Beasts of Beyond
I NEEDED YOU TO MAKE ME BETTER ? project k - Printable Version

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I NEEDED YOU TO MAKE ME BETTER ? project k - vinicius - 08-12-2023


Since the wolf's arrival on the sandy beaches of Vinicius' coastal home, the siren had been paying him more visits than any other, or so he told himself. He could call it visiting all he wanted but he'd all but invited Project into his home until they could find him a suitable place to take shelter.

Today found the blond laying outside his occupied home and looking up at the beautiful sky, gratefully in the shade and a cracked open coconut between his paws. He'd been slaking his thirst with the coconut there, it's faintly milky taste resting on his tongue as he hummed a gentle song, tail wagging slowly against the coarse sand. Huffing a low breath he growled in relief as he stretched tense muscles, lost in thought.

[member=23818]Project K[/member]
[align=center][Image: 64798221_OjocCRdDaVBs0np.gif]

Re: I NEEDED YOU TO MAKE ME BETTER ? project k - Project K - 08-12-2023

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]NO CHANCE THAT I'LL BE OKAY
It had only been a few days, maybe a week at most, but Project had definitely felt drawn to his new friend. Vin had treated him well, and oddly enough, the blond wasn't afraid of letting a monster sleep near him. The feelings that the vampire had were... Complex, to say the least. As far as Project knew, he didn't swing that way... So why did he view the island dweller like he was a prospective partner?

Emerging from the shadows of the underbrush, the black wolf stood in front of Vinicius before he went to settle into his normal place at the others side, wordless in thought as he decided what he was going to say.