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THE SAKURA ORDER - Printable Version

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THE SAKURA ORDER - SirDio - 05-12-2024

Set deep in a secluded mountain range, nestled into a peaceful valley, The Sakura Order is seemingly hidden by mist and fog. But during the spring, as the cherry blossom and peach trees bloom, their village is a beacon of shelter. 

Within the roots of their group is a belief that Balance is key to the world. Set deep within their past, by the falling of a star into their Soundless Lake, their spiritual guiders speak the words of a Balance God, Without Evil, there is no Good. Without Life, there is no Death. 
The Sakura Order resides in a sparsely-forested mountain range, with their town situated in a deep-rooted valley range between two large mountains. The town consists of Japanese-style buildings, with a large pond in the middle, fed by several waterways winding throughout the town.

- A decently sized lake north of the village, with bioluminescent algae. The Koi Fish here are far larger than others in the territory, and this is believed to be where the Balance God fell from the stars to bring balance to the world.

- : a cluster of ruined buildings that were once gardens, now overgrown with Cherry Blossom, Apricot, and Peach trees and the occasional oak. Southwest of the town; hosts several statues of the Koi God. Often, The Regent, Counselor, or Spiritual Guide are seen here.
The Sakura Order believes in Balance over all, including emotion. Their religion is based around The Balance God - a Koi-like dragon who is said to reside in the Soundless Lake. 
The Balance God does not require sacrifice, and is honored through oral tradition and following the beliefs set by the Spiritual Guide.
- Regent's word is law
--> In circumstances of prophecy or visions sent to the Spiritual Guide, this can be overruled
- Upon proof that the Regent does not act in coordination with spiritual teachings or does not act with the group in mind, the Counselor or Spiritual Guide can overthrow.
- Forsaken are not to be persecuted, but gently guided.
- Outside groups are outside of Sakura Order's jurisdiction. If an allied group's member breaks a rule, they are to be punished only by their respective group
- Injured outsiders are to be welcomed unless they are Hostile. 
--> this also counts for young animals, the elderly, or refugees.
- internal conflicts are allowed, but anything ending in extreme violence will be punished. Punishment will be dealt by the Regent, with the severity being detailed by Counselor and Spiritual Guide.
Regent - Leader of The Sakura Order, their word is law, only secondary to The Balance God.
- Iwakura Shubi
Counselor - Regent's deputy/second in command, takes over when Regent resigns or removed from the mortal realm.
Spiritual Guide - The Healer and Spiritual Medium of The Sakura Order, interprets visions sent by The Balance God.
Commoners - The main bulk of the group.
- Unlimited/TBA
Forsaken - "Prisoners" who are allowed limited reign of the territory, most often are heretics and heathens.
Exiled - Those who have wronged the group in a drastic way, could be group-born or not.