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quicksilver || notekeeper﹢maiandros - Printable Version

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quicksilver || notekeeper﹢maiandros - notekeeper. - 05-13-2024

(intro post here) 

bio for notekeeper
bio for maiandros

order still unknown....

RE: quicksilver || notekeeper﹢maiandros - notekeeper. - 05-15-2024


NOTEKEEPER / ” ??? > blōtmōnað ('november') > notekeeper "
── was 'named' by maiandros
─ cis female, she/her, sexuality undetermined
─ 12 moons old, ages real time, 12/1, sagittarius 
─ member of xx // xx rank
open to; minor and minor nonviolent powerplay, unprovoked attack, minor injuries
ask for; maim, torture, capture, major injuries
closed to; major and major nonviolent powerplay, murder
will; start fights, end fights, and run away ;; ?? difficulty
not inherently violent; will not attack, kill, or capture without reason. however, her terms of 'reason' are skewed, and she may attack out of seemingly nowhere. she typically attacks out of jealousy and or possessiveness over maiandros.

[  † • ° ` DOMESTIC FELINE ] ─ HEALTH ??%
── brief, sentence description
fur color; multiple shades of red. light base that grows darker along her back, face, paws, and tail tip. has one lighter paw and a lighter underbelly. 
fur texture; long, thin, and greasy. you can certainly tell when you touch it. typically looks unkempt and dirty.
skin color; light pink. nose, ears, paw pads, and skin.
eyes; light green. appear to be sunken in and they are prominently dark underneath. 
─ build; extremely skinny and lethargic. emaciated. how is she alive? very prominent ribcage, shoulder bones, hip bones, cheekbones, and spine. quite tall regardless and she has large feet as she did not grow properly into them.
eww; has fleas, ticks, and may potentially have mange. typically crusted over with dried blood... or fresh. notekeeper is a heavy drooler and has a very wet mouth. 
other; she is never seen without maiandros in tow. never. 
bleedingusually always bleeding from somewhere. typically covered with bandages.
rotting(zombification) appears to be rotting from certain open wounds. typically covered with bandages. gross!
soreshas large, bald sores on her haunches, shoulders, and neck. sore and itchy. caused by flea bites and by her collar rubbing.
broken nailsmissing a couple of claws on her front paws after they ripped out.
ear scarhas a small scar on her left ear that resembles a t. self-performed, made to mirror maiandros’.
body scarshas a multitude of small scars along her body, predominantly covering her chest, arms, and legs.
flea collar; too small, doesn't work anymore.
bandages; a lot of them, often bloody.
maiandros; he basically counts, as he is never not in tow. she carries him underneath his hips, helping him to move.
maiandros; ?? we will get there
notebooks; serve as a diary and journal, expressing both her thoughts and notes on how the world works. she has a lot of these, though only one active one at a time. carried by maiandros.
small trinkets; little objects such as keys and old coins. carried by maiandros.
─ blood, formaldehyde, metal.
─ no specific accent, though she sounds nasally and talks slow. she is still learning how to speak, and this is displayed in her voice.
PLEASE keep in mind that this list is not official. all powers and mutations still need to be purchased from the item store. i will be doing this promptly before roleplay!!!
mental bond; mental bond connection with maiandros. very strong emotional connection between the two of them. they feed off of each other directly, typically in negative ways. 
clairvoyance; notekeeper has a strong connection to the afterlife. she is exceptionally capable of seeing ghosts and spirits, though she has trouble discerning them from other living people. she doesn't truly understand what any of this means and may grow frustrated should anyone not see what she does, insisting she's correct. seeing that it's difficult for her to make sense of the situation at hand, she's quite uncomfortable as a whole with it all. 
zombification; causes certain parts of notekeeper's skin to appear to be rotting without much negative downside. much. 
odd organs; causes her blood to be abnormal and contain heavy amounts of metals such as mercury, zinc, lead, and gallium. 

