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baby, if you're over me — mare's tags - Printable Version

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baby, if you're over me — mare's tags - roman - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11pt;"]NAME: Mare Branwen Young
GENDER: Female
AGE: Mid to late twenties
POWERS: Intangibility, Invisibility

PARENTS: Perry Young [Mother] and Andrew "Dru" Young [Father] 
SIBLING(S): Aoife Young [Sister]
ORIENTATION: It's whatever

— Lean build and a runner's physique
— Well-muscled legs and toned abdomen in comparison to upper body
— Big, soulful doe eyes which make her look younger than she is
Heterochromia: one amber eye and one blue/green eye
— Shoulder-length curly brown hair that is always unruly
— Expression is usually a pleasant neutral, does not smile often
— Very expressive features, easy to tell how she feels most of the time
— Lightly tanned skin with olive undertones and some freckling
— A plain looking woman but she is pretty in her own right
— Five feet and eight inches tall (172 cm)

— A nineties grunge inspired look
— Might be Kurt Cobain in disguise... who knows
— Possibly even a blend of Drew Barrymore and Winona Ryder?
— Torn and mom jeans usually paired with a band t-shirt and a flannel to match
— Sometimes her outfits don't actually match but Mare makes it work somehow
— Owns some nicer apparel but Mare keeps it comfy and casual
— Skater shoes are better than shoes with arch support
— Makeup is nude and natural-looking (if she even bothers to put it on)
— Even if it's hot and sunny, she's still probably wearing a flannel
Some sick outfit references: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

— Terribly vulgar. Curses all the goddamn time. Probably got it from her mom
— Tends to be very silly and childish in an endearing sort of way
— Easily startled because she daydreams way too much
— An absolute coward. Well, mostly concerned with her own survival than others
— Always notices hot people. will devise a way to "accidentally" bump into them
— And she daydreams as a way to escape reality; just wants the war to end
— A truly benevolent and kind person, but she hides it with sarcasm
— Wants to be a lazy bum, but can't help but be responsible
— Mature and a rational thinker most days, but can be compelled by emotion
— Flirting is always fun but relationships??? are terrifying
— Bitter about a lot of things: no family, no friends, lost her favorite shirt