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KARSTARK FAMILY ADOPTS - axiom - 06-16-2024


Khal Karstark of the Cinnamon Khalasar hates carnivores. A dragon ate his mother. A cannibal ate his daughter. A vampire turned his son into a parasite. Now? This stallion bites back.


The Cinnamon Khalasar, Dothraki-inspired herd of herbivores, roams vast prairie lands bordering the Grand Canyon. Named for the Cinnamon Forest to the north of their lands, this nomadic herd runs for themselves.

The Cinnamon Khalasar rejects the sedentary lifestyle of agriculture, seeing it as an affront to their primary deity, Gaia, the personification of the Earth. Instead, they embrace a strictly vegan existence, sustaining themselves on the bounty provided by the prairie, the forests, and the rivers surrounding the Grand Canyon. The Lachrymose River, winding its way through the Grand Canyon and with its network of tributaries, serves as their lifeline: water. While the Cinnamon Khalasar is nomadic, their camps are carefully situated along these waterways, ensuring access to vital resources.

Spirituality plays a pivotal role in the lives of the Cinnamon Khalasar. They adhere to a belief system rooted in the ancient Greek pantheon, with Gaia as their supreme deity. Reincarnation is a central tenet of their faith, shaping their worldview and sense of morality. This belief in the cycle of life and death influences their relationships with other creatures, especially their reverence for herbivores and wariness of carnivores.

While they are known for their hospitality toward herbivores, the Cinnamon Khalasar approaches relationships with omnivores with caution. Trust must be earned, and only then will they forge alliances or accept outsiders into their fold. Carnivores, however, are viewed with hostility and fear, as the Cinnamon Khalasar is majority prey species. Anyone who is sentient and choses to kill to eat is automatically untrustworthy. Any predator incapable of talking and reason is untrustworthy.

Therefore, the Cinnamon Khalasar has a reputation for fierceness and bravery.

Full Guide is here!


— The Khal’s word is absolute. Disobeying their word is under punishment of death.
— Carnivores are to be killed on sight. Regardless of whether they can talk or not. This also includes anyone discovered to be a vampire.
— Omnivore species are considered untrustworthy. Outsiders seeking to join will have to prove themselves harder than an herbivore, and an omnivore outsider seaking to trade with the Dothraki might find the prices higher than expected.
— Discrimination amongst herbivorous species is outlawed. However, the Dothraki are traditionally majority equine.
— Sexual violence is forbidden.
— All BoB rules apply OOCly and ICly.

The Karstark family head is Khal Edd Karstark, who is the leader of the Cinnamon Khalasar. I play him and his granddaughter, Zedd Karstark, who is also a ranked equine in the Cinnamon Khalasar. Thus, I am adopting out their family members!

- Khal Edd Karstark's children (ages would be 1-12 years old)
- Khal Edd Karsark's grandchildren (ages would be 1-6 years old)
- Zedd's mother is dead as hell and her father will be killed ic soon, but you can adopt a half-sibling of hers (her mom is a zebra, her dad is a zorse). She's Khal Edd Karstark's favorite grandchild (but that is subject to change in character if she fucks up or a better grandchild trots along)

- Horse or anything that can reproduce with a horse (like a zebra). Any horse "breed" or sub-species is fine. Khal Edd is a Lipazzaner. Zedd is a zebra. It's all good.
- If you want a horse x funky species, hybrid item required!! I will not let those be direct children of Khal Edd Karstark (he would not be THAT horny on main) but they can be his grandchildren

- Your character must stay in the Cinnamon Khalasar unless 1) you get permission from me to have them leave, 2) they die in character, 3) Khal Edd Karstark exiles them in character.
- Do not make them a vampire or carnivore equine. Khal Edd Karstark has already proven he will kill his own family if they become carnivores/vampires, so I don't think that'll be a fun plot.
- The form can be as detailed or minimal as you want. Quality over quantity! But these are not first come first serve, and I may deny applications that don't fit unhinged horsey vibe, though you can def use a character I deny for the Karstarks as a non-Karstark in the Cinnamon Khalasar.

Please fill this out and post it as either:
- response to this thread
- response to #Karstark-Adopts in the Cinnamon Khalasar discord
[color=#000000]NAME — ?? Karstark[/color]
[color=#000000]GENDER —[/color]
[color=#000000]PRONOUNS —[/color]
[color=#000000]SEXUALITY —  [/color]
[color=#000000]AGE —
[/color][color=#000000]SPECIES — what kinda horsey are they[/color]
[color=#000000]MUTATIONS —[/color]

[color=#000000]APPEARANCE —[/color]

[color=#000000]PERSONALITY —[/color]