+ friendly, affectionate, loving, 'considerate,' sense of justice, book smart, 
timid, anxious, naive, jealous, possessive, selfish (unintentionally), emotionally inept, dirty
─ loves her husband; notekeeper loves maiandros to an excessive and highly obsessive extent. she takes him with her everywhere she goes, and you'll never be able to get her away from him. ever.  she prefers to talk to him over other people and may speak to you indirectly though speaking to him. she pulls the strings in the relationship, often speaking for him even if his opinion is differing from hers and silencing him when he does attempt to speak for himself. despite their relationship being inherently toxic and selfish, she truly does love him and has no intention of hurting him in any regards. she has trouble listening to and processing the feelings and emotions of other people, and her straightforwardness with him helps her feel more confident and in control in a world unfamiliar to her. 
─ caring and affectionate; while most people tend not to see this aspect of her for... understandable reasons, it's crucial to understand that notekeeper is not an inherently violent or cruel person. she has the same baseline standards of kindness that most people have. she loves deeply those that she learns to trust and wants nothing but the best for them... even if she has trouble doing so in actuality. she is capable of consideration, sympathy, and affection. 
jealous and possessive; perhaps notekeeper's biggest flaw. when it comes to maiandros, she is extremely prone to jealousy and possessiveness. having little social skills, she perceives social settings differently than others. simple kindness towards or from her husband is often taken to her as flirting, to which she grows fearful of him being taken from her or leaving her. notekeeper will grow aggressive and may be prone to attacking the 'object of affection'. this suddenness and senseless action may make her appear to be senselessly cruel and violent, despite that being far from the actual case. this jealousy is part of the reason why notekeeper frequently speaks for maiandros and refuses to allow him to talk to or interact easily with other people.
stubborn; she can be incredibly stubborn and hotheaded at times. whenever she gets her mind set on doing something, there's not much that can talk her out of it. maiandros serves as a strong voice of reason for her, and she's more willing to listen to him than she is anybody else. however, there are many times in which she refuses to let him talk and will speak out of turn for him, knowing that if she didn't, he'd do or ask for something different than what she wants. maiandros has learned that there's usually no point arguing or trying to change her mind when a situation is innocent and isn't (potentially) dangerous. other people may not know this and will quickly realize the same lesson. 
socially inept and timid; notekeeper grew up with no social interaction. none. because of this, she is only just now learning everything regarding the real world. she may have trouble picking up on social cues, holding conversation, saying the right things, and acting properly in a situation. she's not very in tune with her emotions and will allow them to control her. large groups of people can be extremely overwhelming for her as well as serious one on one conversations. out of comfort, notekeeper may speak to another character indirectly, speaking her thoughts to maiandros instead and allowing them to garner information in that way instead. she is also prone to act out of bias and may refuse to help someone who desperately needs it due to a former grudge, or even because they looked at her husband funny a moment sooner... or at least if she thinks they did. in addition, she may insert herself in situations that she should not be and enter areas which are typically restricted unless directly stated not to. she does not mean to disrespect, the thought simply does not cross her mind, nor does it make sense to her that there are areas she can not go. this applies for territories of groups. in addition, notekeeper has a baseline sense of justice, and has a desire to see wrongs righted... it's just keen to note that her idea of wrongs and righting are both differing from most normal people's ideas. 
naive and gullible; notekeeper is extremely book smart. however, her knowledge is limited. while she may be skeptical and untrusting of a lot of people, there is the chance for her to be easily manipulated by others. she may take things at face value and not second guess what's being said if it makes sense to her. after all, everything is new to her, and she has no life experience to reflect upon. however, keep in mind that maiandros watches her back and will not allow her to be taken advantage of by a person that he does not trust. he will warn her of danger and tell her who to avoid. she trusts him immensely, so she obliges with little to no question a majority of the time. however, there are cases where she has trouble believing what he says when there's enough reasonable doubt, although she tends to trust him regardless. 
intellect; while she may not have the most in the way of street smarts or common sense, she is very book smart. notekeeper has been reading books since day one and is extremely literate and has a large vocabulary. however, the bulk of her vocabulary and knowledge centers around science and medicine. growing up, she had access to some classic literature, but the majority of what she owned was scientific and medical journals. she has self-taught herself a good chunk of mathematics. despite an extensive vocabulary, she may often be unsure of what more common words and sayings mean. she enjoys talking in metaphors, however it's quite obvious that she does not understand what the bulk of them actually mean, and she can be seen misusing them out of context and messing up the term itself. one of notekeeper's notable flaws in her intellect is the lack of ability for her to understand the reach and severity of certain words in comparison to others with the same meaning, i.e. big, giant, and humongous. one of the most prominent examples of this in day-to-day life is her rushed 'marriage' with maiandros. while she undoubtedly loves him, part of her obsession can be interpreted to that of a very close and trusted friend alongside a sense of found family. the extent of what it means to be a married couple isn’t fully fleshed out in her head beyond the positives, and this is a part of what causes their relationship to be rocky and extremely one-sided at times.
writer; notekeeper can frequently be found keeping her own personal journals which serve multiple purposes such as a diary, journal, and dictionary. she most frequently writes down her thoughts and feelings, elaborating on what she did and who she has issues with. she can also be found keeping tabs on new knowledge that she's learned, even at inappropriate times. she likes to be able to note how certain things work and how others react to them, this way she can look back and make sense of these situations herself and appropriate herself into them should she be faced with them again. she tends to do this asap and may sometimes look as she is ignoring you or being disrespectful... she does not consider this and has no intention of coming across as such.  this specific hobby of hers is the obvious reason why she goes by the name notekeeper, which was 'given' to her by maiandros as a tease that she adopted permanently. 
doctor; while she doesn't make it extremely well known to others, due to reading journal after journal of science and medicine, notekeeper has strong medicinal knowledge. while she’s not necessarily passionate about it, notekeeper can be good in a pinch should her home be low on healers. however, keep in mind that she has never had any sort of hands-on experience throughout those years, and has only preformed enough healing to count on one paw. notekeeper also has very poor demeanor due to her weird obsession with maiandros, and the fact he is accompanying her only makes helping people more difficult. instead, she prefers to further her knowledge by studying on things that are already dead, and in turn she loves the idea of performing autopsies.
dirty; disorderly and... slightly disgusting. she is already rough around the edges when it comes to keeping up with her appearances, partially due to never having had to worry about it growing up. in turn, her fur is usually unkempt and dirty, and she faces issues with bugs such as fleas. in comparison to herself, she takes great care into keeping up with the way that maiandros looks and is groomed. in all honesty, notekeeper doesn't intend to be this way, but due to being quite lethargic, it's extremely difficult for her to keep up with him alone, let alone her own appearances, room, and belongings. on top of her blatant lack of squeamishness towards things that people typically see as disgusting, it's extremely easy for her to lose track of keeping clean and going excessive periods of time living in a dirty room and neglecting herself. 
sickly; notekeeper tends to have a habit of getting sick and feeling under the weather. she has a weak immune system and is especially prone to common colds and flul-like symptoms. she also has chronic issues with migraines and nausea. with a weak stomach, it's hard for her to eat and stomach her food. her nausea also can be a result from motion sickness, a side effect to her migraines, or seemingly out of nowhere at times.

