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PRIVATE we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - Printable Version

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we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - KANEMARU. - 06-09-2024

Kanemaru did not like to be distracted while he was working. Focus was important, and anything that interrupted his focus was a nuisance, a bother, treated with disdain or eradicated entirely. Alas, he could do neither of those things to the yappy, three-eyed raven he'd actually chosen to let follow him around.

Why had he done that again?

Ah, right. Because, while the bothersome gore-creature was, well, a bother, xe was infinitely better than a random, less intelligent cannibal that would probably eat one of his limbs if Kane told them to shut the fuck up and let him concentrate. To nobody's surprise, Kanemaru did not fancy being a potential meal for a ragtag bunch of crazy cannibals.

The area they'd started off with Kanemaru could tell was perhaps the most destroyed part. Didn't make his job any easier, but he could see reason in starting with the hardest part first and just getting it out of the way. Apparently the coyote that Kanemaru now knew, thanks to Vale's listless rambling, was called Kole, had come out not so long ago and made pathways through the forest with fire, of all thinks. Kane couldn't decide if that was good or bad. It had made getting here easier, for sure, and wood ash contained vital nutrients for many plants. The forest would grow back healthier, perhaps. Especially with Kane's help.

"I see what you mean about a long-term project," Kanemaru remarked dryly, turning his head to side-eye the three-eyed raven. The forest was basically flattened here. To be perfectly honest, Kane thought it was probably better just letting Kole burn the place to ashes first, but whatever. "I'm good at what I do, but this is asking a lot of one fox."

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - VALE - 06-09-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed raven->fox
Vale circled above. Half to survey the damage. Otherwise? Because flying was fun, and what was the point of being a raven if xe was hopping around like a wingless bore? From up here, though, Vale didn’t like the projected timeline of this long-term project.

Hopefully Kole—and maybe more templars, like Chernabog and Rhode—would be able to capture some more earth elementals. Preferably, though, ones who were easier to twist into compliance than Kane.

Hearing Kane’s voice, Vale swooped down and circled the winged fox in a wide loop. “Yup, long-term project!” A quick laugh. “Hopefully we’ll get you coworkers, but I wouldn’t count on it!”

Vale eyed Kane. Unfortunately, the winged fox didn’t have convenient horns for roosting like Meteor or Chernabog. A shame. Then again, the guy probably wouldn’t appreciate if Vale landed on him. Not today, anyway! Vale cackled softly to xemself, then landed on a tree branch.

“I believe this area was the heart of the rainforest. Lots of rainwater. Lots of runoff from the mountains. The rainforest near the Hawit River survived, so you’re not starting completely from scratch. Want me to lead you there? Say the word.” Vale shook out xyr feathers. Like before, xe shapeshifted into a white winged fox. Unlike before, xe was able to maintain the flesh upon xyr face, and the body was closer in size to an arctic fox than a copy of Kane’s height. “So, you fix this area? Rainforest spreads easier. Let the birds feast and spread the seeds elsewhere on the island, eh?”

Vale balanced on four paws, shaking out xyr fur. The gore dropped to the soil. “Ah, much better!”

Vale grinned, flashed fangs. “So, long-term project. Let’s collaborate, eh? I have water and fire. You have earth. There’s a few more fire elementals on the island—Chernabog, Kole—and Meteor has lightning. You hate creatures who destroy nature, eh? This’ll be good practice for fixing nature.”

Xyr three red eyes narrowed. A laugh. “I don’t think Meteor cares about specifically targeting creatures who destroy nature, but, hahaha, someone’s gotta kill ‘em for you and it’s not like you had your own group when Kole caught your tail!”

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - KANEMARU. - 06-09-2024

Kanemaru's head slowly swivelled around to stare at the corvid creature as xe spoke. Xe only blinked when, yet again, Vale did a weird gore-shapeshift into a white fox. He was growing fairly used to Vale eccentricity.

He was paying attention properly now that Vale was actually rattling on about information that was arguably important to Kane, but he could feel a headache coming on because, wow, Vale really did not shut up, ever.

It was interesting to learn just how many elementals there were on the island, though. Vale having control of at least two was impressive, though Kanemaru would never utter those words out loud, ever. Kole he knew about, Meteor... well, he wasn't shocked to learn he used lightning to some degree, given the lion's appearance, and he'd yet to actually meet whatever a Chernabog was. This island had a lot of statistical anomalies. Four psychopaths. Four elementals; maybe more, who knows. Next he was going to find out everyone was queer... Actually, in hindsight, that was probably also true.

"You talk a lot," Kane grunted under his breath rather than reply normally, turning his head back to the damage once more. There was a lot to do, indeed, and Kane wasn't entirely sure where to begin. He could just barely see a crevice in the ground where he assumed the river had flown beforehand, now blocked by felled trees. He supposed unblocking that was as good as place as any.

