Beasts of Beyond
In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - Printable Version

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In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - Project K - 08-11-2023

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]YOU SAY GOD / I SAY SAY10
Project had finally gone home for the final time. If one was to listen close enough, they might even hear the joyous cries of his children as they frolicked around their parent's paws once more. However, this was long ago. Centuries had past since he had finally departed. Millenia, even. The lost soul had no idea how long he was away from the mortal coil, but no matter how long it was, it was never long enough. Before he had known, he felt the warmth of his mate and his pups be suddenly jerked away, the comfort of the sun replaced with the oppressive, cruel, bitter cold of ocean waves, the skies having opened up as to signify that he was being punished once more, that he was being brought back to the mortal plane yet again, that he was not allowed to rest again.

The water came from every direction, the now panicking wolf trying his best to remain above the waves as they pummeled into him, wave after wave, each crash pushing him more and more under water until he could feel the biting cold seep deep into his bones, the cutting freezing temperature fading into a dull ache. His first day back alive and he was going to drown to death. Ironic, how he, at one point, was able to control fire, just to be drowned the first day he had back alive.



It must have felt like hours that Project was watching the bubbles escape his maw, his vision constricting and fading to black, the sunshine tinted green through the wine dark ocean. At least I can be back with them soon... were the thoughts in his mind as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness, accepting his fate.

Unfortunately for Project, this wouldn't be his fate, as before he knew it, the freezing abyss gave way into coarse sand and shells, cutting the hide of the limp creature, blood blossoming from the wounds as he was violently introduced to the jagged rocks and shells that were being washed up with him.

The storm had stolen the undead wolf, just to suck him into another abyss and then throw him to land where he would lay still, the lack of oxygen from drowning having left him unconscious, the small wounds starting to wake him with pain.

Maybe, just maybe, he was never meant to get any peace. As a sense of cosmic justice for those that he tortured, maimed and slain. Maybe that is why he is laying unconscious on some God forsaken beach.


Re: In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - vinicius - 08-12-2023


Storms were a common thing this close to the sea, in a place where cool air and warm air clashed in a violent tango. The storm had raged for so long that he hadn't known when it had stopped, he hadn't known when peace had returned to the coastal settlement until he had shouldered open the door to his hut and peered outside. The sea was coming to rest, and that was enough for him to get the idea to go check his traps, perhaps the storm had driven prey in towards the beach? Maybe it was just wishful thinking. Turning back into his home the siren picked up his wicker basket with it's steep sides and stepped back through the door and down the rickety steps, his tail raised and wagging slowly in his passage through the town's outskirts.

Pausing to glance over the tomatoes crawling up their supports, eyes peeled for bright red fruits with a lick of his lips. Maybe some of them would be ripe enough to bring home after he'd checked his traps. Humming to himself a tune he couldn't carry all that well, his steps solid and confidant as he pranced along towards the dock and his boat. Stopping in his tracks as his eyes alighted on a dark bedraggled figure slumped over on the beach, water pulling at the stranger's fur. Slowly his tail lowered from it's jovial pose and he would hop down from the dock, striding towards the stranger and sniffing the air in his approach. Humming a curious but wary note, the siren set down his basket and lowered his head, wolf-like creature sniffing Project K's body.

The scent of blood was what caught his attention first, the siren giving a trill of alarm as he moved a step down the other's body length and sniffed around, finding where he was bleeding from cuts. Lifting his head and looking around, he gave a wordless whine before tipping his head back to the sky and giving a crooning howl, hoping the sound would attract a groupmate's attention to the situation on the beach.

The other male's pelt was unfamiliar to him, his ears standing up as he considered trying to bring the other into town by himself. Looking around he lowered his head and attempted to press his snout against Project's neck in search of a pulse. Worried that the stranger wouldn't wake, the siren shifted his paws in place before laying down at the large wolf's side, attempting to grasp his scruff and drag him onto his own back to carry him back to town. He could only hope that he could shuffle the other's weight onto himself, knowing that there were not many large creatures in the group who could bear another's weight of this size.
[align=center][Image: 64798221_OjocCRdDaVBs0np.gif]

Re: In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - Project K - 08-12-2023

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]NO CHANCE THAT I'LL BE OKAY
The wolf would be picked up as if he were a ragdoll, a soft wheeze escaping him as he laid still, blood dripping from his wounds, causing the angry red scar tissue to look even worse. The normal white porcelain mask was missing, hanging from his neck where it didn't belong. For such a proud man, Project would call himself weak if he were to see what he had become, if he ever would remember who he was.

Once the duo reached the village, the newcomer was suddenly sputtering back to life, the burned, soggy wolf gasping for air as he began to spit up water, thrashing against the back of his rescuer, trying to escape from drowning before he quickly came to his senses. Project's eyes opened, the red and blue heterochromatic orbs darting around as he took in the bright light of the sun, feeling the warmth on his fur, something he hadn't felt in... Years.

Why was he feeling it? Why was he back? What was he doing here? Where was here? Everything flew through his mind as he looked around, yet to notice his masks absence from his face.

"Hey, can you let me down?" Came the weak, gruff voice of the wolf, barely a whispered request before the old wolf attempted to clamber delicately down from Vinicius' back so he could stand on his own. Who... who were these people? Where was his family? How long had he been away? He had so many questions, and he needed answers, fast. If he was taken from his family again, then... that didn't mean anything good. But what did it mean? Who was he? He couldn't remember much, just that he wasn't where he used to be.

Re: In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - vinicius - 09-25-2023


The village's border had just been crossed before the wolf on his back came alive. Giving a yip of alarm as Project thrashed, the siren freezing where he stood before the other finally calmed down. Turning his head to look back over his shoulder with animated worry in his eyes, brows furrowed as if to support the concern. Pausing as he waited for him to calm down before he spoke something, the siren only feeling the rumble of his voice against his spine. Feeling the other begin to slip from his back, Vic knelt so that Project could come off his back.

Sticking close in a silent offer of support, his ears flat with a worried pout on the deaf creature's face. Standing close but not too close once the other had regained his footing, he would proceed to shake himself off with a pitiful look back to his abandoned basket. Looking at Project and back at his basket he gave a soft whine and a huff of breath before tossing his head in the direction of the village center. Thinking for a moment, he formed his tongue to recreate words, the deaf creature giving a soft cough before trying to speak, "Hur. Hep.", he tried with a frown. He pointed with a lifted paw to Project's blood where it dripped, spinning his paw in a circle as if to imitate bandaging.
[align=center][Image: 64798221_OjocCRdDaVBs0np.gif]

Re: In Spite of The Pain, Ego Brain // Open, Appearance - Project K - 09-26-2023

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]NO CHANCE THAT I'LL BE OKAY
The wolf stood shakily on his own feet, watching the siren intently as he did his best to try to focus on what was being mimed. Bandage? Why do I need to be bandaged? He thought, raising a paw to his face, feeling his own blood drip down and staining the earth below him.

Ah. That'd do it. Came the next thought, his silence seeming charged as he did his best to figure out what had happened to him already. Project's head was spinning and pounding, leaving him at a loss for words as he stared at the pool of droplets beneath him, taking deep breaths of the sweet air he wasn't yet accustomed to.