─ gen 1, npc × npc / has no known siblings
─ ‘married’ to maiandros / ⅓ of baba / has had no past relationships
─ name
─ name;   
─ name
─ name
maiandros; she trusts him more than anybody. while she may not always listen to him, she usually believes almost everything that he says.
testimony; ?? 
[i]─ [/i]name;
─ name;
─ name;
notekeeper lived alone for the bulk of her life growing up. she never had any sort of remembrance of who her parents or family could be, nor can she even recall ever seeing them. from what was presumably day one, she was alone and left to fend for herself. she never knew her name, and went a lengthy period of time completely without one. and so, she grew up on her own, taking it upon herself to learn the english language and spending countless hours reading and writing. it's not like there was that much else to do in her prison of a home. in addition to simple knowledge, notekeeper had to teach herself how to hunt and catch her own food, and she didn’t have much of anything to even catch and eat to eat other than rats.  such a diet caused her to not receive the proper nutrition to grow and resulted in her never properly growing into her body. while she was not physically trapped, persay, notekeeper could fathom leaving her home as she was fully aware of the looming fact that she’d not survive in the real world all on her own. this caused her to spend the first ten months of her life in social solitude with a repeating system of reading and learning and wishing she had anybody else there with her. after a while, she began to identify with certain words and meanings, specifically the term blōtmōnað, an old term for the month of november. 

