Beasts of Beyond
Introducing default post templates! - Printable Version

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Introducing default post templates! - Orion - 05-15-2024


The day has arrived! Post templates are BACK and better than ever! You can now save post templates to use in your posts, including a default style that'll appear in ALL of your posts. So, if your profile changes aesthetics, so will all your posts. Isn't that neat?

You can view this feature in 'Post Style (Templates)' within your User Settings.

Step 1: Click 'Create Template.'
Step 2: Insert a name for your template.
Step 3: From there, insert your content. '{MESSAGE}' should NOT be removed, as that is where your text will go while posting. For example, you should put '{MESSAGE}' between your codes like this:
[div style=""]{MESSAGE}[/div] OR [b]{MESSAGE}[/b]
Step 4: You have two checkboxes afterwards. The first is 'Enabled.' Enabling your post style template will show it from a dropdown list upon previewing your post (not in quick reply).
Step 5: Your other option is 'Default.' By selecting default, your post template will be automatically selected when posting from 'Preview Post.' Along with this, any templates you had as default previously will be REPLACED by this template.
Step 6: Save your template.
Step 7: Time to post! When posting, select 'Preview Post.' If you have a default template selected, just type your text in and you're all set. If you do not have a default template set or want to override your default template, select a post style template from the 'Post Template' dropdown and click 'Insert Into Post.'
Step 8: When you are done typing your post, click 'Post Reply' and you're all set!

If you'd like to create your own styled posts, I highly recommend checking out the new guide for DIV styling. It'll spice up your posts and make great use of this new feature. 

Since this is a brand new code piece, please report any bugs or issues to me. Along with that, if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the Helpful Hub or #questions-and-suggestions within our public Discord.

Have fun! 