Beasts of Beyond
Snakes dance ;; intro ;; In dim light - Printable Version

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Snakes dance ;; intro ;; In dim light - Tick Tack - 01-18-2024

Was she happy being left behind like this? Honestly, she didn't know. Her family was long gone and she was left to wander this marshy place alone. Well, as alone as one can be with a group lurking somewhere in the lands she wandered. Her tiny paws made little plop sounds in the mud as she moved along.

Its cold and wet.

The thought was enough to make her sigh as she stopped. Looking at a slow moving ripple on the water before her. Ears perking forward, the child let her eyes scan the water. Something made the water ripple and she stepped back from the edge. Backing herself up until she felt a tree with her long tail.

Twisting, she scrambled up the tree as swift as tiny legs would allow. A loud splash and growling below. The child scrambled up onto a branch and looked down at the large Lizard like thing under her.

[b]To close..[b] She whispered before loudly, in a shaking voice, yelling down. [b]Go away![b]

actions - [b]speech[b] - thinking - attacking