after a long ten moons have passed, no longer able to bear the solitude and boredom, notekeeper finally took a chance worked up the courage to go outside. she was utterly fascinated with the world around her, and despite being extremely nervous, she slowly began to relax. she took small trips at a time, always making sure that she knew how to get home with clearly marked trails. her outings began to grow more frequent, and she never faced any sort of trouble. that was until she stumbled across maiandros, under the name of kleis at the time. she was fearful, but her curiosity made the best of her. growing closer to him, she realized his words were pained and his body incapacitated by some sort of trap. she cautiously approached him but seeing that she never learned how to verbally speak, she was unable to communicate with the coyote. in addition, she couldn't make sense of what he himself was saying and was in turn unaware that he didn’t ‘need’ or want her help. she stayed by his side, comfortable that his snapping and biting couldn't reach her, but still processing how she could help him out of the trap. at a certain point a good way through the long ordeal, kleis' body went unconscious and quit fighting, allowing for her to analyze the situation up close. after a long and dirty period of time, she had figured out how to dismantle the trap and was fighting to drag him home to patch him up. it wasn't clean or pretty on either of their ends. she ripped out a handful of her front claws digging at the trap and kleis' body was in very, very rough shape, but he was free. 

while kleis was still knocked out, she took it upon herself to clean up his wounds and attempt to care for them with what limited resources that she had in her home and collected outside during her brief visits. a few days passed before the coyote woke up, and once he did, the canine quickly realized that she was essentially mute. the two of them communicated briefly through written words, sharing their names and expressing the fact that she refused to allow him to leave… presumably until she knew that he would be safe and healthy on his own once more. in turn, he agreed to stay until that point, and he began teaching her verbal skills. at this point in time, she realized that the name she had chosen to associate herself by, blōtmōnað, was extremely difficult for her to pronounce. reading a word with no verbal association was completely different than trying to speak it on her tongue. instead, she began to address herself by its translation as the month of november, and she made many notes to help her learn language on her own. alongside verbal skills, kleis also took up teaching her about the real world outside of her home. eager to further her knowledge, she did the same as she did before, and filled journal after journal with everything that he taught her. amused by her dedication, kleis made the offhand comment calling her a notekeeper, to which the girl, confused yet endeared, began to call herself. although kleis quickly clarified the meaning of nicknames and jokes to her, she did not seem to care and adopted her new name. endeared, she began to call kleis by a new name, wanting to return the favor, which is why he began to start going by maiandros. while he presumed it to be a nickname, he learned too late in time that she did not see the name as a nickname, but rather a completely new one. although strongly against this, he realized that he didn't exactly have a choice. besides, it's not like he was going to be living here with her much longer. 

that was what he had thought, at least. although it had seemed to be healing well, maiandros' wound suddenly grew infected, and it spread quickly. despite arguing with her, notekeeper had to amputate the worse off of his two legs. despite doing this in a professional way, it didn't solve the bulk of his trouble. maiandros quickly began to lose feeling in the lower half of his body and was no longer able to move around on his own. living alone was no longer an option for him... not that notekeeper was going to allow him to leave without her in tow anyways. the more that time went on, the more that she worried that even despite his injuries and newfound paralysis, that he was going to end up leaving her. and then, with him gone, she was going to be on her own once more. and so, she grew more and more latched onto him, refusing to let him do anything in peace and on his own, even for simple tasks, and it became more aware to maiandros himself that even despite his growing frustrations, he wasn't going to be able to escape his fate with her. as time passed, his wounds closed, but notekeeper still took it upon herself to care for him. she grew more demanding and obsessive, even so far as so declare the two of them to be 'married,' even though they never officially dated or proposed or got engaged or had a ceremony or so much as gave maiandros the option to say no. though it seemed that he knew that it was easier to just go along with her and make her happy... besides, he did like her... if just not in the same way. at least that's what he says and notekeeper will beg to differ. 

