Beasts of Beyond
OPEN The foes that you forgive, and the friends that you deny || task - Printable Version

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The foes that you forgive, and the friends that you deny || task - Seven - 07-15-2024

Yes ik this is late I'm terribly sorry--


Seven caught herself humming a tune as she fumbled with the leather satchel, slipping its straps over her neck. A lot had happened, a lot of things. Word had caught that Montgomery requested aide from the Descendants in exchange for labor -- something that, frankly, Seven was happy to not be a part of. Her work was here, in familiar lands, walking familiar paths to find familiar herbs.

She pushed her way out of the barren space - she considered it more of a den than a house, since she had no need for pretty things, and arched her back in a long stretch. A blissful rumble left her as she started to meander toward one of the many paths around, only halting when she considered Montgomery's words at the meeting. That he would join her to help gather herbs. Would he still, or had the stress of the past weeks gotten to him? Perhaps he needed the rest, as all leaders do.

With a soft snort, she continued to walk down one of the paths, steps slow and methodical, pads feeling the way ahead of her for any sharp stones or branches in her way.