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✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Printable Version

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✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]Just a storage where I dump my thoughts that I can't be bothered putting in my Tumblr blog, anything related to my personal stories and characters, all of that fun jazz. Feel free to track and chat on here. Just don't take anything from here, please and thank you. <3

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]Storing some of my favourite icons I made here because it's self care

[Image: y2Oi9Ed.png] [Image: 6kw61Tl.png] [Image: t5Llm2Q.png] [Image: 0NS9of3.png]
[Image: 4MO4Ld4.png] [Image: TGCmemi.png] [Image: ZuYHEHX.png] [Image: 6DcSJ9M.png]

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-04-2018

[div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"][align=right]"…I'm sorry."
   Define a p o l o g y.

   It’s a phrase you would say when there were g l a s s shards in your throat, words dipped in blood, choking on them. A plea for mercy before pain STRUCK against your soft skin, leaving your shattered system squirming for the life you never had. A mantra for the failing and f a l l i n g souls.

   Guilty, guilty, oh, dear filthy child, how does the ashes of innocence tasted?

   Divine gaze softened while he inhaled agony when the child apologized. His golden heart stuttered and bled to hear it—I’m sorry. Caleb had said that phrase far too many times to the point he thought he was the one saying it, not them. He had apologized for being a bad child, a bad sibling; a bad father, a bad friend; and a bad lover.

   Bad, bad, bad. He was BAD, and sinners like HIM should be D E

   Breathe in, breathe outhow it must be a tremendous burden to carry his l i f e.

   "There is nothing to be sorry about, kid, I promise you." A voice so gentle, like petal flowers against wounds. God given EMPATHY l e a k i n g from galactic brain, Caleb gave up a small smile that gleamed with comforting moonlight before adding, "But if it’s something you must really know, I forgive you."

   Forgiveness was a POWERFUL thing to give, and, yet, so many people chose to believe they had to search for it when it’s there in front of them. To be desperate for hearing at least ONE person saying they forgive you was the saddest wish he had ever thought of.

   Though, if it was truly one of the wishes his friend had, he’d be WILLING to be their shooting star and make it come true. Even if the Star God ended up burning to the ground, he’d do a n y t h i n g to make his friend certain they was loved and forgiven.

    ( At least let THIS be his first step to doing so. )

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-05-2018

Some people in the Buzzfeed Unsolved community may notice Ryan and Shane have a certain demon appearance from my graphic edits, which they're actually based on my own OCs, Reagan and Crederex, whose faceclaims are actually the Ghoul Boys themselves, as they are inspired by them. Crederex was a Human at first before he became a Demon once he made a deal with another so to retrieve Reagan, while Reagan was also a Human, though, he eventually became a Demon as well due to his soul absorbing Crederex's dark energy for too long to the point his soul couldn't remain pure anymore and led to his humanity falling apart. I'll eventually get into the full notes to explain why does their demon form appear the way they are, so have this for now.

[Image: tumblr_inline_p9c88yoVZC1vctv27_540.png] [Image: tumblr_inline_p9c3ahNjYj1vctv27_540.png] [Image: tumblr_inline_p9c1v6YWYo1vctv27_540.png][div style="width: 450px; border-left: 1.5px solid #e7e7e7; margin-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px"]
↳ To be added.

[Image: tumblr_inline_p9bbj2CgSE1vctv27_540.png] [Image: tumblr_inline_p9c4xwxHsZ1vctv27_540.png] [Image: tumblr_inline_p9c6kq6zy91vctv27_540.png]
[div style="width: 450px; border-left: 1.5px solid #e7e7e7; margin-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px"]
↳ Crederex received the deep scars across his left eye when he was protecting Reagan from Ajin, who was one of the most powerful Demons. He could allow the scars to go away, but he decided to keep it as a trophy of sort. He was rather proud of his fight ( in fact, to Crederex, it was the moment when Reagan began to finally see him as his old friend and not an evil being ), and if it meant showing his opponents that he's capable of doing so much with the ugly part of him shown, then so be it.

