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i should be pushing daisies // p - suiteheart - Printable Version

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i should be pushing daisies // p - suiteheart - radeken - 06-04-2018

Birdsong and sounds of creatures creeping through foliage, conversing with one another. The brush of canvas on fur, boxes and jars rattling in her med-bag. Paws on moss on stone. There was a storm brewing, announced by low growling from the clouds that hung thick and grey overhead. Wind pulled rudely at the treetops.

Radeken stopped, eyes and ears alert. Ever since coming back, she had found herself something close to nervous over...well, to her, over stupid shit. Over not being there, or being there too late. Not because of the potential loss of life that would ensue, but because eventually, given enough missteps, they had the power to strip her of her rank. She had already gotten a penalty downgrade and Radeken, paranoid even when she didn’t want to be, couldn’t shake the thought that one of these days someone would keep her from practicing. They wouldn’t. Couldn’t. If they did, you could always leave, anyway. She was in no danger. At least, she didn’t want to feel like she was in any danger.

So she went on a walk to somewhere quiet.

The vine-choked structures loomed tall, mossy pelts seeming to bristle as she crept close. City of Stars. She didn’t see any stars here. Just sad old ruins. Stupid theme. Radeken marched forth with a bitter snort, invading the shell of an old building that groaned from the pre-storm breeze rattling against it’s skeleton. Stone creaked and debris was blown across her path.

Distantly, Radeken recognized that she was in some kind of danger. Something about structural integrity, ancient and crumbling architecture. The knowledge didn’t make her balk, though. Radeken was only ever encouraged by the adrenaline that came in the wake of peril.

Very stupid girls must frequently suffer consequences for their stupidness. That was just a law of nature. And Radeken, though she didn’t know it and wouldn’t believe it if told, was a very stupid girl.

The building trembled like anyone with a lick of sense would know it might, and when it started to cave in on itself, Radeken froze. A wall crumbled and before it could crush her she was moving again, scrambling to the nearest exit, one which was quickly becoming unusable thanks to a mountain of crushed rock. This exit emptied out a generous length off the ground, and when she landed from what was less of a jump and more of a graceless tumble, the crunch was as audible as the pain in her side from muscling pounds of ancient rock out if the wat was agonizing. Bruising, broken leg, Her bag had come loose. Radeken tried to stand only to topple over again. One foreleg was broken, the other too sore to support her weight just yet. Where is my bag. She coughed around old shitty brick dust. Fuck. Even when she did see it, mere pawsteos away, she couldn’t quite will herself to push through the pain and get to it. Fuck, fuck!


Re: i should be pushing daisies // p - suiteheart - Suiteheart - 06-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had been traveling. As of late, her wanderlust had grown strong. Something inside of her had always been displeased with the idea of being sedimentary, but it was coming to a head now. Though she could never dream of abandoning the Ascendants, she was not opposed to the idea of roaming from time to time. Many of their members did such, so who was she to hold herself back? Besides that, she was just... bored with the goings on of things inside the Observatory. She needed something different.

Perhaps that need was what caused her paws to bring her to the City of Stars. Her heart had been dragged to that place time and time again for reasons she did not know. It was only natural that she would return to it in her boredom.

The threatening storm did not persuade her to remain near camp. The dark belly of clouds and the scent of rain brought her forth. She had always felt at peace in storms. Suite equated this to the fact that always felt like a storm was swirling inside herself. Her heart and mind were at constant war with the environment she was in, and storms were frequent in all parts of her being. So she was not scared of them. No, she welcomed them with open arms. She wanted to world to feel what she felt - even if only for a fraction of a second.

The storm hit, and Suiteheart felt alive as she strolled through the dilapidated city. The crumbling architecture swayed and groaned, threatening to fall. She payed it no mind. She was fast. Her reaction time was quick; it always had been. She would be perfectly fine... But whoever the hell was in the distance wouldn't be. In horror, the Ecliptic Admiral watched as someone was half crushed by a falling wall. Without a second thought, she rushed forward.

And there was Radeken.

Anger bristled underneath her skin, and she narrowed her eyes as she halted beside the broken and bruised healer. 'Well, isn't this lovely?" she purred darkly, eyeing the girl's injuries. Her eyes fluttered to the bag of healing goods, and she strolled over, placing a paw on top of it. [color=#99182C][b]"Hm, if I were you, I think I might be in a bit of predicament, Rad. You look like you might be in need of help. Funny."

Re: i should be pushing daisies // p - suiteheart - radeken - 06-07-2018

Oh, so the world just hated her, huh? Just wanted her to eat shit and die? Radeken stole a sharp breath, trying to inch forward and ignore the sharp pain that gnawed at her legs, trying even harder to ignore Suiteheart. Maybe she’d get lucky and it was some bizarre stress hallucination. What, do I hate myself ao much that I don’t hesitate to conjure up something to belittle me in a situation like this? No. With her luck, this would actually be happening. Fat raindrops tapped impatiently against the ruins and Radeken was silent for a long, obstinate moment, refusing to even look at Suiteheart while still trying to surreptitiously nudge herself closer to her bag. It still wasn’t working in her favor.

[color=black]If you’re going to be a bitch, could you at least be a useful one?” She snapped, frustration finally boiling over into tense, pained speech. “[color=black]I’m,” Radeken chewed on her tongue, glaring a hole into the ground. “[color=black]It would go faster if you helped me.” Implying Radeken would still be able to help herself if Suiteheart didn’t, because there was no way she was going to admit out loud just how useless she was right now.

[color=black]You can even just leave, if you’re really so mad at me. Be real easy, wouldn’t it?” She added in a low voice, hoping Suiteheart would leave while simultaneously scared that she actually might because no matter how fat Radeken’s ego could get sometimes, she wasn’t deluded enough to actually think she could fix this problem herself. The wolf let out a long, reedy breath. “[color=black]Or are you here to prove some point about morality?

Re: i should be pushing daisies // p - suiteheart - Suiteheart - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][this is a week late i'm so sorry omf]

Suiteheart audibly laughed at Radeken's words. Her? A bitch? Well, wasn't that hitting the nail right on the head. She studied the wolf for a moment, watching her features shift and change into anger and then something almost helpless. The Ecliptic Admiral would be lying if she said a part of it did not fill her with satisfaction. It was nice to see the other squirm. Maybe Suite really was sick in the head.

"Oh, no, leaving would be too easy. I'm not here for the easy way out," she said, flicking a tail, eyes falling from the healer to the bag of medicines and other oddities. She had half a mind to sort through it in front of the other, but she was not a big fan of the idea of uncovering whatever horrors might lie within Rad's bag. "I think I'll stay because I have a reputation as a do-gooder to uphold." She picked up the bag, jostling everything that was inside before stepped closer to the other and tossing it at Rad's paws.

She grinned just a bit. "From the looks of it, you need my help."