. The descendants had to do the same. After all, the land was barren and lacked resources due to the volcano that loomed over them. The difference is that they were much smarter than these simple crabs.

Nowadays, the maned wolf's meals were no longer canine based. His palette had expanded. While it was partially due to the loss of his teeth, it was also due to the pleasantries the new age brought them. They no longer had to rely on their eating own. Clearly, Meteor knew that. 

The Descendants of the Departed have even started to trade with other groups for resources. Luckily for them, coconut crabs were in abundance and a hot commodity for the groups on the mainland. The bigger the crustacean, the better. Why? The meat was second to the armor that could be made from their rough shell. Unfortunately for the crabs, Dead Eye needed to barter, so they were on the chopping block first. 

There was no strict method to hunting the coconut crabs, especially due to their varying sizes. The smaller ones were simple, but as they grew bigger, it was much harder to avoid their pinchers. The templar knew better than to get cocky, especially with one eye sacrificed to that behavior, and planned his approach instead. 

With a wide picnic blanket laid flat across his back and a thin rope in his jaws, the canine ventured out into the black sands before the sun settled below the horizon. His jaws parted upon reaching the shore, causing the rope to land with a thump. He let the blanket slide off him in succession. Soon enough, he got to work. One burnt paw grabbed at the corner of the sheet while the other carefully wrapped the rope around it. For good measure, he looped the rope underneath itself to form a knot. Then he took the end of it and pulled it taut. Tight!

After laying the blanket flat on the shore, the contents within revealed themselves. Among the fabric was an abundance of dead crabs. They were picked apart neatly, ready to be devoured by the incoming hoard. How nice of Dead Eye! There also happened to be a bone knife, but that wasn't a gift for them. 

The canine ventured off into the distance with the rope and his knife in his jaws and then sat down. In time, the sun started to dip and the crabs woke from their slumber. They stretched, snapped their pinchers together, and bathed in the moonlight. The little crabs were the first to get to his pile, but the larger ones quickly pushed through the crowd. Some even mistook the live creatures for their deceased brethren. It was a clusterfuck. 

His golden eye settled on a crustacean in particular. Their gorgeous, multi-colored shell and large size made them a perfect prize. As they stepped foot on the edge of the blanket, he tightened his teeth around the rope and anxiously waited. Every move made him shiver with anticipation, but not enough to jump the gun. Only when they reached the middle of the sheet would he strike... and he did!

The blanket ripped out from underneath the crabs' legs and flipped them onto their back. Dropping the rope, he grabbed his knife and darted forward. Dead Eye pushed through the chaos, claws nipping at his ankles, and singled out the giant crab among them. With a huff, he raised the tip of his knife to the sky and then plunged downwards. The blade dove into the crab's abdomen with a crack. He jerked it wildly and scrambled their insides until the crustacean's legs drooped loosely towards the floor. 

Before the others could stand and fight, he grabbed the blanket nearby. He kicked it over his prey and then wrapped them tightly. Dead Eye blindly snatched an edge at random, only to scurry away.

Upon arriving at the other end of the rope, he let out an audible snort and collapsed. The blanket unraveled before his paws and exposed the crab to the glittering stars above. The knife was still in it's chest. Dead Eye did not care though. The old canine let himself breathe heavily and rest for the moment, taking in his accomplishment entirely. As his chest rose and fell, he placed a paw on the crab's chest and patted it lightly. What a gorgeous trophy.

[This thread is for prompt seven the Summertime Riptime CDC challenge! Participate to get some interesting awards for you and your character for JUST roleplaying!]