↳ The pair of five black dots underneath his eyes represents the five times he recalls being a Human until he made a Deal to have Reagan revived before he eventually comes to accept the fact he's no longer a Human.

Reference ¦ To be added.

↳ To be added.

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-05-2018

[div style="margin-top:-5px;font-family:arial;font-size:6.5pt;text-shadow: 0px 2px 2px black;color:white"]「 CAELUM OR CRY / XVII / BOB'S STAR CHILD / GRAPHIC EDITOR / [color=#fff]GRAPHIC DUMP

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]   Caleb raised his eyebrows, concern flickered across galactic eyes, at a young woman emitting anger in the air. Her words were d i s t o r t e d, bearing high on tension and heat, not even the rain could eliminate them. Although he was aware they weren’t directed at him, he grimaced nevertheless. He shoved his spare hand, as the other was holding an umbrella, into his jean’s pocket and brushed the soft material of his tiny Mimikyu plush, motion done with tender and hope for ease.

   Despite the discomfort settling within his celestial system, he managed to ignore it and approached c l o s e r to the woman. He softly smiled at her when she first spoke to him. Meanwhile, he pulled his hand from his pocket and waved, making a "it’s cool" gesture, before he awkwardly moved the umbrella over her head. It wouldn’t f i t for two, but she clearly needed the protection more than him. Caleb wasn’t even doing this as an offer for her to take it. He simply WANTED her to take it.

   At the question from her, he shook his head. The God didn't recall seeing a cat the stranger described so while he was out in a bit; gathering some important supplies for Catching Falling Stars. He could relate to this cat shenanigan in particular; Kit Kat would sometimes l i n g e r off somewhere, and it took at least several hours or a day for him to return home, acting like if nothing had happened. Stars, Caleb hoped the woman’s cat was doing okay...

  "Um, no, I haven’t. Sorry, friend." Eyes sparkled with great DETERMINATION, however, he added, "If you like, I can help you find your little pal?"

  Caleb was supposed to be at home by now, but...if she needed a hand, he’d be more than willing to push his current purpose aside and help her instead. No one should ever have to through a constant worry like this.

  Just as long as he doesn’t remain alone for too long, he’s fine.

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-06-2018

Storing in some songs that reminds me of Cyrus, my good boy <3

* = Used for his main playlist
Note to self: I don't know if I want to make his main playlist focus on both when he's just a Android and he became a Deviant or only the latter, but...ehhh, might do the latter because I like the idea of making the main playlists that at least mostly reflects who my characters are in the present of Komorebi.

iROBOT — Jon Bellion
[div style="width: 450px; border-left: 1.5px solid #e7e7e7; margin-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px"]I used to know love / 'Cause I had a fire, passion and desire / Now all I require are circuits and wires / Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion / Then you cut me open, now all that I know is / I am a robot, thoughtless and empty / Don't know who sent me, don't know who made me / Electric robot, everything's gray now / Numb to the pain now, I knew what love was

And all the people say / You can't wake up, this is not a dream / You're part of a machine, you are not a human being / With your face all made up, living on a screen / Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline / I think there's a flaw in my code / These voices won't leave me alone / Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold

THE WOLVES — Cyrus Reynolds ft. Keeley Bumford
I'm losing sight of our reality / Satellites singing serenity / Send out a signal, please remember me / Send out a signal, come set me free

*WHATEVER IT TAKES — Emma Heester & Kurt Hugo Schneider; originally Imagine Dragons
Whatever it takes / 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins / I do whatever it takes / 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains / Whatever it takes / You take me to the top I'm ready for / Whatever it takes / 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins / I do what it takes

*MAN OR A MONSTER? — Sam Tinnesz ft. Zayde Wølf
When you look at yourself, are you a man / Or a monster? / It's so hard to tell which side you're on / One day is Hell, the next day is the dawn / The lines are blurred, you keep rubbing your eyes / The tables turn, now it's time to survive

*BODY — Mother Mother
I've grown tired of this body / Cumbersome and heavy body / I've grown tired of this body / Fall apart without me body / I've grown tired of this body / Cumbersome and heavy / Tired of this body / Fall apart without me

*NOT THE SAME MAN — Greg Laswell
I want a warm handshake / from a slow and simple life

Don't tell me the truth / Your world is upside down / You keep pretending / Don't trust your friends

LIFETIME AGO — Greg Laswell
What are you gonna do / when gravity gets to you?

