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NIGHTS [return/joining] - Printable Version

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NIGHTS [return/joining] - Kydobi - 06-04-2023


[OOC: I just got a pc and decided to give this a try without telling anyone. ANY PRIOR ATTEMPTS AT A RETURN DO NOT COUNT LOL,  FYI he didn't wait at the border, he traveled through the jungle canopy then snuck through to the central plaza. OPEN TO ALL. ]

How much time had passed since? How many years had rolled by? How much had changed? Who now took pride in ruling this forbidden place?

Turn around.

This awful, rotten, hedonistic, impulsive, and violent place. It was a pit, a place you could never really truly leave. For to survive you would have to do things that followed you forever. Demons dwelling in the back of your mind. Guilt disguised as memories always tapping on your shoulder, making you turn around expecting to see something. Sometimes he did. Sometimes he would get stuck in that horrible moment. The slaughter and betrayal.

How many times will he die for this place till he learns?


His body was begging him. His heart was deafening, it was not like the coolheaded jaguar to be so on edge. It wasn't like who he used to be, who he thought he still was. Yet despite the tightness in his chest and twisting tight feeling in his belly... he kept walking. Kydobi wasn't thinking. A creature of habit, drawn by instinct or perhaps desperation to the only familiar thing he had. What's the worst that could happen? Do some kill him? Again? He could only wish to sleep forever.

A flash of darkness. A cold mildewy smell. No sound, no feeling, just isolation. Waiting. That was what death was for him. You don't remember who you were or what happened. All you knew was what you felt, and you felt that you were someone. Yet all you are is that excruciating waiting feeling. Nothing more. Until he would wake in his body, not sure where he was or how he got there. The last time he was covered in dirt, he would rise with the scars on his body and familiar faces thankful for his return.

This time he didn't arise. This time he just was. Brand new pelt, no scars to prove he earned his keep. Nothing told his story of how he fought and waited till he ruled. Nothing of the prior ardent. So why am I here? The man let out a hmph at his thoughts. It was all he knew.

The gunslinger was making quick work of the desert, dust was kicked up behind his massive paws. It was a solid and consistent gait that carried him. Long muscular trunks would extend, flexing as they pulled him forward.


It was the darkest hour, in the one to follow there would be the pink hues of sunrise on the horizon. The ashy soot had collected on his paws from the dead forest. Another thing killed during his time. Did the alliance and treaty still hold? Once again, the brute found himself trying to figure out how long he had been... He neared the jungle and swiftly traveled his way through the terrain, ghosting through trees when he did not feel the need to go around. A small feeling of pride and entitlement snuck its way in. This was his jungle. He may not rule it anymore, but it was what he knew. The man quickly made his mind up that he would not stay a desperado. There would be no more denying it, no more hate, no more finding your way. No. More. Dying.

No more trusting. These people are what they always were. Monsters. He had died too many times trying to save them. Trying to change them. Trying to help everyone. He was going to live and keep living no matter who he had to claw through. The shadow walked his way through to the central plaza. The sun had now halfway risen, and life was starting to come to the marketplace. His eyes would move to the throne and he felt molten rage. Smoke had begun to chuff its way out his nostrils when he saw his skull. So that was what they made of him? Just another grotesque spectacle. None of his previous members tried to show respect and bury it. What of all his lovers?

Just another fool. Another righteous fool.

Not anymore.

The majority of the pittians were too busy with their morning tasks to notice him. Maybe there wasn't as much unity as there once was. Or perhaps Kydobi strode around as if he belonged there. Of course, he would get a few stares, some people would brush it off as quickly as it came. For now, he would sit by a waterfall and groom the soot and dust off his body. If anybody came to question him then so be it. If no one did then he would assimilate quickly.


Re: NIGHTS [return/joining] - bai shi - 06-04-2023

Time had a way of playing games, a way of making everything distorted. Many legacies were buried and manipulated with time. They knew that much first hand. Just how many of their own story had been rewritten, they would never know. How many of the dead were still dead and gone? How many had returned? How many enemies still remained?

They'd been staying around the territory more often as of late. They'd lost another person they had trusted enough to get close to them. Another dead and gone. Another body buried. Another friend lost. Sometimes, being blind was a blessing. They had never gotten the chance to see her, never had they been able to put a face to her scent and voice. Somehow it was easier and harder.

This morning had them out of their house and doing menial things. This morning also found them in a body different to their usual golden dragon form, in a shape that Kydobi once would have known, back when they had talked to one another. A different time, a different life. Today, they could probably walk past one another without ever knowing.