Carefully picking his way across the undergrowth, Kanemaru allowed several thick vines to sprout from the mossy patches smattered across his body. They grew longer and thicker as he focused, wrapping them around the trunk of a tree; not a particularly large one, just testing his abilities; and gave a yank. The wood creaked and groaned as he pulled and the vines tightened, pulling it up and out of the riverbed slowly but surely, until it stood upright, the roots once again buried in the dirt.

"There," Kane huffed, panting quietly, and shook out his fur. "That wasn't so bad."

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - VALE - 06-09-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed fox
“Thanks! Talking a lot is part of my charm!” Vale barked out a laugh.

The fox jumped down from the felled tree’s branch. Xyr eyebrows scrunched as xe followed Kane’s eyeline to the blocked river. Vale’s head tilted. Oh, so Kane was going to actually try hard to fix the island, eh? Vale was wondering if xe’d need to start barking out actual orders or if he’d take initiative on utilizing his own magic.

As the earth elemental manipulated the plants, Vale sat back on xyr haunches and watched. Xyr grin grew. Xe glanced between the elemental and the work. It took quite a lot of self-control not to rub xyr front paws together like a little evil maniac. Then that thought made Vale remember, oh god, xe had toe beans!

When Kane spoke, that’s when Vale broke the silence. “Not so bad, eh? Hahaha, knew you’d be damn good at your magic. You don’t strike me as a lazy lil idiot who can’t nurture his own potential into growth. So guess today we’re gonna unfuck this river! I can help, what trees do you think aren’t worth rerooting? I’ll burn ‘em!”

With a soft laugh to xemself, xe reached out a paw and attempted to poke Kane in the forehead with a palm. “Haha, I have gray toe beans! I’ve never had grey toe beans before!” Vale’s toes were actually, in fact, pink.

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - KANEMARU. - 06-09-2024

Kane looked up just in time to be forced to watch in seemingly slow motion as Vale reached out and poked him in the forehead. He stared, unblinking, for several long moments, which gave him enough time to register the fact that Vale had called xyr paw pads grey when they were, in fact, pink.

He paused. Thought a moment. Should he tell xim?

Why not. "They're pink," Kanemaru deadpanned, looking between the paw pads in question and Vale's eyes, narrowing his own. "Your eyes are broken." He looked down at his own paw pads, which were a sort of peachy colour, and wondered what other colours Vale couldn't see; but then dismissed those thoughts, realising that it didn't really matter all that much in the long run.

"Just burn all the biggest trees. I won't be able to lift them," Kane advised, motioning vaguely towards a particularly large one. He sighed. Looked like they had a long day of work ahead of them, but generally speaking, Kane preferred to be working. Kept his mind busy. He didn't like to be bored.

He wrapped his vines around another tree, giving a harder yank this time. The wood protested loudly, but before long, it too was stood upright once more. Soon as these trees were clear, he could do something about all the rubble in the riverbed.

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - VALE - 06-09-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed raven
“Actually, my eyes are broken.” Xe snapped xyr teeth. But then tilted xyr head to the side, as xyr red eyes took a calculating sweep of Kane’s expression, body language. “Did you insult me because you didn’t like the poke? You know, I’d rather you tell me if you don’t like something.”

Then a chuckle, which became a cackle as the fox stood and shook out xyr fur. White tufts and black sludge splattered. And still xe cackled, until, out of the gore, a three-eyed raven hopped over the scorched grass.

Xe tilted xyr head at Kane as xe added, “Haha! Just don’t wander too close to any of those tall ass motherfucking trees!”

Then, with noisy wingbeats, the raven took to the sky and circled. A cawwing sort of cackle.

And then, from the third eye in the center of xyr forehead, a flicker of fire. Xe circled the largest felled tree, as pointed out by Kane, and, yeah, Vale supposed that looked too annoying to try salvaging. The cackling stopped.

That flame became a beam of red flames. The raven scorched the damned tree in a fly-by!

While the tree burned, Vale circled it. Looked lazy, except every flame that licked outside that radius folded back in on itself and burned the tree anew. Vale spared a few glances at Kane—enough to make sure the prisoner hadn’t decided to try escaping while Vale was distracted with pyromania lolz.

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - KANEMARU. - 06-09-2024

Kanemaru had paused to watch as Vale put xyr own magic to work. It was always intriguing to see how other elementals harnessed their powers. Had he been in any other situation, he might have dissected xim to see how their anatomy differed. A shame, really; or not, when you consider that Vale was Kane's only 'friend' in cannibal central.

He didn't acknowledge the comment about insulting xim. Hadn't been his intention; hadn't even really been an insult, but he wouldn't argue. Intent didn't really matter, did it? He just stored that information away for later. 'Tell Vale to fuck off if xyr being annoying'. Yeah, that sounded fine.

