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Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - Printable Version

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Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - thatbluecat - 06-04-2024

✈ Welcome to Cat™ ✈

Reygan of Emerald Isles ; [xx]
Maxine Lial of the Horde ; [xx]
Grateful Mae of the Congregation of Genesis ; [xx]
Viper Bordeaux of the Descendents of the Departed ; [xx]

RE: Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - Reygan - 06-05-2024

overview \
✧ Reygan 'Rey'
"Little Leader"
— male \ he/him \ homosexual
— 2 Years 2/02/21 \ Realistic Aging
— Crystalline of Emerald Isle

relationships \
— No siblings
— father to no one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

physicality \
✧ Reygan is a short and skinny tri-colored domestic cat. His coat is orange, grey tabby, and cream. His eye color is green-blue.
— Long legs but rather short, Reygan is a ribby and slender feline. His base color is a grey tabby with cream cheeks, muzzle, chest, legs, and a strap of cream saddling his back and lighting up his tail tip. He has splashes of orange striping his legs and bordering his grey front paws and cream patches with one orange star on the middle of his forehead. His nose and paw pads are speckled pink and grey-brown but the inside of his ears are light pink. Reygan'e eyes are a gradient from blue to green. His right eye is missing and the socket is permanently scarred closed. His scars cover the right side of his face from his eyebrow to his jaw. His ears remain intact, but two scars are running across his neck and chest. Reygan's front legs are horizontally striped with scars of varying sizes and depth up to his wrist joint. He often wears oleander flowers behind his ear and in his fur for decoration.
— Reygan has a missing right eye and his facial scar covers the right side from eyebrow to chin. His throat is crossed with two parallel scars. Reygan's legs have scars running horizontally from his paws to his wrist.
— No ongoing illnesses, suffers from chronic head intolerance and migraines.

mentality \
✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: soft-spoken, compassionate, creative, trustworthy
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: boyish, noncommital, self-conscious, whimsical
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: anxious, cowardly, dependant, foolish
— Reygan has kept much of his child-like innocence and spirit into his adulthood. He is friendly and though shy, Reygan is always willing to try at least make a new friend. This, however, leads Reygan to be rather gullible and easy to con and fool. He can be overly trusting of the wrong people and easily becomes dependent on those who express even an ounce of kindness to him. He falls headfirst into relationships, for better or for worse, and will go to great lengths to keep people around him happy. He lets his anxiety get the best of him, so Reygan doesn't find himself easily making decisions. He can go back and forth on one decision for weeks and more often than not lets other people's opinions sway his final decision.
— INFP / lawful good
✧ PTSD: night terrors, paranoia, heightened anxiety, people-pleasing compulsion, migraines, stomach issues

interaction \
✧ Loves growing plants and gardening, talented in weaving and creative arts
✧ Dislikes strenuous physical activity and avoids violence and confrontation
✧ Peaceful/healing powerplay allowed
✧ Smells like flowering plants, particularly lavender
— penned by thatbluecat

RE: Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - Maxine Lial - 06-06-2024

overview \
✧ Maxine Lial
— 'Greatest'
— Female \ She/Her \ "Straight"
— Unknown Age, Adult \ Unknown Aging Rate (Does She?)
— Common Folk of The Horde

relationships \
— One unknown sister
✧ MATE TO Project K
— Mother to three unknown sons
— Previously mentored no one
— Mentored by Project K

physicality \
✧ Giant fuck-all sized Malinois with golden eyes
— Maxine is a larger-than-average dark fawn sable Belgian Malinois. Her face and ears are pure black and all of the hairs on her rust-colored coat are tipped black, giving her a sooty appearance. Her body is extremely muscular and trimmed, complete with sharp pointed ears and nose. Her teeth stand out bright white against her black muzzle. Maxine's eyes are sharp gold.
— While she doesn't often wear accessories, Maxine is incredibly well-armed at all times with various knives and of course her sharpened teeth.
— Maxine's scars are mostly hidden underneath her fur. but she had one thin slice over her left eye.
— Undiagnosed granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) and arthritis in her hips and back.

mentality \
✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Adaptable, confident, disciplined, efficient, loyal
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Persuasive, ambitious, authoritarian, aggressive, businesslike, stern
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Self-destructive, abrasive, calculating, crude, disrespectful
— Having a very guarded way of life, Maxine doesn't share much about herself with other people. Usually, she's all business and knows how to get things done. She is a natural leader and very persuasive. However, she has a very hot temper and is quick to start fights. She has an ego and isn't afraid to show it. She takes challenges very seriously and is known to fight singlehandedly for what she believes in. She is a firm believer in communism, not just as a form of government, but as a way of life. She never shares her past, unless it is with someone she is very close to, but it's obvious it wasn't a good one. She hides her pain in drink and occasional drug usage. However, it seems like those vices never bring her down and only build her up. She's known to have one-night stands and short-term relationships. Maxine will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in her way or becomes an inconvenience to her.
— ESTJ | Neutral Evil | Contract killer
✧ Nobody knows what's going on in her head and frankly, that's for everyone's benefit

interaction \
✧ Maxine's main talent in life is murder. In fact, besides working, she doesn't engage in too many other hobbies besides weapon collecting.
✧ Terrible at anything creative, she just doesn't have the interest or eye for it.
✧ Peaceful/healing powerplay allowed
✧ Smells like warm amber and cherry oak
✧ Speaks with a thick Russian accent, not easy to understand unless you know her well
— penned by thatbluecat

