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GUIDE CONGREGANTS OF GENESIS - a group focusing on worshipping the god of change - Printable Version

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CONGREGANTS OF GENESIS - a group focusing on worshipping the god of change - Orion - 05-06-2024


Congregants of Genesis is a religious group that focuses on worshipping Neandryne, the God of change, while living in a boreal forest that is surrounded by cold, snowy conditions and dangerous glacier cliff that drop into a dangerous ocean. 

For many years, Congregants of Genesis have worshipped Neandryne, the God of change. They have slaved away at pleasing them and their many incarnations throughout many generations. As of recent though, their God's latest incarnation hasn't shown up, leading them to believe the previous incarnation has passed. Even so, as time goes on, the group worries. When will their God show their face once again?

Under the lead of Montgomery Scarborough, the archon is determined to make things right and bring their God back to the Congregants of Genesis. Desperate times may call for desperate measures.

Congregants of Genesis stays within a boreal forest near the southern edge of their land, but are surrounded by a sparse taiga and spanning tundras. 

FIREFLY GUIDES — Fireflies are often seen at night while wandering the territory. They will often lead members back to their homestead or landmarks, but flee at the feeling of danger, leaving their ally in the dark. All congregants are advised to know their way around before wandering off alone due to this.

THE BORDER — The edge of the forest is lined with tripwire. That wire leads up to hidden windchimes up in the trees. Upon triggering the tripwire, those windchimes clash together to create a melody of metal. This acts as a doorbell or a warning to congregants around the territory. Depending on the situation, they will either approach to greet their visitor or flee to the colder parts of the territory.

THE SERPENT MOUND — In the middle of the forest lies an entangled mound known as the 'serpent mound.' The serpent mound is believed to be an ouroboros snake protecting the five key parts of the territory from destruction. The group believes these five sectors lead to a fulfilling life with religion being the most prominent. As such, the crevices between the mounds are split into five parts with a religion being in the middle.

RELIGION — In the center of the ouroboros lies the sector for religion. While it is the smallest area out of the five, it is the most important. This is where congregants worship Neandryne and come together for meetings. A marble sanctuary is home to all. While the decorations change per season, the snake sculptures that wrap around the marble columns remain. Inside, it is dark due to a lack of windows, so the walls are lined with torches to provide light and warmth. There are also no seats, allowing all sizes to gather in the hall for worship and meetings. The front of the room does have a short set of stairs leading up to a raised platform for the leader to speak on. As the archon speaks, sculptures of Neandryne's many incarnations line the back wall. Congregants of Genesis are invited to pray to these sculptures in times of need and are welcome to decorate them with offerings if they are celebrating, grieving, or are in need of a blessing. 

HEALTH — Anyone who needs to visit the harbinger and their acolytes for medical attention should head to this area. They have their own building, similar to the housing seen around camp, and a stock of medical supplies for catering to the injured, along with beds for those who need time to heal. Two other buildings connected through a passageway are dedicated to nursing mothers and elders who need constant care. 

TOGETHERNESS — Any and all events should be held in this sector. Many congregants will gather in this area for stargazing due to the lack of trees here that lead to an open sky. There are no set buildings in this portion, leaving the field open to be changed and molded to the exemplar's vision.

INDULGENCE — The indulgence sector is where all essential supplies are stored, such as food and water. Food that expires quickly is often buried and stored in the snow for safe keeping. Congregants are also welcome to set up shops in this area to sell goods and services.

DEDICATION — Passionate members come here for all sorts of training. The tall trees provide cover for heavy physical activity, but is not always the best for prepping a member's mental skills with a book. Even so, this open area with sections dedicated to certain areas of study is open to all. Congregants are encouraged to be students, as well as mentors to anyone looking to learn. There is even a small home dedicated to keeping books away from the forces of nature.

