Beasts of Beyond
OPEN all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - Printable Version

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all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - Montgomery - 06-14-2024

[Continuation of this thread.]

The trip from the Descendants of the Departed was not a pleasant one, nor was it the easiest, even with the new stepping stones. The walk to and from had been brutal. Not to mention hot too. Clearly, Montgomery was not used to the heat and did not prefer it, as the heat mixed with the humidity caused his curly fur to puff up as he approached their border near the River of Life. Rather than walking further, he let his paw intentionally trigger the tripwire. The windchimes clashed above his head as he sat down onto the ground. Someone would come eventually. Until then, he would wait patiently and let his thoughts run wild.

Lucia had always spoke of a lion named 'Meteor,' but the archon had never put a name to a face until now. He had always kept Valerius and the Descendants of the Departed at a distance for a reason. The former pharaoh, despite his donated rations, had shot thinly veiled threats towards the congregants. Lucia's stories about this 'Meteor' did not help either. Needless to say, they were far from his favorite. To discover that Valerius was dead and that Meteor had replaced him came as a surprise though. He could deal with Valerius' pettiness from afar, but knowing Meteor had wronged his love would rub him the wrong way... and it already was.

The canine was clearly frustrated as he sat there in silence. His brow was furrowed and his mouth was pulled back into a firm frown. He needed to figure out who to send to the Descendants of the Departed for assistance, but his list was growing short. Upon request, he could not send Seven. To him, Lucia could not go either, even if she was capable. He would not let her endure Meteor's presence. Montgomery hoped she would not fight him on that, but he could not be too sure. That is what scared him.

Just like when he had left, the fur on his nape was standing up, except it was more visible now. Anyone who would approach would be able to tell. Whether he would hide his struggle upon their arrival was debatable.

RE: all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - Brutei Tsune - 06-18-2024

The chimes echoes for a fair moment before something stirred deeper in the forest, hidden by fallen snow. Brutei's fox-ish head shook snow away and stood, icy blue scales glittering in the light. Brilliant red eyes blinked as they stretched, moving sluggishly out of their hibernation. Shit, what did they miss?

They moved toward the sound, slowly picking up speed until they spotted Montgomery - shit, what did they miss- , and came to a halt some meters away. Instinctively, they lowered their head to be level, if not even below, Montgomery himself.

"Not looking too confident, Archon," Brutei rumbled softly, and their nose twitched at the smell that came from the dog. The cannibal group. "Not smelling too nice, either, no offense."

RE: all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - LUCIA S - 06-18-2024

(i can’t be saved) reaching for the life I threw away
watching as it circles in the drain

The cabbit’s long ears twitched at the sound of the chimes. She walked, then slipped into fast hops. Today had enough distance from the last ‘pain day’ that the ache in her abdomen faded to a dull throb. She didn’t bother to notice if the sudden acceleration caused the pain to change. Her mind was on Monty.

If he had to request food from cannibals? She worried for him. By Requiem and Vayu (no, Neandryne!), her former home was no place for him!

But he had returned. Intact, too. She slowed and shifted from hops to a walk. A glance to Brutei, because they’d stated what she’d observed in nicer language than she would’ve used.

The cabbit attempted to nose the despondent dog’s shoulder. The carnivore stink clung to him. But she didn’t mind. That stink was familiar. She’d been born into it, had worn it for her entire life until she’d disappeared from the Big Island.

As much as she hated Valerius and many of his followers… that carnivore stink smelled like home.

“My love?” she asked. A slight tilt of her head to the right. Her left ear lowered a tad. “The cannibals didn’t hurt you, did they?”

Her nose twitched. A double-check that he didn’t have fresh-blood or open-wound smell. And he didn’t. That was a relief. But then her brows furrowed.

He smelled like a Prometheus. She assumed he’d met with Valerius. But when Monty usually met with Valerius, the pharaoh provided rations. And they desperately needed food. “What’s the news?”