despite maiandros' wounds healing over, he soon was faced with another problem. one that notekeeper had tried to solve since day one, and had been managing for that short period of time... but only seemed to grow worse in time. maiandros is hemovoric and needs heavy amounts of blood to survive, of which notekeeper had attempted to supply him with. while it did help him for a while, she realized that she could not manage to provide him with as much as he needed in order to survive, and in turn, her husband seemed to be growing sick again. she was not big or strong or overall capable enough to bring down large enough animals for him to feed, nor could she find enough small ones to make up the difference, even hunting outside. while she'd offer him her own to tide him over, they were faced with the issue of not having enough, and the issue of the quantity of heavy metals mixed in with her blood. after long consideration, maiandros convinced notekeeper to leave her home and take him with her in order to find help from someone outside. reluctantly, she agreed, and the two of them went off in search... although notekeeper has little intention of this being a permanent situation. she does not want to share him.

RE: quicksilver || notekeeper﹢maiandros - notekeeper. - 05-17-2024


MAIANDROS / ” kleis > maiandros "
── was 'named' by notekeeper
─ cis male, he/him, aroaceflux
─ ?? moons old, 'immortal', ages real time, ??, ????
─ will age indefinitely but can still be killed by natural causes if serious enough
─ member of xx // xx rank
open to; minor and minor nonviolent powerplay, unprovoked attack, minor injuries
ask for; maim, torture, capture, major injuries
closed to; major and major nonviolent powerplay, murder
will; start fights, end fights ;; ?? difficulty
inherently violent; maiandros is a bloodthirsty killer. however, he will typically not attack, kill, or capture without reason as he is actively attempting to better himself as a person after meeting notekeeper. however, he can and is dragged into fights against his will because of her.

[  † • ° ` COYOTE ] ─ HEALTH ??%
── brief, sentence description
fur color; a collection of tans and browns. base color tan with two darker layers along his back and tail. the darkest of the brown along his back has a marking that mimics a cross shape that spreads across his shoulders and travels down to his hips. his ears and forehead are also brown. his muzzle, belly, and feet are a lighter color alongside a band around the tip of his tail. he has a few dark speckles.
fur texture; coarse and rough along the bulk of his body, although his belly and tail are especially soft to the touch.
skin color; light pink skin. brown ears and nose. paw pads are a spotted mixture of both colors.
eyes; light gold. appear to be sunken in and predominantly dark underneath. can appear to be unblinking at times.
build; slim yet muscular. maiandros carries much more muscle on his arms and along his upper body than average. this helps him make up for the lack of it in his lower body. while he can sit up, he cannot raise to his full height.
other; he is never seen without notekeeper in tow. he may sometimes have fleas due to being in close proximity to her.
paralysis; maiandros is paralyzed from the waist down. he has no feeling in his waist, legs, or tail. he cannot walk, and instead, notekeeper helps to carry him around. he can still crawl on his own, but can not get very far very quickly.
amputation; his back left leg has been amputated at the knee due to an infection while healing.
leg scars; a handful of scars along his back legs caused by a bear trap. he has another clean one due to his amputation.
ear scar; has a small scar on his left ear that resembles a t.
body scars; a small collection of other scars along his body. some prominent ones being across his muzzle and his shoulder.
collar and leash; wears a heavy collar around his neck. a leather leash of sorts can be attached to it at one or both end points, and notekeeper uses it to help keep hold and balance on maiandros while carrying him. this leash can be swapped out and can sometimes be seen as a small chain instead.
muzzle; a small belt wrapped around maiandros' mouth. while generally kept slack enough for him to be able to speak, breathe, eat, and bite normally, it can be pulled tight to hold his mouth shut. sometimes used to restrain him, but usually used to shut him up.
various satchel bags; carries notekeeper's belongings. journals, trinkets, clean bandages, small blades, and other basic supplies can be found inside of them.
tbd; ?? we will get there
misc; carries little to nothing of his own. will usually only be found with whatever notekeeper wants to take with them. can sometimes be found carrying for other people as well.
─ must, damp, earth. additionally smells like notekeeper
─ no particular accent, though he speaks in a higher pitched voice.
PLEASE keep in mind that this list is not official. all powers and mutations still need to be purchased from the item store. i will be doing this promptly before roleplay!!!
mental bond; mental bond connection with notekeeper. very strong emotional connection between the two of them. they feed off of each other directly, typically in negative ways.
mental manipulation; at one point, he would tend to manipulate others into assisting him with committing violent acts using more than just his words. however, it seems he's changed his ways since meeting notekeeper.
shapeshifting; uncontrollable, typically only achieved after enough negative emotional feeding between him and someone else. 