He hadn't noticed he'd stopped to stare until he noticed Vale staring back. He blinked, realising he'd gotten distracted, and turned back to his work. He focused his mind, vines sprouting from the ground, twisting and wrapping around various trees. Doing multiple things at once tired him out quicker, but getting this done fast was Kanemaru's top priority, at the moment, and he could spare some energy. There'd be less to do tomorrow, and then even less the day after, if all went well.

"So," Kane began, clearing his throat. He didn't often feel the need to fill the silence, but it felt odd for Vale to not be, well, chattering his ears off. "What's with all the gore when you shapeshift?"

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - VALE - 06-09-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed raven
Vale, in one xyr verifying glances, crossed eyes with Kane. Huh. Interesting! The raven refocused back on burning the latest tree to a reasonable amount of ash, and then veered off the circle to investigate Kane’s plants. Admittedly, Vale had an easier job. Burning shit was simple, and xe didn’t even need to burn all the big-ass logs, since felled trees provided useful utility to the ecosystem. Just needed to burn enough to provide space.

“I like shapeshifting. I like decay. Why shouldn’t I combine them?” Vale sounded cheerful about that, but there wasn’t the usual laughter or cackle. “But, eh, honesty for honesty, it’s a bit more complicated.”

In the air, the raven banked right and landed on a recently resurrected tree’s branch. The raven tested the sturdiness with a little hop. Excellent! Good timing on Kole grabbing this guy quickly. And Vale’s persuasion. Revitalizing the rainforest’s heartland would only get harder once the trees gave up on living.

Vale looked back at Kane. Three eyes squinty in thought. “You really didn’t have to put in all this effort. But! Ha! You really do like nature, huh? Guess it helps that we cannibals on cannibal island didn’t cause this devastation ourselves?” A noisy wing fluff. “But you also mentioned experiments? Did you try turning prosocials into antisocials? Trust me that’s a bad idea, bahahaha, you should talk to Xanti, xe’s a made psychopath!” 

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - KANEMARU. - 06-09-2024

Kane's head tilted to one side. He supposed that made sense. Why not combine two interests? On the surface, it wasn't any different from Kanemaru combining his hatred for nature-destroying freaks with the urge to create newer, more intelligent life. Though, Kane had a feeling his had probably led to more casualties... Unless Vale's gore also carried disease. In which case, who really knew who won that competition? He wondered distantly how many scavenger animals had died because they ate some of Vale's left-over flesh slop.

"If you'd done this yourself, I would have strangled you with a vine by now," Kanemaru deadpanned, completely seriously, as he turned his head to face the three-eyed raven. "...So yes it helps."

Kanemaru hadn't known Xanti was a made. That gave them something in common. He still hadn't interacted with the mutated cheetah all that much, though; maybe he'd fix that. "...I was experimenting with their brains, actually," Kane muttered his response, taking a seat on a rock. He needed a rest after all the work he'd done today. "Testing how prosocials respond to stimuli in comparison to antisocials and vice versa, as well as dissecting them when the opportunity arose."

RE: we ain't any different but we just ain't the same - VALE - 06-09-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed raven
“Bahaha, good to know! But, seriously, what would be the point in destroying the environment? A tree has never harmed me.” Vale’s three eyes narrowed in disdain. “But prosocials? They harm one another without even realizing. How not sentient!”

Vale looked down. Tilted xyr head. When Kane avoided answering a question, sometimes that gave Vale the same information as if he’d responded honestly. A born psychopath would’ve been fascinated that mades are truly possible. But a made psychopath? Old news.

With a flutter of xyr wings—more to announce to Kane that xe was moving than anything else—Vale did the short jump from the branch to the rock. Xe was far enough away from the fox that xe could probably fly away if threatened. Probably.

“That explains why your knowledge is weird. You’ve never actually talked to a fellow one, do you?” Vale laughed softly. “You can get good information from talking. Honesty for honesty, eh? A narcissist would never. But a psychopath? It’s useful, so they take the deal. Every. Time.” Vale raised xyr head and puffed up xyr feathers in pride. “Worked on you, didn’t it? Learned that trick from my mom!”

“Maybe you haven’t figured it out yet, so I’ll explain it to you. Antisocials are better collaborators than prosocials. You know why? Because you can always trust an antisocial to save xyr own skin and optimize for their own goals. So coalitions of antisocials who know they can trust each other not to backstab? Unstoppable.” Vale clicked xyr tongue mockingly. “But the prosocials? They have built-in divide and conquer buttons in their brain: morality, guilt, shame.”

Vale blinked. “You’re a funky psychopath. You’re basically feral. But you’re intelligent, eh? That means you might be a useful collaborator.”