The legate and cavaliers will often be in this area, as they store their weaponry, defenses, and tactical maps in a cave that lies inside the mound. This cave's entrance is hidden by bushes and is only known to current (or former) members of Congregants of Genesis.

HOUSING — The cold temperature of the group leads to a complicated housing situation. All homes need to be properly insulated to keep congregants warm. As a result, the group tends to live in semi subterranean homes that are partially underground. First, a hole is dug into the ground to provide ground insulation and structure. The edges of the hole are used to build the walls that are lined with wood, furs, and any type of wind break they can find that'll keep the wind out and heat in. From there, a passage is dug from the ground to the outside to form an entrance/exit to the home that'll keep out the cold. Some homes also provide a vent for smoke if they have a fireplace. 

As for the inside, it is up to the homeowner. Even with the home's insulation, many congregants choose to have pelts in their home to use for bedding and blankets anyways, especially for children and elders. It is also common to store valuables within their homes, especially hidden within a hole in the ground to protect from raiders.

THE GLACIER CLIFFS — Past the forest and into the cold lies the other end of the territory. This side abruptly ends, forming snowy, glacier cliffs. The blue ocean lies below. In some areas, sharp rocks may be hidden underneath the water or patches of ice may congregate below. It is advised to avoid jumping off these cliffs due to the mystery of what lies underneath the surface and the inability to recover from the cold waters.

RIVER OF LIFE — One side of the border is protected by the River of Life. Currently, this river is simply way to transport goods across the territory quickly without straining themselves. It also ends at a waterfall known as The Tears of Neandryne.

THE TEARS OF NEANDRYNE — A waterfall, known as The Tears of Neandryne, cascades off the edge of glacier cliffs. The waterfall lies at the end of the river and leads into the ocean. Occasionally, the waterfall turns a bright red color due to the ferrous iron that combines with the cold, atmospheric air. The group takes this as a sign of warning or anger from Neandryne and may even lead to the dead or sacrifices being dumped down the waterfall to be disposed of.


NEANDRYNE, THE GOD OF CHANGE — The main religion of Congregants of Genesis worships Neandryne. Neandryne focuses on the aspect of change and the prosperity of their followers. The adaptation and betterment of all animals that follow them, within or outside of the group, is priority. Not only this, but the passage of time. How their followers and the world around them progresses through time is an important aspect to their worship. It is believed that when a soul dies, it does not go to the afterlife. Instead, the soul is reincarnated. The soul can be reincarnated into a new body or, if they reach peak spirituality, they may be able to possess a horseshoe crab. With each reincarnation, the soul should be closer to ascension,

Neandryne does not have a singular form. Instead, they have incarnations. Each incarnation has a snake pattern wrapping up their back left leg, similar to the high rank's scarification and the snakes that wrap around the sanctuary's columns.

As of right now, an incarnation has not been spotted in years. The congregants are growing desperate for their God's attention and would do anything to appease them.

THE BLUE MOON FESTIVAL — Whenever a blue moon occurs, the Congregants of Genesis throws a festival. The festival represents a new period of life for all worshippers of Neandryne, focusing on cleansing longtime congregants and bringing them into a new age. Activities may include:
— Watching the blue transition into and out of it's full state
— Taking a ceremonial dip into the cold, ocean waters that shocks the system and refreshes the soul
— Throwing old, sentimental trinkets off the cliff that represent leaving that of toxicity period behind
— Cleaning the entire territory, usually assigned in sections
— Re-teaching essential skills to adult congregants, such as hunting or fighting
— Re-establishing dedication to Neandryne through a period of worship
— High ranks will wear their ceremonial pelts throughout the festival
— Having a feast that includes horseshoe crabs. The cuisine changes each time!
— ... and more!

NEANDRYNE'S PUNISHMENT — Members or enemies who are too neutral to be killed outright are given the chance to pursue Neandryne's Punishment. The individual is brought to a large, slanted boulder near the edge of the cliffs and chained down to it’s surface during dusk. Overnight, their fate is left to Neandryne. If the waves wash over the individual and drown them, Neandryne has deemed them of unworthy of change. If they survive under the moonlight and dawn arrives, then they are freed and exiled.