+ x calm, voice of reason, rational, protective, navigator
x pushover, disinterested, bloodthirsty, aggressive
─ happy wife, happy life; the object of notekeeper's affection. often the cause of conflict, causing issues by opening his mouth or looking at somebody the wrong way. he finds himself stuck going with her everywhere that she goes and having little say so in matters of importance. he is spoken for and silenced, even if his ideas differ from hers. maiandros has realized over time and after waisted effort that it's easier to just go along with her instead of arguing if the matter is not of a potentially dangerous nature. now, does maiandros love notekeeper? it's easy to tell that he does not feel as strongly as she does to the extent that she does, but even if he denied it, there is still affection in his heart for her. it's just... complicated. he does enjoy seeing her happy and will aim to please in these regards.
voice of reason; serves as a voice of reason for notekeeper. he frequently tries to talk her out of rash decisions and helps to deescalates fights. he may speak for her when it comes to serious issues or things that she may not know much about. however, he finds himself frequently being ignored or silenced by her when he tries to do this... not that he's not used to it, it just becomes increasingly frustrating at times.
─ bloodthirsty, literally; maiandros is hemovoric and requires consuming blood in order to survive. he was not above violence in order to do this. for many years of his life, maiandros would manipulate others of strength into acts of violence against others, pitting them against strangers, friends, and family alike and consuming the victims. he'd travel with them briefly before killing them himself. while not extremely strong on his own, he's not above getting his paws dirty himself. however, in the heat of battle, it's easy for him to revert back to his violent desires. he has the potential to reach a certain point of total loss of self-control, refusing to want to part from the battlefield until nobody besides him is alive, friend or foe alike. it seems that recently he’s unable to control this and finds himself slipping due to the emotional and riled up state of notekeeper... weird. all the while, it seems that since meeting her, something about his lust for violence has changed. keep in mind that despite being hemovoric, maiandros is not a vampire.
─ protective and watchful; he has notekeeper's back... in more ways than one. although he's learned to sit back and allow her to do her own thing, there are times that maiandros will interject. he refuses to allow any harm to come to her, and if he feels that someone has a dangerous energy to them, he will let her know. not that he worries that notekeeper isn't capable of taking care of herself (well...), but he knows she's naive and new to a social setting, and he worries about her trusting the wrong person as easily as she trusted him. he would hate to see anything happen to her, especially considering that he knows just how cruel it can be. perhaps that's why he sticks with her. not that he can go anywhere, exactly.
reserved; not very expressive when it comes to his innermost emotions and feelings. while he will express genuine emotion such as frustration, kindness, worry, and whatnot, it's not often that you'll find him going into detail on how he feels. sometimes when he does, he finds himself being talked over by notekeeper and unable to get any words into her. on other occasions, he may disregard his feelings and push them aside. anyone with eyes could study him for a period of time and see how he truly cares about notekeeper and his relationship with her, even if he would chalk it up him being a reluctant and unwilling spouse... though he's not apt to expressing it directly and may make direct comments that imply being stuck or unhappy. as a whole, maiandros doesn't prefer to move in groups or travel as a pair, but even he can recognize that clingy wife aside, his days of traveling solo are over due to his injury and he needs to learn how to adjust. while not outwardly rude or unpleasant, he's just sort of... there.
self improvement; it seems that maiandros has started looking back on his past and making room for self-improvement. as stated, he harbors an insatiable lust for bloodshed that he formally quenched through violence. surely there were other means, but he preferred the thrill of violent methods. however, it seems that ever since he met notekeeper, he's somewhat lost his appetite for violence and aims to work himself into being a better person. he prefers to try to talk notekeeper into picking fights, and he may directly argue and snap at her if she ignores his request to do so. perhaps he’s had a change of heart from all hey lovey, dovey affection and in turn has lost his taste for violence… or perhaps he doesn’t want to face the idea of him using her and risking her to wind up hurt in a relentless slaughter. nonetheless, it’s undeniable that maiandros has changed in some sort of way. in addition, it seems that he’s trying to be more outgoing and accustomed to the persistent company of others, even if he only serves the purpose of a show and tell prop.
navigator; before his injury, maiandros traveled a lot. like… a lot. he’s very familiar with the lay of the land and makes an incredible gps. just because he can’t get somewhere on his own doesn’t mean that he can’t get you there yourself. whether it’s tunnels, caves, or similar areas typically hidden out of sight, he’s familiar on where to find a handful. though he may indirectly chalk it up to his own expertise, a good chunk of these knowbots are side effects of using others to do his bidding. a little manipulation can get you a long way in regards to answers and information typically kept under wraps.  while its highly unlikely that you’ll ever find yourself lost in his company… there always is that off chance. not that he would ever admit that he’s lost. no, he ‘always knows where he’s at.’.
pack mule; he doesn’t have much of a day so in this matter. maiandros dons a small collection of satchels and bags that carry an assortment of items. while he has little of his own, notekeeper frequently gives him new things to hold and carry around for her, either because it’s too heavy or she doesn’t feel like doing it herself. even at other times he finds himself carrying around objects for other people. i mean, after all, what’s the big deal anyways? it’s not like he can feel it, right? it’s like it's not even there. if anything, it’s just humiliating. the humorous part of it all is the fact that at the end of the day, notekeeper is technically the one lugging it around anyways as she helps carry maiandros himself as if his weight alone wasn’t difficult enough for her.