RE: Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - Grateful Mae - 06-09-2024

overview \
✧ Grateful Mae 'Mae'
— "Thankful; bitter"
— Female \ She/They \ Asexual
— 7 months \ Birthday 3/20, starting at 7 months
— Congregant of the Congregants of Genesis

relationships \
— several unknown half-siblings
— no children
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

physicality \
✧ Mae is a small orange and white fox with pink eyes and tattered tiger moth wings. She wears a pink bow tied behind her neck.
— The fox hybrid as a small statue. She isn't huge and has short little legs. Her coat is very silky. Her underbelly, face, legs, and the underside of her tail are white. Her back is a creamsicle orange. Mae has no black points. The only hint of her moth hybridization is on her back: her tiger moth wings. The wings are ruined and flightless, but she sometimes buzzes them to show her displeasure. She accessorized with a pink ribbon tied in a bow behind her neck.
— She has a scar on the underside of her belly and her tiger moth wings are tattered.
— Post Concussion Syndrome: mild hearing and vision loss, insomnia, migraines, light sensitivity, low attention span, poor balance

mentality \
✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Clever, freethinking, intelligent, objective, scholarly
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Private, solitary, dreamy, earthy
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Apathetic, blunt, difficult, distractible
— Rather bitter and reserved, Cessna isn't the easiest to make friends with. She'd rather spend time alone than at a party or social event. She can work very well with people when she has to, but she doesn't prefer it. Cessna comes off a bit snappy and disgruntled without meaning to. Under the surface, Cessna just really wants a hug. She's a sucker for affection and cuddles and is in dire need of some real approval from a parental figure. She desperately wants to please everyone but doesn't have the guidance or patience to know how to.
— Mae is remarkably intelligent. She is knowledgeable in medicine and insects with a passion for learning. She doesn't care much about people and doesn't like her patients, but she finds anatomy fascinating. She has a near-perfect memory and her clairvoyance is rather accurate.
— INFP | Lawful Evil
✧ No diagnosed mental illnesses

interaction \
✧ Mae is very talented at remembering information. She is passionate about medicine and keeps insects as a hobby.
✧ Unfortunately, Mae is rather horrible at physical fights. She always carries a knife on her and is quick on her feet, but her poor eyesight, bad hearing, and poor balance make her easy to overpower.
✧ Peaceful/healing powerplay allowed
✧ Smells like leaf mold and herbs
✧ Uses clairvoyance
— penned by thatbluecat

RE: Man, That's A Lot Of Cats | Xan's Cat Container - Viper Bordeaux - 06-09-2024

overview \
✧ Francois 'Viper' Bordeaux
— 'Free Man'
— Male (Intersex \ He/Him \ Homosexual
— 4.5 Years \ Realistic Aging Rate
— Militia of The Descendants of the Departed

relationships \
— Several unknown siblings
— Parent to three unknown sons
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

physicality \
✧ Short, bouncy albino serval with pink eyes and chronically broken glasses.
— Viper is an abnormally small African serval with very long legs. He has a standard spotted serval pattern with albinism, making his base color nearly white and his spots a light grey. He has large ears and big, soft pink eyes. His two vampire fangs stick out of his lips when he talks or smiles. He is dependent on his glasses, which are always broken.
— no current scars or injuries
— no ongoing illnesses

mentality \
✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Cheerful, debonair, elegant, enthusiastic, humorous, individualistic, romantic
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Effeminate, emotional, glamorous, intense, soft
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Clumsy, complacent, crass, egocentric, excitable, flamboyant, neurotic
— Extravagant and flamboyant, but don't mistake Viper for a weakling. He is a skilled fighter despite his friendly face. Usually has a smile on his face and has a cute little high-pitched voice. He's clingy and rather feminine, often cross-dressing for any event. He is often eating a hard candy of some sort. Viper worked as a prostitute for the majority of his life and has seen some rather horrible things despite how carefree and sweet he seems. Deals with schizoaffective disorder and 'manages' it by taking large amounts of illicit drugs. Some people see him as a loose canon rather than someone soft and sweet. Viper has had a history of flying off the handle for the smallest things, partially from paranoia and fear of abandonment but also because of whatever drug he happens to be on at that very moment. He considers himself to be in retirement from 'the business'. The 'business' being mercenary/combat-related positions and selling himself.
— ESTP | Chaotic Good
✧ Schizoaffective disorder + PSTD: Hypomania, auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia, impulsivity, delusion

interaction \
✧ Viper is a very good singer. His main talent is cooking and baking. Viper can turn anything even slightly edible into a meal.
✧ Viper is the clumsiest guy anyone can meet. His glasses are constantly broken from how often he is falling off things. Consequently, his eyesight is very poor.
✧ Peaceful powerplay is not allowed. Healing powerplay is allowed.
✧ Smells like baked goods
✧ Has a French accent
— penned by thatbluecat