Head down, busy in menial tasks of moving logs, thoughts consumed by the task of cresting the aquaducts. Perhaps it would be easier to be in their dragon body but at least in this form they could mote easily tell when creatures were in their path. Jaws locked into the wood they were hauling, neck muscles straining as they huffed and puffed, tugging the downed tree in the direction they desired, out towards the planned area for building. They would need to acquire their dragon body for digging the trenches they wished to use.

Pausing as a new scent reached the working god, releasing the thin trunk they dragged with a loud thud!. Jaws spread from the strain and to drink in the new scent, dark head raising as their horns became tangled in a nearby vendor's leather strips. Snorting an apology, the Marauder freed their head after a moment of struggle and shook their body out, pale blue eyes scouring the faces in the plaza. They wouldn't recognize the faces there, but they had hope that they would recognize a stranger in their midst, at least by scent alone. Closing their mouth qith a huff, shaking their head. Who were they kidding, finding a stranger in this mess of scents was next to impossible. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack level of impossible.

Picking up the log with a soft growl of annoyance, more with themself for getting distracted, the dark feline would continue their pace forward. If there was a stranger, maybe somebody else would notice them? Dragging their log closer to Kydobi, they would pause as the strange scent reached them again with the aid of the morning breeze. Snorting as the log creaked in their grip, barely seeing eyes grazed over Kydobi, nose and whiskers twitching as the beast scented the air. Stopping again, they traced the elusive scent once they got a better hold of it, ears swiveling before standing as they traced the new scent to the dark jaguar sitting by a waterfall, nose crinkling as they stared for a second before dropping their log and licking their scarred lips. Issuing a low cough to clear their throat, "You there. Are you new here?", They may as well fill one of their other duties by reaching out to a potential newcomer. Strange that they would have come all the way into the territory. Well, it wasn't their area to be concerned with, not over the borders or their security. They would just battle any fool brazen enough to enter their territory to cause shit.

[Image: 61538585_L2lE8TNSX3p10CU.gif]

Re: NIGHTS [return/joining] - Kydobi - 06-18-2023


[OOC: sorry for the late reply lol]

A significant amount of time had passed and time did what time does best. Kydobi forgot a lot of things he once swore he never would. That was why he would not recognize the god he once swore was his soulmate.

Say their name and memories would flood back. Great detail of the event itself and the way it made him feel. However, the lines got blurry in terms of the actual person. Major details could be recalled, the golden scales, the fiery hues, and the warm embrace of a tail curled around him. The important things like their voice, smell, and way they walked.... all the things that made Bai an individual was gone. Perhaps they died too.

So when this blind, weak, working excuse of a jaguar came towards the brute they would not be recognized.

"You there. Are you new here?" Kydobi's eyes flickered up. He took a moment to assess the one standing before him and quickly dismissively waved his paw.

"If I was what concern would it be to you?" His right ear twitched as he snorted, "Mind your task at hand before you come to me"


Re: NIGHTS [return/joining] - bai shi - 06-18-2023

There were too many times when the god had allowed themself to sink into their memories, to live and wallow in grief they could not care to pull themself from. As a creature that lived for a lot longer than they had ever wished for, they had more time than others to live with their grief and guilt, and as time had worn on, it had begun to eat at them. The nature of a god of war generally ended up with the individual being a person who bore their anger deep into their heart, and often times they ended up going mad themselves. It was madness to oversee war, something would have happened to them anyway.

The past hadn't left Bai Shi, no. They could still recall Kydobi, they could still remember the man they had once loved and squandered that love on a stupid reason. They'd found themself alone again, the temptation of company had been too strong to ignore and they'd been greedy in the past. That was the vice of being a dragon, and a god, they could have supposed. Today was just another blink of an eye, another passing of time in mindless continuity. The only difference about today was the stranger in the middle of the camp. Ears twitching as the other beast spoke, the neutral expression on their face fading as Kydobi spoke. Blind eyes glinted as his words reached them, finding themself annoyed by the dismissal. He wouldn't know who they were, or what rank they held in this godforsaken group.

"If you were, it would be a concern to me as a person of some authority in this group, stranger. My tasks can wait until we get this all ... figured out.", they returned. Perhaps it would be best for one of the newly announced Councilmen to appear and handle these matters, they honestly didn't want to deal with new people. They could acknowledge that they weren't the friendliest, and not very many in this group liked their presence for many a thing. "Mind giving me a name to call you by? I could do the same."

[Image: 61538585_L2lE8TNSX3p10CU.gif]