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]Some pretty sad / melancholic dialogues.

❝ No more. ❞

❝ My biggest dream is to wake up. ❞

❝ Can you hear the rain? ❞

❝ You are not nothing. You are a liar, and it's all what you are best. ❞

❝ Let me breathe. ❞

❝ The burning in your soul, the fogginess in your mind, the tears in your eyes, and yet, you're fucking smiling under your own goddamn blood... I almost envy you. Almost. ❞

❝ Why is life so beautiful, but costs so much in return for a first breath? ❞

❝ Enough. I said ENOUGH. ❞

❝ Your eyes are blue, just like my mine, except...more alive... ❞

❝ My life is an endless cycle of misery, and it ends either she dies or I die. ❞

❝ Do you know what death is? ❞

❝ Shoot me. ❞

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]I HAVE THE MIGHTY NEED TO DROP THIS HERE BECAUSE IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNYSFCSFJHFDJHS I'mM WEEPIN G

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-07-2018

Caleb's main playlist: Hero.

I. SAGITTARIUS — Jon Bellion
[div style="width: 450px; border-left: 1.5px solid #e7e7e7; margin-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px"]Come and vanish for the next phase / To reach across the ocean blue / To expand the walls of numbers / You should know / Freedom lives right within you

II. WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD — Joseph Morgan ft. Shadow Royale; originally Louis Armstrong
I see skies of blue and clouds of white / The bright blessed the day, the dark sacred night / And I think to myself what a wonderful world

III. EAST — Sleeping At Last
Now I bear little resemblance to the king I once was / I bear little resemblance to the king I could become / Maybe paper is paper, maybe kids will be kids / Lord, I want to remember how to feel like I did

IV. HUMAN — Of Monsters and Men
When the words weigh heavy on the heart / I am lost and led only by the stars

They were kids that I once knew / They were kids that I once knew / Now they're all dead hearts to you / Now they're all dead hearts to you

VI. ON TOP OF THE WORLD — Imagine Dragons
And I know it's hard when you're falling down / And it's a long way up when you hit the ground / Get up now, get up, get up now

I'm breathing in, and breaking down / I feel my time is running out / The fire in my heart will burn me to the ground / I did my part, I tried my best / The things I'm fighting to protect / Always shatter into pieces in the end, oh

I've been thinking a lot about / Time and space surrounding / Is there anyone who is thinking / Thinking like me? / I've been thinking a lot about / Life it's never ending / Is there anyone who is thinking / Thinking like me?

To leave the thread of all time / And let it make a dark line / In hopes that I can still find / The way back to the moment / I took the turn and turned to / Begin a new beginning / Still looking for the answer / I cannot find the finish / It's either this or that way / It's one way or the other / It should be one direction / It could be on reflection / The turn I have just taken / The turn that I was making / I might be just beginning / I might be near the end

Straight to the stars where I'm home / Fading the farther I go / I sail it all alone / And it's the only way / We decay

He used to go to his favorite bookstores /'And rip out his favorite pages / And stuff them into his breast pocket / And the moon to him was a stranger / Now he sits down at the table / Right next to the window / And begins his quiet ascension / Without anyone's sturdy instruction / To a place of no religion / Has found a path to our alikeness / And eats a small lump of sugar / And smiles at the moon like he knows her

You are the dawn of a new day that's waking / A masterpiece still in the making / The blue in an ocean of grey / You are right where you need to be / Poised to inspire and to succeed / Soon you'll finally find your own way