─ gen 1, npc × npc / has no known siblings
─ ‘married’ to notekeeper / ⅓ of baba / ?? past relationships
─ name
─ name;   
─ name
─ name
─ mentoring nobody, yet serves as a teacher for notekeeper / mentored by ??
notekeeper; though he may not enjoy everything that she drags him into, he does trust her. after all, he doubts she'd do anything to hurt him intentionally.
testimony; unsure, though he has no reason not to. besides, he's the one that sought them out.
─ name;
─ name;
─ maiandros, born under the former name kleis, was brought to life many, many long years ago. he grew up happy with his mother and had a healthy relationship with her until the day he grew up and left her side. at least, that's what he seems to remember. it was long ago, and he does not think back often upon those days. the day that he left on his own was the day that his life began to change. a need for blood to survive was a trait that the coyote had been born with. at a young age, his mother had taught him to manage it through normal food. normal hunting. however, on his own, kleis realized that catching enough prey to satiate his growing appetite was getting larger by the day. normal prey couldn't keep up the demand for a growing body, and so he did what seemed unthinkable at the time: kill and eat a living person. how easy, how filling. a whole new world opened up to the young male, and he didn't look back.

killing quickly became second nature to the coyote, and it only drove him further and further towards a lust for bloodshed that could no longer be satiated by a simple meal. he wanted more. needed more. the feeling of sinking his teeth into someone, it drove him crazy. kill after kill after kill... there came a certain day when he was no longer hungry that kleis adapted a new style of 'hunting' that involved a third party. someone strong, yet someone lost... the perfect target for him. with his tongue and outside forces of manipulation, kleis would convince and brainwash them to partner up with him. after all, doing the same thing day after day after day took a boring toll on the psyche... seeking out a group of victims side by side was new. watching his partner fight to the death against them was fun. it was a shame if they went down on the battlefield, though it was a pleasure to take what life was left from them himself. naturally, these intense acts of violence grew far and few in between as kleis grew older and less erratic, though many long years would pass before he quit, and many lives would be taken before he reconsidered alternative methods to feed.

little did kleis know was that that day would come far, far sooner than he had ever expected it to. while he wasn't quite sure what he was doing that day, kleis' day took a turn for the worst as his attention to the road wavered and the jaws of a bear trap sprung upon his haunches. he was trapped. desperate, he struggled to free himself, chewing at the metal jaws and his skin itself, though he couldn't quite work up the nerve to chew his way out of the situation at the cost of his own skin. around an hour of struggling passed before kleis saw someone new make their approach... a sad, scrawny feline. frustrated and in pain, kleis snapped at her, demanding her to go away, insisting that he could handle the situation himself. however, she ignored him fantastically. after a little bit longer, kleis' body finally slipped into unconsiousness, leaving him in the hands of fate.

