Beasts of Beyond
OPEN riding through the city, emerald isles - Printable Version

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riding through the city, emerald isles - thomas r. - 06-20-2024

Tommy had somehow managed to convince his big brother to let him make this trip alone. Something about proving he could be responsible, he was still young, but he wasn't a puppy anymore. "Besides, we both know you would much rather stay here and not have to speak to anyone!" 

It was nice to make the trip all by himself, if only a little boring because there was only so much he could think to talk about with himself. But not having the nagging older wolfdog on his tail was a breath of fresh air, and if he was lucky, he would actually be proving something and not just saying it to get away from his babysitter. As much as he loved his brother, getting yelled at for the things he found joy in just because they were "dangerous" got on his nerves. Duh, that's why he was doing it.

Of course, coming to the border of this cold place, he had no idea what to look for and wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. He tripped right over the tripwire, ears pinning back at the clanging of the windchimes as he tried to unwrap himself from the wires which only made the sound more cacophonous and loud. He felt like he might wake a sleeping dragon. He thrashed for another moment before pulling his paws free and jumping up, shaking himself off in attempt to act very, very natural as the sound subsided. "Oops!" At least he probably didn't need to make his arrival anymore noticeable than that. 

RE: riding through the city, emerald isles - Montgomery - 06-23-2024

The sound of the windchimes alerted Montgomery and picked him out of his weary state. His ears perked up. Finding the direction of the noise, he darted off into the distance while sticking to the shadows of the taiga. Luckily, upon growing close, there seemed to be no threat. That was his first impression at least, given the other canine appeared to be a bit startled by their loud arrival and not panicked. Plus, if there happened to be an issue, they seemed to be equal in size. 

Emerging from the bushes, the archon offered a dip of his head in greeting before looking up at the windchimes. "Fancy, isn't it?" he remarked casually. "Not only a musical show, but a contraption to warn us of any outsiders." His gaze redirected down towards Thomas. "Like you." Being an unfamiliar face was not always a bad thing though, evident by his curious tone and calm body language. He wouldn't want to single out any potential joiners, after all. Enemies were a different subject though. As of now, the Congregants of Genesis had none and he wanted to keep it that way. 

"Now, why are you here?" the canine inquired. He could not place their scent currently, causing him to slightly frown. The Emerald Isles was a long-time big name on the island, but not the most showy.