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Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Printable Version

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Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 05-05-2024

If you had any gems/powers pre-revamp, please request them here. Just post your username(s) and we will get them to you.

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - SirDio - 05-06-2024

Requesting Gems for my account, AstralBeing200x
and powers for (oh god), Amegon, Apocalypse, Ares, B. Laolong Lingre, Brutei Tsune, Byriath, DEVILDOG, Grimlock, Kold, SAKURA R. LINGRE, Scyllios, and Seven

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - rhosmari - 05-07-2024

I request my things pls

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 05-07-2024

@AstralBeing200x @rhosmari
If you could include what you logged before the revamp for gems/items, that'd be great. I just want to double check my records. Smile (If not logged, just give me a list of powers for the characters.)

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - SirDio - 05-13-2024

(05-07-2024, 11:46 PM)Orion Wrote: @AstralBeing200x @rhosmari
If you could include what you logged before the revamp for gems/items, that'd be great. I just want to double check my records. Smile (If not logged, just give me a list of powers for the characters.)


Powers - Conjuration, Cuisine Pelt (2), Air Elemental (2), electricity elemental, fire elemental (4), large mythic (8), small mythic (4), Possession (4), Shapeshifting (6), Clairvoyance (3), Zombification, Aesthetic Elements (2), Earth Elements (2), Mental manip/comm (2), enhanced senses, invisibility, water elemental, jump boost, wall walker, mental bond, telekinesis, and hybrid

gems (adjust as needed/if needed) - I had 4852, with 30948 in the bank at the time i counted everything (ik you said i had more because interest)

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - rhosmari - 05-14-2024

;-; I didn't get to log cause I was super busy but I had a lot of stuff umm

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - dofferz - 05-15-2024

i don't have anything logged, but my accounts are dofferz and dragonsbane. not sure if i had anything on either of those?

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 05-15-2024

All gems done. Need to do powers after groups are established.

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - wifewoof - 05-24-2024

request for gems of wifewoof and for the powers of PLEXUS, EVERETT, SHERBET, and NORD. I believe I had 2088 gems?? and I have written down that Plexus had aesthetic elemental, Everett had hybridization, Sherbet had cuisine pelt & odd organs, and Nord had earth elemental & large extinct/mythical animal :O

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - sykes - 05-25-2024

req'ing gems of fenway! completely forgot all the powers i had tbh i didn't write them down, but i had uhhhhh 295434 gems