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RE: all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - Montgomery - 06-23-2024

At the arrival of Brutei, the archon looked up from the ground and towards the dragon. While they spoke, he couldn't help but let another thought cross his mind. Would Brutei be good enough for Meteor? The congregant had a size advantage and wings, but no arms to accompany that. He hated that the thought had come up, but the Descendants of the Departed were a picky bunch and he could not risk losing some members to violent cannibals. Even so, he had an idea. If they could transport a few members over, rather than walking the stepping stones, that would be useful enough for them... right? 

He cut off the thought before it continued any further and responded instead. "I got us food," he started off positively. His tone quickly descended into a grumble though. "Requires some manual labor with a side of discrimination though." The canine clearly was not happy, but calm enough to disregard the dragon's next comment, especially since he knew it was true. The Descendants stunk. The garbage did not help either. "We'll be cleaning their beaches of garbage in return for enough food to last us awhile. Then we can all smell like this." Usually, he'd laugh. Not now though.

Lucia's arrival caused his demeanor to loosen though, especially as her nose grazed his shoulder. He melted into her for a moment, even trying to offer a brush of his head against hers in return, before pulling back. "I'm alright. Don't you worry." At least for now.

The news... How could he start? The leader did not want to use his authority, especially as her husband, but he needed to in this moment for sanity. "The news is not great." A frown lined his face. He was not sad for the loss of Valerius, but for what he was about to say. "I'm afraid you won't be going," he mumbled shamefully. "Valerius is gone and Meteor has taken his place. I can't let you push yourself when you're in pain and endure his mockery." His eyes attempted to lock with hers, practically pleading for her to listen to his demands. Montgomery expected her to fight back on his decision. Maybe she'd listen just this once though... Doubt it.

RE: all out of hope - return + assisting DOTD - LUCIA S - 06-24-2024

(i can’t be saved) reaching for the life I threw away
watching as it circles in the drain

Lucia listened. Her pink eyes flinted from Monty’s face to her paws to the icicles dangling off the evergreen trees. Her husband was never very good at withholding the truth from her. Even at times like these, when his protectiveness wanted to lie.

As the truth came out, the cabbit’s long ears flicked back. A hardness in her pink eyes. For an instant, she looked more like a lynx than a hybrid should, but that shift wasn’t ferocity. More like muscle memory. Who she’d had to be in the Descendants of the Departed. Then her nose twitched, and she relaxed her posture with an exhale.

“Not great news, yet… I would trust Meteor to keep his word over Valerius.” Then she frowned. It’d been years since she’d known him. And she… well, her perception of Meteor was clouded, wasn’t it? She had loved him. “But it’s been years since I knew him.”

She licked her teeth. Nerves. A reminder of her neurotoxin fangs.

Then a memory of teenage boy Meteor: “Some are not worth saving.” But what Meteor had meant was most—anyone not of use to him, who wouldn’t follow him—were not worth saving. Whatever happened to him since the years she left the Big Island, she doubted he would have become less ruthless.

Lucia ducked her head and attempted to gently headbutt his shoulder. Affectionate, yes. But to keep her calculating expression out of sight from Monty and Brutei alike.

“I’m fine, the pain’s over. For now.” A partial lie. It’d faded down to a dull throb. But it’d disappear completely—until the next pain day. That was the pattern. That had to stay the pattern.

“And Meteor doesn’t… mock.” She straightened up. Frowned slightly, as she met her husband’s gaze. How could she explain this in a way he’d understand? Even the other Descendants had thought of Meteor as vicious with his words as with his claws and lightning. She shrugged. “He makes observations. When he sees a psychological wound, he can’t help himself: he has to twist the knife. He doesn’t even enjoy inflicting emotional suffering, not really. He’s just… curious about the depth of the infection.”

Then she shrugged. “You need me to go, Monty. Meteor probably thinks I died that night. My presence will distract him. Throw a wrench in his calculations.” Then her head tilted a tad to the right. “Besides, I know how the cannibals think, remember? If this is a trick… well, I’m the only one who’ll know what to watch for.”
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