Beasts of Beyond
OPEN watch the flames burn auburn on the mountainside - Printable Version

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watch the flames burn auburn on the mountainside - kole. - 06-09-2024

Once again, Kole had jobs to do. He always had jobs to do, but that was the way he liked it, really. Liked being useful, liked furthering his status; liked to be liked, much as he didn't care to admit such a thing out loud. When had that started? Probably way back, maybe even before his little brother had been-... had died. He remembered all the posturing and shit he used to do back then. He liked to think he'd grown out of all the egocentric stuff over the years, but he knew he was still an arrogant prick most days.

Jobs to do, jobs to do... Kole whistled to himself as he walked through the woods. Wasn't night time, so it was safe, he'd tell himself. He was surveying the land, trying to get a measure of just how bad things was. Clearing the forest wasn't up to him, 'course; he'd nabbed the beastie for that, but far as Kole knew, beastie still wasn't co-operating, so here he was. He'd never say no to getting a fire going, of course, wasn't in his nature; he'd mellowed over the years, less likely to start a forest fire for shits n gigs, but the urge was still there every now and again. Glad Meteor had asked, in hindsight; get it out of his system before he blew, either figuratively or literally.

His head swivelled from side to side. He could see what Meteor meant, now; he hadn't really walked through the forest yet, but yeah, a lot of this place was completely untraversable. Unfortunate. How was beastie supposed to get through here to start fixing the place? Ah, well, that he could do something about.

He took in a long breath. Let air fill his lungs... And then breathed out. Flames licked at his maw, but didn't singe his fur; instead, the ruined foliage set alight. Fire began to climb through the undergrowth. He followed it, step by step, keeping an eye on things, redirecting the blaze whenever it threatened to diverge off the path he'd mapped out in his head. Smoke rose up into the air in wisps, clinging to his fur and staining it grey. Before long, he'd formed a sort of pathway. His head swivelled, checking the condition of his work, before giving a satisfied nod and repeating.

RE: watch the flames burn auburn on the mountainside - VALE - 06-12-2024

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ california condor
From above, Vale saw the grey smoke plume out of the destroyed rainforest’s heartland. Stuck out like a signal on today’s clear blue sky! The inquisitor swerved right, then flew down to the valley and investigate.

Thankfully, the weirdness was Kole’s task. Vale’d almost forgotten that the coyote’d been assigned to clearing out the forest—mostly because had other shit to do like remind Xanti to eat food, manage Requiem related volcano weirdness, and gain Beastie’s trust—and xe cackled. Relief, really. In Vale’s experience, stopping a forest fire was a lot harder than starting a forest fire. 

Xyr parents, Ninazu and Stryker, had a hell of a time teaching Vale how to control xyr elemental abilities when xe was a dumbass child. Thankfully, Vale wasn’t actually a pyromaniac!

The large vulture—one of the largest species in the world—soared lower to be within earshot of the coyote. “I got some time to help, you want my help clearing this path? Or you want me to clear another area for you?”