several days passed before his eyes would open once more. he was somewhere new, the inside of a building... perhaps the abandoned house he'd seen not long before (had he had known it wasn't abandoned, perhaps today would have turned out extremely differently. would notekeeper be alive? would maiandros be alive? perhaps he'd be a skeleton left in the trap and notekeeper would have been the blood in his belly. it's quite crazy the way that the world works). nonetheless, kleis was greeted by the same feline who'd met him in the trap. further observation, kleis could tell that she'd helped clean up him and his wounds. trying to thank her directly proved to be fruitless however as his words passed right through her head, and it came to the coyote's attention that his hero couldn't speak. through paper and pencil, the two of them spoke, and kleis agreed that he'd stay here with her until he was back up and on his feet. in return for her kindness, and for the selfish sake of convenience, he began to teach her the basics of the spoken english language. alongside verbal english, he also would tell her tales and stories that he'd heard on his travels, all the while explaining the ways that the world around them worked in order to sate her curiosity. how sad was it for someone to be reaching their adult years while never having stepped into a public setting... or anywhere outside of their home for that matter. having never learned how to speak, for that matter. as he taught her, he found it quite entertaining the way that november (notekeeper at the time) would be so persistent and dedicated to her studies. kleis found her method of notetaking endearing, causing him to call her 'notekeeper' as a nickname off hand. november however, unaware of what a nickname was and its intended purpose, grew confused, but ultimately found kleis' name change fantastic. and so, november changed her name to notekeeper and has never addressed herself as anything else since. although it was cute (and kleis was reluctantly unsure about committing to her new name,) she took it upon herself to ‘repay the favor.’ much to his distaste, she began to call him maiandros, correcting him whenever he’d still address himself by the name of kleis. while frustrated by her, maiandros eventually realized that it wasn’t worth fighting with her and settled into accepting his new name. besides, it’s not like he was going to be here much longer. maiandros felt that he could see the end of his healing process in sight.

that was what he had thought. despite healing rather well, his wound suddenly grew infected, and it spread quickly. notekeeper told him that the worse of his legs needed amputation, to which maiandros argued heavily with. however, its progression grew worse and worse, and he was quickly left with no other option. she put him under and did what needed to be done. when he awoke, maiandros expected things to take a turn for the better, but he was quickly proven wrong. after a short time, he began to quickly lose feelings in the lower half of his body and was no longer able to move around easily on his own. dragging himself across the ground was his only option… unable to hunt or safely defend himself, living alone was no longer an option. not that notekeeper was going to allow him such luxury anyways… at the suggestion, she’d grown… rather unhappy to say the least. maiandros realized more and more that she was growing attached to him at an unhealthy rate, refusing to let him do anything in peace. it was obvious to him that she was fearful of being alone again, and despite his claims that he couldn’t leave her even if he wanted to, she refused to lessen her clingy and obsessive behavior. maiandros had to learn to adjust, indulging her in her behavior. not much longer passed before notekeeper proclaimed the both of them as being ‘married,’ seemingly out of the blue. at this point, he knew that it wasn’t worth the energy of arguing. he did like her after all… perhaps not in the same sort of way, but… who did it hurt, right?

despite maiandros' wounds finally healing over the course of two months, he soon was faced with another problem. one that notekeeper had tried to solve since day one, and had been managing for that short period of time... but only seemed to grow worse in time. notekeeper had attempted to supply him with enough blood to keep him filled and healthy…. but it was hard for her to do so. she didn’t have the energy or strength for long hunting trips or big prey, and she couldn’t find enough little prey to keep him satiated for long. maiandros did try, with her permission, feeding off of her herself but he quickly realized her blood, tainted with metals, would only cause him further illness. however, it was the only short term answer to a long term problem, and so they continued. after a very long consideration, and a very long argument with his dear wife, maiandros convinced notekeeper to leave her home and take him with her in order to find help from outside sources. reluctantly, she agreed, and the two of them went off in search. maiandros prays for her to be smart enough to put his long term health over her happiness… though he does recognize that it’ll be a bit of a struggle.