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GUIDE THE COVENANT // Guide 6/16/24 - Printable Version

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THE COVENANT // Guide 6/16/24 - THE COVENANT - 06-16-2024

The Home of The Strong
Hidden deep in the earth, where the only light available is that of torch and candle and lamp, The Covenant thrives. A truly warbound and vicious group, they take what they want and kill whoever they please. By day their territory is silent, by night it comes alive with the sounds and sights of patrols and hunting. They fear no one and bow to no one.

Under Josiah and Keter Fauls, a new era rises within this group - one where the morals of the whole group are not forced by the Leader or Council. Here, only the strong and competent survive.

The Covenant is a warbound-neutral group, raiding nearby groups and settlements and having loose trade agreements and allies. All current groups are subject to raids.
The lands that The Covenant calls home is a wide land of grasses. Sparse trees dot the landscape. Abandoned farmlands and barns lay scattered beyond the walls of an old settlement atop a grassy hill. An ancient stone city sits atop the grasses, seemingly empty. It's abandoned houses surround a wide circular dip in the earth, paved with red-stained stone, with seating surrounding it and a circular stairway up.

Underneath this city is where the group truly resides. It consists of a sprawling cave system stretching several hundred miles in every direction. Some caves are unused, some have collapsed, but the majority of them are used by the Covenant for housing, travel, and sparse hunting. An underground river runs through part of the territory, feeding into Hotsprings. Warmed by the earth, these half-flooded caves serve as a popular respite place, and Templars often suggest that their patients dip their injuries in the water. Directly under the city is the main cavern, known as The Hold.

Presumed to be carved by ancient humans thousands of years ago, The Hold is lit by torches and lamps. Columns of stone support the 100-foot-high cavern, with intricate carvings scrawled into them. Inlets in the stone act as storefronts or temporary housing. A stairway leads up to a separate housing for the Sentinel. It is 50 feet above the floor. The housing for the Templar is housed 10 feet from the floor, with a wider balcony in order to assist patients and prevent falls.

Even further below The Hold is the third and final layer of The Covenant's home - simply called "The Lower Level", it acts as a holding place for Slaves, Captives of War, and those awaiting punishment. Lit only by candle and lamp, it is cold and damp.
The Fauls family had long since rooted their paws in the ranks of Sentinel. But before Josiah and Keter, their Uncle Abijah had ruled for almost years. Grown mad with power and age, he forced his ideals upon the Covenant's following, driving some away, and forcing his two remaining kin, his niece Keter and nephew Josiah, to plot a revolt. 

This revolt was bloody, and many died before Abijah fell to his kin. With Josiah gravely wounded, Keter stepped up to lead until her brother had healed.
Sentinel - The Leader and Law of The Covenant. Their power is supreme, and they are capable of calling meetings and raids on other groups. They are renowned for their violence and viciousness, as well as their strategy and battle planning.
Josiah Fauls, played by Dio. Rank is currently held by Keter Fauls, played by Dio, temporarily.

Centurion - The Deputy and Right Hand Man of the Sentinel. Acting as an Enforcer, they are the one who executes Punishments. They can also lead raids on other groups.
Character, played by Player.

Council - Made up of 5 trusted individuals, the Council aids in the decision-making of The Sentinel. Their propositions can be Vetoed.
Character, played by Player.
Character, played by Player.
Character, played by Player.
Character, played by Player.
Character, played by Player.

Templar - The Healer of The Covenant. They have a say in the Council. They are allowed to have up to two apprentices to help ease the work load.
Character, played by Player.

Commoners - The general populace of The Covenant. They can set up jobs and stores within The Hold. Commoners can confide with the Council to help come up with decisions at times.

Bone Meal - The Slaves and Captives of War. They have no rights as long as they are considered Bone Meal, but can prove their worth and become Commoners. From there, it's up or down.
Currently there are no Bone Meal.

Despite their warbound nature, this group has a set of laws in place to ensure The Covenant runs smoothly and does not drive itself into the ground. Even under Keter's temporary rule, it's advised to follow these rules.

- Sentinel's word is LAW, failure to respect it and follow it will result in punishment. Severity depends on how severe the crime against the word is.
- Cannibalism and other such crimes are not permitted on group members and allies. Breaking this law will result in severe punishment.
- When raiding, whatever you find is now yours.
- Deliberately disobeying the Sentinel, Centurion, Council, or Templar will result in punishment.
- Aiding enemy groups will result in exile or death.

RE: THE COVENANT // Guide 6/16/24 - avanti - 06-20-2024