PELTS — Every member should own a fur pelt to keep them warm in the cold weather. The pelts can be any animal they desire and may even be passed down throughout families. New members are also encouraged to hunt for their pelt, whether that be in the territory or in the neutral lands. Enemy groups should not be trespassed.

The archon, harbinger, and acolytes each have their own pelt for ceremonies that have been passed down through the generations. The archon has a... Harbingers have... and acolytes wear... [NOTE: Will be edited in later when ranks are decided. They will pick what works for their characters.]

SCARIFICATION CEREMONY OF HIGH RANKS — To prove their dedication to Neandryne, all high ranks in the Congregants of Genesis are invited to be branded on the bottom of their back, left foot (or, if preferred, a place of their choosing). In front of friends and family, the shape of the serpent mound will be drawn on with a hot iron rod. High ranks who deny this ceremony are seen as lesser and not as dedicated as their peers. Removal of this marking is also seen as betraying Neandryne and Congregants of Genesis and may lead to punishment.

HORSESHOE CRABS — Out of respect, Congregants of Genesis do not hunt the abundance of horseshoe crabs that live nearby. Horseshoe crabs are ascended creatures. Their species has been through centuries of life and have adapted to their living conditions throughout the way. They 'change' through molting, shedding their exoskeleton and becoming a new, larger creature afterwards. These crabs also have an unusual blue tone to their blood, leading congregants to think they are holy creatures. On the rare occasion, with permission from Neandryne and the archon, some horseshoe crabs will be culled for religious events due to their rumored healing properties. 

VIEW ON MUTATIONS — The land they lived on was not always full of mutated animals. Over time, the inhabitants of the territory gained horns, scales, gills, and more. Mutations are often seen as a blessing from Neandryne and praised as superior. The God welcomed this change, as did the congregants of the group. Due to this, Congregants of Genesis have a very positive outlook on animals who have these new additions.

ARCHON — The archon leads the group and preaches the word of Neandryne in all religious ceremonies. Their word is law and they should not be disobeyed whatsoever.
Montgomery Scarborough, roleplayed by Orion

LEGATE — Below the archon is the legate. They are the archon's trusty right hand and are next in line to lead upon the archon's retirement. Like the archon, their word is absolute and can only be overridden by the archon.

CAVALIER — The legate rules over the cavaliers who run the forces sector. They defend the territory from any threats and lead battles when provoked.

HARBINGER — Harbingers are religious leaders, preaching the word of the one true God at religious ceremonies. As servants of change, they also oversee any injuries and medical needs of the group. 

ACOLYTE — Underneath the Harbinger lies the acolytes. They are in training under the command of the harbinger and archon to learn medical skills and further about the group's religion.

EXEMPLAR — The exemplars bring up everyone's spirits and have proven to be loyal members. They are in charge of running any events within the territory and are often used as ambassadors to manage relationships with other groups.

CONGREGANT — Congregants are the regular members of the group. They hold no power and are under the archon's rule.

Congregants of Genesis is overall neutral between groups and focuses more on themselves. As a result, they are positive within their borders and do not often interact with outsiders. However they are open to alliances that benefit them.
NEUTRAL — Everyone currently.

— The archon's word is absolute. It can only be surpassed by Neandryne.
— Only the archon can wage war or run raids against enemies. In their absence, their second-in-command may.
— Acts of violence, unless they benefit Neandryne, shall not be performed on other citizens of Congregants of Genesis .
— All joiners should be accepted unless they are openly hostile or threatening.
— Sharing confidential information of Congregants of Genesis to other groups is not allowed.
— Disobeying any of these laws may lead to punishment, exile, or death.
— All BoB rules apply OOCly and ICly.